blob: e325088a330aa6748394563ac15af588f8cedc07 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Definitions for the telemetry API exposed by the cros_healthd daemon. This
// API is normally consumed by the browser and the telem command-line tool.
// NOTE: This mojom should be kept in sync with the copy in Chromium's repo in
// src/chrome/services/cros_healthd/public/mojom/cros_healthd_telemetry.mojom.
module chromeos.cros_healthd.mojom;
// Enumeration of each of the retrievable telemetry items.
enum TelemetryItemEnum {
kMemTotal = 0, // Amount of physical RAM.
kMemFree = 1, // Amount of unused physical RAM .
kNumRunnableEntities =
2, // Number of currently runnable kernel scheduling entities.
kNumExistingEntities =
3, // Number of kernel scheduling entities that currently exist on the
// system.
kTotalIdleTime = 4, // Total idle time for the system.
kIdleTimePerCPU = 5, // Idle time per logical CPU.
// Enumeration of each of the retrievable telemetry groups.
enum TelemetryGroupEnum {
kMemory = 0,
// --------------------- Start of telemetry data definitions -------------------
struct MemTotal {
int32 mem_total_mebibytes@0;
struct MemFree {
int32 mem_free_mebibytes@0;
struct NumRunnableEntities {
int32 num_runnable_entities@0;
struct NumExistingEntities {
int32 num_existing_entities@0;
struct TotalIdleTime {
string total_idle_time_user_hz@0;
struct IdleTimePerCPU {
array<string> idle_time_per_cpu_user_hz@0;
// --------------------- End of telemetry data definitions ---------------------
// Collection of all telemetry data which can be retrieved.
union TelemetryItemData {
MemTotal mem_total@0;
MemFree mem_free@1;
NumRunnableEntities num_runnable_entities@2;
NumExistingEntities num_existing_entities@3;
TotalIdleTime total_idle_time@4;
IdleTimePerCPU idle_time_per_cpu@5;
// Associates telemetry data with a TelemetryItemEnum.
struct TelemetryItemWithValue {
TelemetryItemEnum item@0;
TelemetryItemData data@1;