blob: 6fe903828e4d4389ef2af86ff2ef29ea59548d19 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "chaps/object_pool_impl.h"
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <base/logging.h>
#include <base/synchronization/lock.h>
#include <base/synchronization/waitable_event.h>
#include "chaps/chaps.h"
#include "chaps/chaps_factory.h"
#include "chaps/chaps_utility.h"
#include "chaps/handle_generator.h"
#include "chaps/object.h"
#include "chaps/object_importer.h"
#include "chaps/object_store.h"
#include "chaps/proto_bindings/attributes.pb.h"
using base::AutoLock;
using base::AutoUnlock;
using brillo::SecureBlob;
using std::map;
using std::shared_ptr;
using std::string;
using std::vector;
using Result = chaps::ObjectPool::Result;
namespace chaps {
ObjectPoolImpl::ObjectPoolImpl(ChapsFactory* factory,
HandleGenerator* handle_generator,
ObjectStore* store,
ObjectImporter* importer)
: factory_(factory),
finish_import_required_(false) {}
ObjectPoolImpl::~ObjectPoolImpl() {}
bool ObjectPoolImpl::Init() {
AutoLock lock(lock_);
if (store_.get()) {
if (!LoadPublicObjects())
return false;
// Import legacy objects. The existence of the 'imported' blob indicates
// that legacy objects have already been imported. The contents of this blob
// are ignored.
AutoUnlock unlock(lock_);
string imported_blob;
if (importer_.get() && !GetInternalBlob(kImportedTracker, &imported_blob)) {
finish_import_required_ = importer_->ImportObjects(this);
if (!SetInternalBlob(kImportedTracker, imported_blob)) {
LOG(WARNING) << "Failed to set the import tracker.";
} else {
// There are no objects to load.
is_private_loaded_ = true;
return true;
bool ObjectPoolImpl::GetInternalBlob(int blob_id, string* blob) {
AutoLock lock(lock_);
if (store_.get())
return store_->GetInternalBlob(blob_id, blob);
return false;
bool ObjectPoolImpl::SetInternalBlob(int blob_id, const string& blob) {
AutoLock lock(lock_);
if (store_.get())
return store_->SetInternalBlob(blob_id, blob);
return false;
bool ObjectPoolImpl::SetEncryptionKey(const SecureBlob& key) {
AutoLock lock(lock_);
if (key.empty())
LOG(WARNING) << "WARNING: Private object services will not be available.";
if (store_.get() && !key.empty()) {
if (!store_->SetEncryptionKey(key))
return false;
// Once we have the encryption key we can load private objects.
if (!LoadPrivateObjects())
LOG(WARNING) << "Failed to load private objects.";
if (finish_import_required_) {
// Unlock because FinishImportAsync inserts objects into this pool.
AutoUnlock unlock(lock_);
if (!importer_->FinishImportAsync(this))
LOG(WARNING) << "Failed to finish importing objects.";
// Signal any callers waiting for private objects that they're ready.
is_private_loaded_ = true;
return true;
Result ObjectPoolImpl::Insert(Object* object) {
// If it's a private object we need to wait until private objects have been
// loaded.
if (object->IsPrivate() && !is_private_loaded_) {
return Result::WaitForPrivateObjects;
return Import(object);
Result ObjectPoolImpl::Import(Object* object) {
AutoLock lock(lock_);
if (objects_.find(object) != objects_.end())
return Result::Failure;
if (store_.get()) {
ObjectBlob serialized;
if (!Serialize(object, &serialized))
return Result::Failure;
// Parsing the serialized blob will normalize the object attribute values.
// e.g. If the caller specified 32-bits for a CK_ULONG on a 64-bit system,
// the value will be resized correctly.
if (!Parse(serialized, object))
return Result::Failure;
int store_id;
if (!store_->InsertObjectBlob(serialized, &store_id))
return Result::Failure;
handle_object_map_[object->handle()] = shared_ptr<const Object>(object);
return Result::Success;
Result ObjectPoolImpl::Delete(const Object* object) {
AutoLock lock(lock_);
if (objects_.find(object) == objects_.end())
return Result::Failure;
if (store_.get()) {
// If it's a private object we need to wait until private objects have been
// loaded.
if (object->IsPrivate() && !is_private_loaded_)
return Result::WaitForPrivateObjects;
if (!store_->DeleteObjectBlob(object->store_id()))
return Result::Failure;
return Result::Success;
Result ObjectPoolImpl::DeleteAll() {
AutoLock lock(lock_);
if (store_.get())
return store_->DeleteAllObjectBlobs() ? Result::Success : Result::Failure;
return Result::Success;
Result ObjectPoolImpl::Find(const Object* search_template,
vector<const Object*>* matching_objects) {
AutoLock lock(lock_);
// If we're looking for private objects we need to wait until private objects
// have been loaded.
