blob: a2e05660b30816254a28775364e67869fcba5a37 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
// Common helper methods for stub executables.
namespace authpolicy {
extern const int kExitCodeOk;
extern const int kExitCodeError;
// Realms.
extern const char kUserRealm[];
extern const char kMachineRealm[];
// Default, valid user name.
extern const char kUserName[];
// Default, valid user principal.
extern const char kUserPrincipal[];
// Triggers a parse error in SambaInterface code (UPN malformed).
extern const char kInvalidUserPrincipal[];
// Triggers bad user error in kinit and net ads join (user does not exist).
extern const char kNonExistingUserPrincipal[];
// Triggers network error in kinit and net ads join.
extern const char kNetworkErrorUserPrincipal[];
// Triggers an access denied error in net ads join (user cannot add machines).
extern const char kAccessDeniedUserPrincipal[];
// Triggers an error in kinit if krb5.conf contains the KDC IP, which causes
// SambaInterface to retry kinit without KDC IP in krb5.conf.
extern const char kKdcRetryUserPrincipal[];
// Same as above, but the second try fails as well.
extern const char kKdcRetryFailsUserPrincipal[];
// Triggers quota error in net ads join (user cannot add additional machines).
extern const char kInsufficientQuotaUserPrincipal[];
// Triggers 'KDC has no support for encryption type' error in net ads join.
extern const char kEncTypeNotSupportedUserPrincipal[];
// Triggers kinit to produce a TGT that klist interprets as expired.
extern const char kExpiredTgtUserPrincipal[];
// Triggers net ads search to return |kPasswordChangedAccountId| as objectGUID.
extern const char kPasswordChangedUserPrincipal[];
// Corresponding user name.
extern const char kPasswordChangedUserName[];
// Triggers net ads search to return |kNoPwdFieldsAccountId| as objectGUID.
extern const char kNoPwdFieldsUserPrincipal[];
// Corresponding user name.
extern const char kNoPwdFieldsUserName[];
// Triggers an error in net ads join for missing or bad createcomputer argument.
extern const char kExpectOuUserPrincipal[];
// 'createcomputer' argument tested by the kExpectOuUserPrincipal check. Equals
// a distinguished name made from kExpectedOuParts and kUserRealm.
extern const char kExpectedOuCreatecomputer[];
// Array of organizational unit names used for the kExpectOuUserPrincipal check.
extern const char* kExpectedOuParts[];
// Array size of kExpectedOuParts.
extern const size_t kExpectedOuPartsSize;
// Misc account information, used to test whether they're properly parsed and
// encoded.
extern const char kDisplayName[];
extern const char kGivenName[];
extern const char kCommonName[];
extern const uint64_t kPwdLastSet;
extern const uint32_t kUserAccountControl;
// Default, valid account id (aka objectGUID).
extern const char kAccountId[];
// Alternative, valid account id.
extern const char kAltAccountId[];
// Triggers a net ads search error when searching for this objectGUID.
extern const char kBadAccountId[];
// Triggers "pwdLastSet=0" in net ads search.
extern const char kExpiredPasswordAccountId[];
// Triggers "pwdLastSet=0" and a userAccountControl flag to never expire the
// password in net ads search.
extern const char kNeverExpirePasswordAccountId[];
// Triggers a different pwdLastSet timestamp in net ads search.
extern const char kPasswordChangedAccountId[];
// Triggers missing pwdLastSet and userAccountControl fields in net ads search.
extern const char kNoPwdFieldsAccountId[];
// Default, valid Kerberos crendentials cache contents (in particular, TGT).
extern const char kValidKrb5CCData[];
// Triggers a "TGT expired" message in klist.
extern const char kExpiredKrb5CCData[];
// Default, valid password.
extern const char kPassword[];
// Triggers a wrong/bad password error in kinit.
extern const char kWrongPassword[];
// Triggers "expired password" error in kinit.
extern const char kExpiredPassword[];
// Triggers "rejected password" error in kinit.
