blob: 13bb17687c39e9a721db5cd60ca70497949f9a9e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
#include "base/at_exit.h"
#include "base/bind.h"
#include "base/run_loop.h"
#include "base/sys_info.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "metrics/cumulative_metrics.h"
#include "metrics/persistent_integer_test_base.h"
using chromeos_metrics::CumulativeMetrics;
namespace chromeos_metrics {
namespace {
constexpr char kMetricNameX[] = "x.pi";
constexpr char kMetricNameY[] = "y.pi";
constexpr int kTotalReportCount = 3;
static int accumulator_update_partial_count = 0;
static int accumulator_update_total_count = 0;
static int accumulator_report_count = 0;
} // namespace
class CumulativeMetricsTest : public PersistentIntegerTestBase {
static void UpdateAccumulators(CumulativeMetrics *cm) {
cm->Add(kMetricNameX, 111);
cm->Add(kMetricNameY, 222);
static void ReportAccumulators(CumulativeMetrics *cm) {
// The first call is done at initialization, to possibly report metrics
// accumulated in the previous cycle. We ignore it because we want to
// test through at least one cycle.
if (accumulator_report_count >= 1) {
EXPECT_EQ(cm->Get(kMetricNameX), 111 * accumulator_update_partial_count);
EXPECT_EQ(cm->Get(kMetricNameY), 222 * accumulator_update_partial_count);
// Quit loop.
if (accumulator_report_count == kTotalReportCount) {
accumulator_update_partial_count = 0;
accumulator_report_count += 1;
TEST_F(CumulativeMetricsTest, TestLoop) {
base::MessageLoop message_loop;
std::vector<std::string> names = {kMetricNameX, kMetricNameY};
CumulativeMetrics cm(
// We don't want to rely on a precise number of calls to the update or report
// callbacks because load on the buildbot can vary a lot, and also there are
// uncertainties as to when the QuitNow() is effective. But we expect at
// least kTotalReportCount + 1 calls, no matter how loaded the system is,
// because QuitNow() is called only after that many reports.
EXPECT_GE(accumulator_report_count, kTotalReportCount + 1);
// We also expect at least kTotalReportCount calls to the update callback.
EXPECT_GE(accumulator_update_total_count, kTotalReportCount);
} // namespace chromeos_metrics