blob: 34de374e1eb7e2e67b17608d97bf23c169329394 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "shill/net/event_history.h"
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include "shill/net/mock_time.h"
#include "shill/net/shill_time.h"
using std::deque;
using std::string;
using ::testing::Mock;
using ::testing::Return;
namespace shill {
namespace {
// consts here
} // namespace
class EventHistoryTest : public ::testing::Test {
EventHistoryTest() : event_history_(new EventHistory()) {
event_history_->time_ = &time_;
virtual ~EventHistoryTest() {}
void SetMaxEventsSaved(int num_events) {
event_history_->max_events_saved_ = num_events;
event_history_->max_events_specified_ = true;
void SetNoMaxEvents() {
event_history_->max_events_saved_ = 0;
event_history_->max_events_specified_ = false;
int GetMaxEventsSaved() { return event_history_->max_events_saved_; }
bool GetMaxEventsSpecified() { return event_history_->max_events_specified_; }
deque<Timestamp> *GetEvents() { return &event_history_->events_; }
void RecordEvent(Timestamp now) {
EXPECT_CALL(time_, GetNow()).WillOnce(Return(now));
void ExpireEventsBefore(int seconds_ago, Timestamp now,
bool count_suspend_time) {
EXPECT_CALL(time_, GetNow()).WillOnce(Return(now));
event_history_->ExpireEventsBefore(seconds_ago, count_suspend_time);
void RecordEventAndExpireEventsBefore(int seconds_ago, Timestamp now,
bool count_suspend_time) {
EXPECT_CALL(time_, GetNow()).WillOnce(Return(now));
Strings ExtractWallClockToStrings() {
return event_history_->ExtractWallClockToStrings();
Timestamp GetTimestamp(int monotonic_seconds, int boottime_seconds,
const string &wall_clock) {
struct timeval monotonic = {.tv_sec = monotonic_seconds, .tv_usec = 0};
struct timeval boottime = {.tv_sec = boottime_seconds, .tv_usec = 0};
return Timestamp(monotonic, boottime, wall_clock);
MockTime time_;
std::unique_ptr<EventHistory> event_history_;
TEST_F(EventHistoryTest, RecordEvent) {
const int kTime1 = 5;
const int kTime2 = 8;
RecordEvent(GetTimestamp(kTime1, kTime1, ""));
EXPECT_EQ(1, GetEvents()->size());
EXPECT_EQ(kTime1, GetEvents()->back().monotonic.tv_sec);
EXPECT_EQ(kTime1, GetEvents()->back().boottime.tv_sec);
// Latest events pushed to the back of the list.
RecordEvent(GetTimestamp(kTime2, kTime2, ""));
EXPECT_EQ(2, GetEvents()->size());
EXPECT_EQ(kTime2, GetEvents()->back().monotonic.tv_sec);
EXPECT_EQ(kTime2, GetEvents()->back().boottime.tv_sec);
TEST_F(EventHistoryTest, EventThresholdReached) {
const int kMaxEventsThreshold = 10;
const int kTime1 = 5;
const int kTime2 = 8;
for (int i = 0; i < kMaxEventsThreshold; ++i) {
RecordEvent(GetTimestamp(kTime1, kTime1, ""));
// All kMaxEventsThreshold events successfully saved.
EXPECT_EQ(kMaxEventsThreshold, GetEvents()->size());
EXPECT_EQ(kTime1, GetEvents()->back().monotonic.tv_sec);
EXPECT_EQ(kTime1, GetEvents()->back().boottime.tv_sec);
// One timestamp will be evicted to make way for the latest event timestamp,
// which will be pushed to the back of the list.
RecordEvent(GetTimestamp(kTime2, kTime2, ""));
EXPECT_EQ(kMaxEventsThreshold, GetEvents()->size());
EXPECT_EQ(kTime2, GetEvents()->back().monotonic.tv_sec);
EXPECT_EQ(kTime2, GetEvents()->back().boottime.tv_sec);
TEST_F(EventHistoryTest, ExpireEventsBefore_EvictExpiredEvents) {
const int kExpiryThresholdSeconds = 10;
const int kTimeEarly = 5;
const int kTimeLate = kTimeEarly + kExpiryThresholdSeconds + 1;
const int kNumEarlierEvents = 20;
for (int i = 0; i < kNumEarlierEvents; ++i) {
RecordEvent(GetTimestamp(kTimeEarly, kTimeEarly, ""));
EXPECT_EQ(kNumEarlierEvents, GetEvents()->size());
EXPECT_EQ(kTimeEarly, GetEvents()->front().monotonic.tv_sec);
EXPECT_EQ(kTimeEarly, GetEvents()->front().boottime.tv_sec);
RecordEvent(GetTimestamp(kTimeLate, kTimeLate, ""));
EXPECT_EQ(kNumEarlierEvents + 1, GetEvents()->size());
EXPECT_EQ(kTimeEarly, GetEvents()->front().monotonic.tv_sec);
EXPECT_EQ(kTimeEarly, GetEvents()->front().boottime.tv_sec);
EXPECT_EQ(kTimeLate, GetEvents()->back().monotonic.tv_sec);
EXPECT_EQ(kTimeLate, GetEvents()->back().boottime.tv_sec);
// Expect that all the kTimeEarly event timestamps will be evicted since
// they took place more than kExpiryThresholdSeconds ago.
