blob: 6cf40f5b170d583ab3543e088cc1613f3994a9ef [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include <base/basictypes.h>
#include "power_manager/common/power_constants.h"
#include "power_manager/powerd/system/udev_tagged_device_observer.h"
namespace power_manager {
class PrefsInterface;
namespace system {
class AcpiWakeupHelperInterface;
class TaggedDevice;
class UdevInterface;
} // namespace system
namespace policy {
// Describes which mode the system is currently in, depending on e.g. the state
// of the lid. Currently, WakeupController only tracks CLOSED and OPEN.
enum WakeupMode {
WAKEUP_MODE_CLOSED = 0, // Lid closed, no external monitor attached.
WAKEUP_MODE_DOCKED, // Lid closed, external monitor attached.
WAKEUP_MODE_TABLET, // Tablet mode, e.g. lid open more than 180 degrees.
// Configures wakeup-capable devices according to the current lid state.
class WakeupController : public system::UdevTaggedDeviceObserver {
// Powerd tags.
static const char kTagInhibit[];
static const char kTagUsableWhenDocked[];
static const char kTagUsableWhenLaptop[];
static const char kTagUsableWhenTablet[];
static const char kTagWakeup[];
static const char kTagWakeupOnlyWhenUsable[];
static const char kTagWakeupDisabled[];
// Sysfs power/wakeup constants.
static const char kPowerWakeup[];
static const char kEnabled[];
static const char kDisabled[];
static const char kUSBDevice[];
static const char kInhibited[];
// ACPI device names.
static const char kTPAD[];
static const char kTSCR[];
virtual ~WakeupController();
void Init(system::UdevInterface* udev,
system::AcpiWakeupHelperInterface* acpi_wakeup_helper,
LidState lid_state,
DisplayMode display_mode,
PrefsInterface* prefs);
void SetLidState(LidState lid_state);
void SetDisplayMode(DisplayMode display_mode);
// Implementation of TaggedDeviceObserver.
void OnTaggedDeviceChanged(const system::TaggedDevice& device) override;
void OnTaggedDeviceRemoved(const system::TaggedDevice& device) override;
// Derive the currently applicable WakeupMode according to lid state.
WakeupMode GetWakeupMode() const;
// Enables or disables wakeup from S3 for this device (through power/wakeup).
void SetWakeupFromS3(const system::TaggedDevice& device, bool enabled);
// Configures inhibit for |device| according to our policy.
void ConfigureInhibit(const system::TaggedDevice& device);
// Configures wakeup for |device| according to our policy.
void ConfigureWakeup(const system::TaggedDevice& device);
// Re-configures ACPI wakeup.
void ConfigureAcpiWakeup();
// Re-configures all known devices to reflect a policy change.
void UpdatePolicy();
system::UdevInterface* udev_; // weak
system::AcpiWakeupHelperInterface* acpi_wakeup_helper_; // weak
PrefsInterface* prefs_; // weak
LidState lid_state_;
DisplayMode display_mode_;
bool allow_docked_mode_;
// The mode calculated in the most recent invocation of UpdatePolicy().
WakeupMode mode_;
bool initialized_;
} // namespace policy
} // namespace power_manager