extern const char kRejectedPassword[];
// Triggers "password will expire" warning in kinit.
extern const char kWillExpirePassword[];
// Default, valid machine name.
extern const char kMachineName[];
// Triggers a "machine name is too long" error in net ads join.
extern const char kTooLongMachineName[];
// Triggers an "invalid machine name" error in net ads join (machine name
// contains invalid chars).
extern const char kInvalidMachineName[];
// Triggers a "bad machine error" in kinit (machine doesn't exist).
extern const char kNonExistingMachineName[];
// Triggers a completely empty GPO list in net ads gpo list.
extern const char kEmptyGpoMachineName[];
// Triggers a GPO download error in net ads gpo list.
extern const char kGpoDownloadErrorMachineName[];
// Triggers downloading one GPO with user/machine versions > 0 and no flags.
extern const char kOneGpoMachineName[];
// Triggers downloading two GPOs with user/machine versions > 0 and no flags.
extern const char kTwoGposMachineName[];
// Triggers downloading a GPO with user version 0.
extern const char kZeroUserVersionMachineName[];
// Triggers downloading a GPO with the kGpFlagUserDisabled flag set.
extern const char kDisableUserFlagMachineName[];
// Triggers downloading GPO1 for the user and GPO2 for the device. Used to test
// loopback processing for user policy.
extern const char kLoopbackGpoMachineName[];
// Triggers kinit to expect a keytab instead of a password.
extern const char kExpectKeytabMachineName[];
// Triggers net ads info to print a server time later than password write time +
// kDefaultMachinePasswordChangeRateDays, which should cause a password change.
extern const char kChangePasswordMachineName[];
// Triggers kinit to be retried a few times for the machine TGT (simulates that
// the account hasn't propagated yet).
extern const char kPropagationRetryMachineName[];
// How many times an account propagation error is simulated if
// |kPropagationRetryMachineName| is used.
const int kNumPropagationRetries = 15;
// Stub GPO GUID, triggers a "download" of testing GPO 1 in smbclient.
extern const char kGpo1Guid[];
// Stub GPO GUID, triggers a "download" of testing GPO 2 in smbclient.
extern const char kGpo2Guid[];
// Stub GPO GUID, triggers a GPO download error in smbclient.
extern const char kErrorGpoGuid[];
// Filename of stub GPO 1 file. This PREG file is written by tests and smbclient
// can be triggered to "download" it, e.g. by using kOneGpoMachineName.
extern const char kGpo1Filename[];
// Filename of stub GPO 2 file. "Download" can be triggered by using
// kTwoGposMachineName.
extern const char kGpo2Filename[];
// Filename of the expected machine password. stub_kinit fails if the file
// exists and the contained machine password does not match.
extern const char kExpectedMachinePassFilename[];
// Returns |argv[1] + " " + argv[2] + " " + ... + argv[argc-1]|.
std::string GetCommandLine(int argc, const char* const* argv);
// Gets the arg value following |name|, e.g. in a command line
// "kinit -c krb5cc_file", calling GetArgValue("-c") would return 'krb5cc_file'.
std::string GetArgValue(int argc, const char* const* argv, const char* name);
// Shortcut for base::StartsWith with case-sensitive comparison.
bool StartsWithCaseSensitive(const std::string& str, const char* search_for);
// Writes to stdout and stderr.
void WriteOutput(const std::string& stdout_str, const std::string& stderr_str);
// Reads the keytab file path from the environment. Returns an empty string on
// error.
std::string GetKeytabFilePath();
// Reads the Kerberos configuration file path from the environment. Returns an
// empty string on error.
std::string GetKrb5ConfFilePath();
// Reads the Kerberos credentials cache file path from the environment. Returns
// an empty string on error.
std::string GetKrb5CCFilePath();
// Checks that |password| is UTF-8 encoded and 256 characters long.
void CheckMachinePassword(const std::string& password);
} // namespace authpolicy