blob: 1cb956771f209fa36ed80048a53eea52098257b1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "typecd/partner.h"
#include <gmock/gmock.h>
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
#include "typecd/test_constants.h"
namespace typecd {
namespace {
// Some SVIDs and VDOs we can use to populate the AltMode list.
const uint16_t kDPSvid = 0xff01;
const uint32_t kDPVdo = 0x1c46;
const uint16_t kTBTSvid = 0x8087;
const uint32_t kTBTVdo = 0x1;
MATCHER_P2(AltModeMatcher, svid, vdo, "") {
return svid == arg->svid_ && vdo == arg->vdo_;
} // namespace
class PartnerTest : public ::testing::Test {};
// Check that calls of AddAltMode() done explicitly function correctly.
TEST_F(PartnerTest, TestAltModeManualAddition) {
Partner p((base::FilePath(kFakePort0PartnerSysPath)));
p.AddAltMode(0, kDPSvid, kDPVdo);
p.AddAltMode(1, kTBTSvid, kTBTVdo);
// Bogus index.
EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, p.GetAltMode(2));
// Retrieve an altmode pointer, given an index.
AltMode* altmode = p.GetAltMode(1);
EXPECT_THAT(altmode, AltModeMatcher(kTBTSvid, kTBTVdo));
EXPECT_THAT(2, p.alt_modes_.size());
} // namespace typecd