GetTimestamp(kTimeLate, kTimeLate, ""), true);
EXPECT_EQ(1, GetEvents()->size());
EXPECT_EQ(kTimeLate, GetEvents()->front().monotonic.tv_sec);
EXPECT_EQ(kTimeLate, GetEvents()->front().boottime.tv_sec);
TEST_F(EventHistoryTest, ExpireEventsBefore_UseSuspendTime) {
const int kExpiryThresholdSeconds = 10;
const int kTime1 = 5;
bool count_suspend_time;
RecordEvent(GetTimestamp(kTime1, kTime1, ""));
EXPECT_EQ(1, GetEvents()->size());
EXPECT_EQ(kTime1, GetEvents()->front().monotonic.tv_sec);
EXPECT_EQ(kTime1, GetEvents()->front().boottime.tv_sec);
const int kTime2Monotonic = kTime1 + kExpiryThresholdSeconds - 1;
const int kTime2Boot = kTime1 + kExpiryThresholdSeconds + 1;
// If we don't count suspend time (i.e. use the monotonic clock), we will not
// expire the event because it took place less than kExpiryThresholdSeconds
// ago.
count_suspend_time = false;
GetTimestamp(kTime2Monotonic, kTime2Boot, ""),
EXPECT_EQ(1, GetEvents()->size());
// If we count suspend time (i.e. use the boottime clock), we will expire the
// event because it took place more than kExpiryThresholdSeconds ago.
count_suspend_time = true;
GetTimestamp(kTime2Monotonic, kTime2Boot, ""),
TEST_F(EventHistoryTest, RecordEventAndExpireEventsBefore) {
const int kExpiryThresholdSeconds = 10;
const int kTimeEarly = 5;
const int kTimeLate = kTimeEarly + kExpiryThresholdSeconds + 1;
const int kNumEarlierEvents = 20;
const int kMaxEventsThreshold = kNumEarlierEvents / 2;
for (int i = 0; i < kNumEarlierEvents; ++i) {
GetTimestamp(kTimeEarly, kTimeEarly, ""),
// kNumEarlierEvents is greater than kMaxEventsThreshold, so only
// kMaxEventsThreshold events should be saved.
EXPECT_EQ(kMaxEventsThreshold, GetEvents()->size());
EXPECT_EQ(kTimeEarly, GetEvents()->front().monotonic.tv_sec);
EXPECT_EQ(kTimeEarly, GetEvents()->front().boottime.tv_sec);
// Expect that the kTimeLate timestamp should be added and all the kTimeEarly
// event timestamps will be evicted since the the former took place less than
// kExpiryThresholdSeconds ago and the latter took place more than
// kExpiryThresholdSeconds ago.
kExpiryThresholdSeconds, GetTimestamp(kTimeLate, kTimeLate, ""), true);
EXPECT_EQ(1, GetEvents()->size());
EXPECT_EQ(kTimeLate, GetEvents()->front().monotonic.tv_sec);
EXPECT_EQ(kTimeLate, GetEvents()->front().boottime.tv_sec);
TEST_F(EventHistoryTest, ConvertTimestampsToStrings) {
const Timestamp kValues[] = {
GetTimestamp(123, 123, "2012-12-09T12:41:22.123456+0100"),
GetTimestamp(234, 234, "2012-12-31T23:59:59.012345+0100")};
for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(kValues); ++i) {
Strings strings = ExtractWallClockToStrings();
EXPECT_GT(arraysize(kValues), 0);
ASSERT_EQ(arraysize(kValues), strings.size());
for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(kValues); i++) {
EXPECT_EQ(kValues[i].wall_clock, strings[i]);
} // namespace shill