blob: f989201d00eaf0276de9c2d1714a6b7ca40ffbeb [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
# Copyright 2018 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
group("all") {
deps = [ ":smbproviderd" ]
if (use.test) {
deps += [ ":smbprovider_test" ]
if (use.fuzzer) {
deps += [ ":netbios_packet_fuzzer" ]
pkg_config("target_defaults") {
pkg_deps = [
# system_api depends on protobuf (or protobuf-lite). It must
# appear before protobuf or the linker flags won"t be in the right
# order.
if (use.fuzzer) {
pkg_deps += [ "protobuf" ]
} else {
pkg_deps += [ "protobuf-lite" ]
generate_dbus_adaptors("smbproviderd_adaptors") {
dbus_adaptors_out_dir = "include/dbus_adaptors"
dbus_service_config = "dbus_bindings/dbus-service-config.json"
new_fd_bindings = true
sources = [ "dbus_bindings/org.chromium.SmbProvider.xml" ]
static_library("libsmbprovider") {
configs += [ ":target_defaults" ]
deps = [ ":smbproviderd_adaptors" ]
sources = [
executable("smbproviderd") {
configs += [ ":target_defaults" ]
deps = [ ":libsmbprovider" ]
sources = [ "" ]
libs = [ "installattributes" ]
# Unit tests.
if (use.test) {
pkg_config("smbprovider_test_config") {
pkg_deps = [ "libchrome-test-${libbase_ver}" ]
executable("smbprovider_test") {
configs += [
deps = [
sources = [
# Fuzzer target.
if (use.fuzzer) {
executable("netbios_packet_fuzzer") {
configs += [
deps = [ ":libsmbprovider" ]
sources = [ "" ]