blob: 910c91ea4c6eba8a147c10ed97af614bb5edcea4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// API exposed by the cros_healthd daemon. This API is normally consumed by the
// browser and the telem and diag command-line tools.
// NOTE: This mojom should be kept in sync with the copy in Chromium's repo in
// src/chrome/services/cros_healthd/public/mojom/cros_healthd.mojom.
module chromeos.cros_healthd.mojom;
import "cros_healthd_diagnostics.mojom";
import "cros_healthd_probe.mojom";
import "cros_healthd_telemetry.mojom";
// Interface exposed by the cros_healthd daemon.
interface CrosHealthdService {
// ------------------- Start of telemetry definitions -----------------------
// Retrieves telemetry data corresponding to |item|. The returned data will be
// null if |item| was invalid, or if there was an error retrieving the data.
GetTelemetryItem(TelemetryItemEnum item) => (TelemetryItemData? item_data);
// Retrieves telemetry data for every telemetry item in |group|. Any
// individual piece of data will be omitted from the response if there was an
// error retrieving data for that item.
GetTelemetryGroup(TelemetryGroupEnum group)
=> (array<TelemetryItemWithValue> group_data);
// ------------------- End of telemetry definitions -------------------------
// ------------------- Start of diagnostics definitions ---------------------
// Returns an array of all diagnostic routines that the platform supports.
=> (array<DiagnosticRoutineEnum> available_routines);
// Requests that a new diagnostic routine is created and started on the
// platform.
// The request:
// * |routine| - the diagnostic routine to create and start.
// * |params| - routine-specific parameters, which are passed to the new
// routine.
// The response:
// * |uuid| - a unique identifier for the newly-created routine. A uuid of
// kFailedToStartUuid means that the routine was unable to be
// created.
// * |status| - current status of the newly-created routine. A status of
// kFailedToStart means the routine was unable to be created.
RunRoutine(DiagnosticRoutineEnum routine, RoutineParameters params)
=> (int32 uuid, DiagnosticRoutineStatusEnum status);
// Sends commands to an existing routine. Also returns status information for
// the routine.
// The request:
// * |uuid| - identifier which specifies which routine the command will be
// sent to. This must be the same uuid that was returned from the
// RunRoutine function call used to create the routine.
// * |command| - command to send the routine.
// * |include_output| - whether or not the response should include any output
// accumulated from the routine.
// The response:
// * |routine_update| - status information for the specified routine. See
// cros_healthd_diagnostics.mojom for the structure.
GetRoutineUpdate(int32 uuid, DiagnosticRoutineCommandEnum command,
bool include_output)
=> (RoutineUpdate routine_update);
// ------------------- End of diagnostics definitions -----------------------
// ------------------- Start of probe definitions ---------------------
// Returns an array of all batteries and associated up-to-date info.
=> (array<BatteryInfo> batteries);
// Returns an array of all non-removable block devices and associated
// up-to-date info.
=> (array<NonRemovableBlockDeviceInfo> devices);
// ------------------- End of probe definitions -----------------------