if (((search_template->IsAttributePresent(CKA_PRIVATE) &&
search_template->IsPrivate()) ||
(search_template->IsAttributePresent(CKA_CLASS) &&
search_template->GetObjectClass() == CKO_PRIVATE_KEY)) &&
return Result::WaitForPrivateObjects;
for (ObjectSet::iterator it = objects_.begin(); it != objects_.end(); ++it) {
if (Matches(search_template, *it))
return Result::Success;
Result ObjectPoolImpl::FindByHandle(int handle, const Object** object) {
AutoLock lock(lock_);
HandleObjectMap::iterator it = handle_object_map_.find(handle);
if (it == handle_object_map_.end())
return Result::Failure;
*object = it->second.get();
return Result::Success;
Object* ObjectPoolImpl::GetModifiableObject(const Object* object) {
return const_cast<Object*>(object);
Result ObjectPoolImpl::Flush(const Object* object) {
AutoLock lock(lock_);
if (objects_.find(object) == objects_.end())
return Result::Failure;
if (store_.get()) {
ObjectBlob serialized;
if (!Serialize(object, &serialized))
return Result::Failure;
// If it's a private object we need to wait until private objects have been
// loaded.
if (object->IsPrivate() && !is_private_loaded_)
return Result::WaitForPrivateObjects;
if (!store_->UpdateObjectBlob(object->store_id(), serialized))
return Result::Failure;
return Result::Success;
bool ObjectPoolImpl::IsPrivateLoaded() {
return is_private_loaded_;
bool ObjectPoolImpl::Matches(const Object* object_template,
const Object* object) {
const AttributeMap* attributes = object_template->GetAttributeMap();
AttributeMap::const_iterator it;
for (it = attributes->begin(); it != attributes->end(); ++it) {
if (!object->IsAttributePresent(it->first))
return false;
if (it->second != object->GetAttributeString(it->first))
return false;
return true;
bool ObjectPoolImpl::Parse(const ObjectBlob& object_blob, Object* object) {
AttributeList attribute_list;
if (!attribute_list.ParseFromString(object_blob.blob)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to parse proto-buffer.";
return false;
for (int i = 0; i < attribute_list.attribute_size(); ++i) {
const Attribute& attribute = attribute_list.attribute(i);
if (!attribute.has_value()) {
LOG(WARNING) << "No value found for attribute: " << attribute.type();
object->SetAttributeString(attribute.type(), attribute.value());
// Correct the length of integral attributes since they may have been
// serialized with a different sizeof(CK_ULONG).
if (IsIntegralAttribute(attribute.type()) &&
attribute.value().length() != sizeof(CK_ULONG)) {
CK_ULONG int_value = object->GetAttributeInt(attribute.type(), 0);
object->SetAttributeInt(attribute.type(), int_value);
if (attribute.type() == CKA_PRIVATE &&
object->IsPrivate() != object_blob.is_private) {
// Assume this object has been tampered with.
LOG(ERROR) << "Privacy attribute mismatch.";
return false;
if (!object->OnLoad()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Object's OnLoad failed.";
return false;
return true;
bool ObjectPoolImpl::Serialize(const Object* object, ObjectBlob* serialized) {
const AttributeMap* attribute_map = object->GetAttributeMap();
AttributeMap::const_iterator it;
AttributeList attribute_list;
for (it = attribute_map->begin(); it != attribute_map->end(); ++it) {
Attribute* next = attribute_list.add_attribute();
if (!attribute_list.SerializeToString(&serialized->blob)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to serialize object.";
return false;
serialized->is_private = object->IsPrivate();
return true;
bool ObjectPoolImpl::LoadBlobs(const map<int, ObjectBlob>& object_blobs) {
map<int, ObjectBlob>::const_iterator it;
for (it = object_blobs.begin(); it != object_blobs.end(); ++it) {
shared_ptr<Object> object(factory_->CreateObject());
// An object that is not parsable will be ignored.
if (Parse(it->second, object.get())) {
handle_object_map_[object->handle()] = object;
} else {
LOG(WARNING) << "Object not parsable: " << it->first;
return true;
bool ObjectPoolImpl::LoadPublicObjects() {
map<int, ObjectBlob> object_blobs;
if (!store_->LoadPublicObjectBlobs(&object_blobs))
return false;
return LoadBlobs(object_blobs);
bool ObjectPoolImpl::LoadPrivateObjects() {
map<int, ObjectBlob> object_blobs;
if (!store_->LoadPrivateObjectBlobs(&object_blobs))
return false;
return LoadBlobs(object_blobs);
} // namespace chaps