blob: 9f08e15d16b171b8c28069de477935c578646c9f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <base/macros.h>
#include <base/memory/scoped_ptr.h>
#include "apmanager/dbus_adaptors/org.chromium.apmanager.Manager.h"
#include "apmanager/device_info.h"
#include "apmanager/firewall_manager.h"
#include "apmanager/service.h"
#include "apmanager/shill_proxy.h"
namespace apmanager {
class Manager : public org::chromium::apmanager::ManagerAdaptor,
public org::chromium::apmanager::ManagerInterface {
virtual ~Manager();
// Implementation of ManagerInterface.
// Handles calls to org.chromium.apmanager.Manager.CreateService().
// This is an asynchronous call, response is invoked when Service and Config
// dbus objects complete the DBus service registration.
virtual void CreateService(
// Handles calls to org.chromium.apmanager.Manager.RemoveService().
virtual bool RemoveService(chromeos::ErrorPtr* error,
const dbus::ObjectPath& in_service);
// Register DBus object.
void RegisterAsync(
chromeos::dbus_utils::ExportedObjectManager* object_manager,
const scoped_refptr<dbus::Bus>& bus,
chromeos::dbus_utils::AsyncEventSequencer* sequencer);
virtual void Start();
virtual void Stop();
virtual void RegisterDevice(scoped_refptr<Device> device);
// Return an unuse device with AP interface mode support.
virtual scoped_refptr<Device> GetAvailableDevice();
// Return the device that's associated with the given interface
// |interface_name|.
virtual scoped_refptr<Device> GetDeviceFromInterfaceName(
const std::string& interface_name);
// Claim the given interface |interface_name| from shill.
virtual void ClaimInterface(const std::string& interface_name);
// Release the given interface |interface_name| to shill.
virtual void ReleaseInterface(const std::string& interface_name);
friend class ManagerTest;
// A callback that will be called when the Service/Config D-Bus
// objects/interfaces are exported successfully and ready to be used.
void OnServiceRegistered(
scoped_ptr<Service> service,
bool success);
// A callback that will be called when a Device D-Bus object/interface is
// exported successfully and ready to be used.
void OnDeviceRegistered(scoped_refptr<Device> device, bool success);
int service_identifier_;
int device_identifier_;
std::unique_ptr<chromeos::dbus_utils::DBusObject> dbus_object_;
scoped_refptr<dbus::Bus> bus_;
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Service>> services_;
std::vector<scoped_refptr<Device>> devices_;
DeviceInfo device_info_;
// Proxy to shill DBus services.
ShillProxy shill_proxy_;
// Proxy to DBus service for managing firewall rules.
FirewallManager firewall_manager_;
} // namespace apmanager