blob: ee190e6b406370f45ca2de3fa9af248dafb1a5b3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <base/compiler_specific.h>
#include <base/files/file_path.h>
#include <base/macros.h>
#include <base/memory/scoped_ptr.h>
#include <base/time/time.h>
#include <base/timer/timer.h>
#include "power_manager/common/power_constants.h"
#include "power_manager/powerd/system/input_observer.h"
namespace power_manager {
class Clock;
class DBusSenderInterface;
class PrefsInterface;
namespace system {
class DisplayWatcherInterface;
class InputWatcherInterface;
} // namespace system
namespace policy {
// InputController responds to input events (e.g. lid open/close, power button,
// etc.).
class InputController : public system::InputObserver {
// Interface for delegates responsible for performing actions on behalf of
// InputController.
class Delegate {
virtual ~Delegate() {}
// Handles the lid being closed.
virtual void HandleLidClosed() = 0;
// Handles the lid being opened.
virtual void HandleLidOpened() = 0;
// Handles the power button being pressed or released.
virtual void HandlePowerButtonEvent(ButtonState state) = 0;
// Handles hovering/proximity changes.
virtual void HandleHoverStateChanged(bool hovering) = 0;
// Defers the inactivity timeout in response to VT2 being active (since
// Chrome can't detect user activity).
virtual void DeferInactivityTimeoutForVT2() = 0;
// Shuts the system down in reponse to the power button being pressed while
// no display is connected.
virtual void ShutDownForPowerButtonWithNoDisplay() = 0;
// Handles Chrome failing to acknowledge a power button press quickly
// enough.
virtual void HandleMissingPowerButtonAcknowledgment() = 0;
// Sends a metric reporting how long Chrome took to acknowledge a power
// button press.
virtual void ReportPowerButtonAcknowledgmentDelay(base::TimeDelta delay)
= 0;
// Amount of time to wait for Chrome to acknowledge power button presses, in
// milliseconds.
static const int kPowerButtonAcknowledgmentTimeoutMs = 2000;
virtual ~InputController();
Clock* clock_for_testing() { return clock_.get(); }
// Ownership of passed-in pointers remains with the caller.
void Init(system::InputWatcherInterface* input_watcher,
Delegate* delegate,
system::DisplayWatcherInterface* display_watcher,
DBusSenderInterface* dbus_sender,
PrefsInterface* prefs);
// Calls HandlePowerButtonAcknowledgmentTimeout(). Returns false if
// |power_button_acknowledgment_timer_| isn't running.
bool TriggerPowerButtonAcknowledgmentTimeoutForTesting();
// Calls CheckActiveVT(). Returns false if |check_active_vt_timer| isn't
// running.
bool TriggerCheckActiveVTTimeoutForTesting();
// Handles acknowledgment from that a power button press was handled.
// |timestamp| is the timestamp from the original event.
void HandlePowerButtonAcknowledgment(const base::TimeTicks& timestamp);
// system::InputObserver implementation:
void OnLidEvent(LidState state) override;
void OnPowerButtonEvent(ButtonState state) override;
void OnHoverStateChanged(bool hovering) override;
// Asks |delegate_| to defer the inactivity timeout if the second virtual
// terminal is currently active (which typically means that the user is doing
// something on the console in dev mode, so Chrome won't be reporting user
// activity to keep power management from kicking in).
void CheckActiveVT();
// Tells |delegate_| when Chrome hasn't acknowledged a power button press
// quickly enough.
void HandlePowerButtonAcknowledgmentTimeout();
system::InputWatcherInterface* input_watcher_; // weak
Delegate* delegate_; // weak
system::DisplayWatcherInterface* display_watcher_; // weak
DBusSenderInterface* dbus_sender_; // weak
scoped_ptr<Clock> clock_;
// True if the device doesn't have an internal display.
bool only_has_external_display_;
LidState lid_state_;
// Timestamp from the most recent power-button-down event that Chrome is
// expected to acknowledge. Unset when the power button isn't pressed or if
// Chrome has already acknowledged the event.
base::TimeTicks expected_power_button_acknowledgment_timestamp_;
// Calls HandlePowerButtonAcknowledgmentTimeout().
base::OneShotTimer<InputController> power_button_acknowledgment_timer_;
// Calls CheckActiveVT() periodically.
base::RepeatingTimer<InputController> check_active_vt_timer_;
} // namespace policy
} // namespace power_manager