blob: 1d68818b33ae690eef81a6f247ed89fccf08f84f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <base/files/file_path.h>
#include <base/memory/weak_ptr.h>
#include <brillo/message_loops/message_loop.h>
#include <dlcservice/proto_bindings/dlcservice.pb.h>
#include <gtest/gtest_prod.h> // for FRIEND_TEST
#include <imageloader/dbus-proxies.h>
#include <update_engine/proto_bindings/update_engine.pb.h>
#include <update_engine/dbus-proxies.h>
#include "dlcservice/dlc.h"
#include "dlcservice/dlc_manager.h"
#include "dlcservice/system_state.h"
namespace dlcservice {
class DlcServiceInterface {
virtual ~DlcServiceInterface() = default;
// Initializes the state of dlcservice.
virtual void Initialize() = 0;
virtual bool Install(const DlcId& id,
const std::string& omaha_url,
brillo::ErrorPtr* err) = 0;
virtual bool Uninstall(const std::string& id, brillo::ErrorPtr* err) = 0;
virtual bool Purge(const std::string& id, brillo::ErrorPtr* err) = 0;
virtual const DlcBase* GetDlc(const DlcId& id, brillo::ErrorPtr* err) = 0;
virtual DlcIdList GetInstalled() = 0;
virtual DlcIdList GetExistingDlcs() = 0;
virtual DlcIdList GetDlcsToUpdate() = 0;
virtual bool InstallCompleted(const DlcIdList& ids,
brillo::ErrorPtr* err) = 0;
virtual bool UpdateCompleted(const DlcIdList& ids, brillo::ErrorPtr* err) = 0;
// DlcService manages life-cycles of DLCs (Downloadable Content) and provides an
// API for the rest of the system to install/uninstall DLCs.
class DlcService : public DlcServiceInterface {
static const size_t kUECheckTimeout = 5;
~DlcService() override;
void Initialize() override;
bool Install(const DlcId& id,
const std::string& omaha_url,
brillo::ErrorPtr* err) override;
bool Uninstall(const std::string& id, brillo::ErrorPtr* err) override;
bool Purge(const std::string& id, brillo::ErrorPtr* err) override;
DlcIdList GetInstalled() override;
DlcIdList GetExistingDlcs() override;
const DlcBase* GetDlc(const DlcId& id, brillo::ErrorPtr* err) override;
DlcIdList GetDlcsToUpdate() override;
bool InstallCompleted(const DlcIdList& ids, brillo::ErrorPtr* err) override;
bool UpdateCompleted(const DlcIdList& ids, brillo::ErrorPtr* err) override;
friend class DlcServiceTest;
FRIEND_TEST(DlcServiceTest, InstallCannotSetDlcActiveValue);
FRIEND_TEST(DlcServiceTest, OnStatusUpdateSignalTest);
FRIEND_TEST(DlcServiceTest, MountFailureTest);
FRIEND_TEST(DlcServiceTest, OnStatusUpdateSignalDlcRootTest);
FRIEND_TEST(DlcServiceTest, OnStatusUpdateSignalNoRemountTest);
FRIEND_TEST(DlcServiceTest, ReportingFailureCleanupTest);
FRIEND_TEST(DlcServiceTest, ReportingFailureSignalTest);
FRIEND_TEST(DlcServiceTest, ProbableUpdateEngineRestartCleanupTest);
FRIEND_TEST(DlcServiceTest, UpdateEngineFailAfterSignalsSafeTest);
FRIEND_TEST(DlcServiceTest, OnStatusUpdateSignalDownloadProgressTest);
// Install the DLC with ID |id| through update_engine by sending a request to
// it.
bool InstallWithUpdateEngine(const DlcId& id,
const std::string& omaha_url,
brillo::ErrorPtr* err);
// Sends a signal indicating failure to install and cleans up prepped DLC(s).
void SendFailedSignalAndCleanup();
// Handles status result from update_engine. Returns false if the installation
// fails. Returns true if installation was successful or the installation is
// not yet completed.
bool HandleStatusResult(const update_engine::StatusResult& status_result,
brillo::ErrorPtr* err);
// The periodic check that runs as a delayed task that checks update_engine
// status during an install to make sure update_engine is active.
void PeriodicInstallCheck();
// Schedules the method |PeriodicInstallCheck()| to be ran at a later time,
// taking as an argument a boolean |retry| that determines a once retry when
// update_engine indicates an idle status while dlcservice expects an install.
void SchedulePeriodicInstallCheck(bool retry);
// Gets update_engine's operation status.
bool GetUpdateEngineStatus(update_engine::Operation* operation);
// Called on receiving update_engine's |StatusUpdate| signal.
void OnStatusUpdateAdvancedSignal(
const update_engine::StatusResult& status_result);
// Called on being connected to update_engine's |StatusUpdate| signal.
void OnStatusUpdateAdvancedSignalConnected(const std::string& interface_name,
const std::string& signal_name,
bool success);
// Called when we are connected to the session_manager's |SessionStateChanged|
// signal.
void OnSessionStateChangedSignalConnected(const std::string& interface_name,
const std::string& signal_name,
bool success);
// Called when the session state changes (user logs in or logs out).
void OnSessionStateChangedSignal(const std::string& state);
std::unique_ptr<DlcManager> dlc_manager_{};
// Holds the ML task id of the delayed |PeriodicInstallCheck()| if an install
// is in progress.
brillo::MessageLoop::TaskId scheduled_period_ue_check_id_;
// Indicates whether a retry to check update_engine's status during an install
// needs to happen to make sure the install completion signal is not lost.
bool scheduled_period_ue_check_retry_ = false;
base::WeakPtrFactory<DlcService> weak_ptr_factory_;
DlcService(const DlcService&) = delete;
DlcService& operator=(const DlcService&) = delete;
} // namespace dlcservice