blob: 58b26eb79e945e40eac907f310221b4320663b5f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <base/macros.h>
#include <base/memory/weak_ptr.h>
#include <base/strings/string_piece.h>
#include <chromeos/secure_blob.h>
#include "webserver/webservd/config.h"
struct MHD_Daemon;
namespace webservd {
class Request;
class RequestHandlerInterface;
class ServerInterface;
// An instance of a handler for particular protocol (http/https) bound to a
// particular port to handle requests on.
class ProtocolHandler final {
ProtocolHandler(const std::string& id,
ServerInterface* server_interface);
// Registers a new request handler for the given URL and request method.
// Returns a handler ID (GUID).
std::string AddRequestHandler(
const std::string& url,
const std::string& method,
std::unique_ptr<RequestHandlerInterface> handler);
// Removes a previously registered handler.
bool RemoveRequestHandler(const std::string& handler_id);
// Finds a handler for given URL/Method. This is the method used to look up
// the handler for incoming HTTP requests.
// Returns the handler_id or empty string if not found.
std::string FindRequestHandler(const base::StringPiece& url,
const base::StringPiece& method) const;
// Binds the socket and listens to HTTP requests on it.
bool Start(Config::ProtocolHandler* config);
// Stops listening for requests.
bool Stop();
// Returns the port this handler listens for requests on.
uint16_t GetPort() const { return port_; }
// Returns the protocol name for this handler ("http" or "https").
const std::string& GetProtocol() const { return protocol_; }
// Returns the SHA-256 fingerprint of the TLS certificate used for https
// connection. Returns an empty byte array if this handler is serving http.
const chromeos::Blob& GetCertificateFingerprint() const {
return certificate_fingerprint_;
// Returns the unique request handler ID. This will normally by a GUID, unless
// this is one of the two default handlers for HTTP/HTTPS protocols with
// default ports, in which case the IDs will be "http" and "https"
// respectively.
const std::string& GetID() const { return id_; }
// Returns the pointer to the Server object.
ServerInterface* GetServer() const { return server_interface_; }
// Methods to store/remove/retrieve pending incoming requests for the duration
// of the request's processing.
void AddRequest(Request* request);
void RemoveRequest(Request* request);
Request* GetRequest(const std::string& request_id) const;
// Notification of incoming reply from the request handler.
void OnResponseDataReceived();
static const char kHttp[];
static const char kHttps[];
friend class Request;
friend class ServerHelper;
class Watcher;
struct HandlerMapEntry {
std::string url;
std::string method;
std::unique_ptr<RequestHandlerInterface> handler;
// Called when new data is available on sockets for libmicrohttpd to process.
void DoWork();
// Called periodically as requested by libmicrohttpd.
void TimerCallback();
// libmicrohttpd daemon class.
MHD_Daemon* server_{nullptr};
// A map that stores registered request handlers (the key is handler ID).
std::map<std::string, HandlerMapEntry> request_handlers_;
// A map that stores pending requests (the key is request ID).
std::map<std::string, Request*> requests_;
// Protocol Handler ID.
std::string id_;
// Reference back to the Server.
ServerInterface* server_interface_{nullptr};
// The port we are listening to.
uint16_t port_{0};
// The protocol name ("http" or "https").
std::string protocol_;
// TLS certificate fingerprint (if any).
chromeos::Blob certificate_fingerprint_;
// File descriptor watchers for current active sockets.
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Watcher>> watchers_;
// Set to true when a timer request is scheduled.
bool timer_scheduled_{false};
base::WeakPtrFactory<ProtocolHandler> weak_ptr_factory_{this};
} // namespace webservd