blob: 533e907733827cb0218a93d678b3fb2849b73b9d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <queue>
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <base/macros.h>
#include <base/observer_list.h>
#include "settingsd/blob_ref.h"
#include "settingsd/blob_store.h"
#include "settingsd/settings_blob_parser.h"
#include "settingsd/settings_service.h"
#include "settingsd/source.h"
namespace base {
class Value;
} // namespace base
namespace settingsd {
class SettingsDocument;
class SettingsMap;
// SettingsDocumentManager maintains the set of currently installed settings
// documents and makes sure they are valid at all times. It checks document
// validity against the trust configuration, which is maintained (along with all
// other setting values in a SettingsMap).
// Whenever there is a change to trust configuration due to settings document
// insertion or removal in the SettingsMap, this SettingsDocumentManager
// resolves implications for existing settings documents. For example, inserting
// a document which changes a configuration source may invalidate existing
// settings documents generated by the affected source. Thus, settings documents
// depending on the modified source need to be re-validated. They'll get removed
// if validation fails in the updated trust configuration.
class SettingsDocumentManager : public SettingsService {
// Indicates the result of a settings document insertion operation.
enum InsertionStatus {
kInsertionStatusSuccess, // Document inserted successfully.
kInsertionStatusVersionClash, // Source version already used.
kInsertionStatusCollision, // Collision with other document.
kInsertionStatusAccessViolation, // Document touches off-bounds keys.
kInsertionStatusParseError, // Failed to parse the blob.
kInsertionStatusValidationError, // Blob failed validation.
kInsertionStatusBadPayload, // Failed to decode blob payload.
kInsertionStatusStorageFailure, // Failed to write the blob to BlobStore.
kInsertionStatusUnknownSource, // Blob origin unknown.
// Constructs a new instance. The initial trust configuration must be passed
// in via |trusted_document|, which should be retrieved from a trusted source,
// such as a file from the OS image, protected by verified boot.
// |trusted_document| is typically used to allow the OS image to hard-code
// values for certain settings and to set up additional trusted configuration
// sources.
const SettingsBlobParserFunction& settings_blob_parser_function,
const SourceDelegateFactoryFunction& source_delegate_factory_function,
const std::string& storage_path,
std::unique_ptr<SettingsMap> settings_map,
std::unique_ptr<const SettingsDocument> trusted_document);
// Initializes the SettingsDocumentManager by inserting the trusted document
// into the SettingsMap and loading settings blobs for all known sources from
// disk.
void Init();
// SettingsService:
const base::Value* GetValue(const Key& key) const override;
const std::set<Key> GetKeys(const Key& prefix) const override;
void AddSettingsObserver(SettingsObserver* observer) override;
void RemoveSettingsObserver(SettingsObserver* observer) override;
// Decodes a binary settings blob and inserts the included settings document
// into the configuration. This runs the full set of validation against the
// settings blob, i.e. the blob gets validated against the source delegate
// (signature check etc.), it needs to have a valid non-conflicting version
// stamp, the source must have access to settings keys the document touches,
// etc.
// The return value indicates whether insertion was successful or hit an
// error. No settings changes will occur it the return value is not
// kInsertionStatusSuccess.
InsertionStatus InsertBlob(const std::string& source_id, BlobRef blob);
friend class SettingsDocumentManagerTest;
// Keeps track of all documents and their corresponding BlobStore handles for
// a source.
struct DocumentEntry {
DocumentEntry(std::unique_ptr<const SettingsDocument> document,
BlobStore::Handle handle);
// A SettingsDocument.
std::unique_ptr<const SettingsDocument> document_;
// The BlobStore handle that the Blob the above document was parsed from can
// be retrieved with.
BlobStore::Handle handle_;
// Keeps track of all known sources and their associated document entries.
struct SourceMapEntry {
explicit SourceMapEntry(const std::string& source_id);
// The current source configuration. This reflects the configuration
// specified in |settings_map_|. When the latter changes, the affected
// sources will get re-parsed.
Source source_;
// All documents owned by the source and their respective handles, sorted
// according to |source_|'s version component in the document's version
// stamp.
std::vector<DocumentEntry> document_entries_;
// Install a new settings document. The |document| is assumed to be fully
// validated against the source identified with |source_id|. Inserts the
// document into |settings_map_|, handles any trust configuration changes and
// notifies observers.
// The return value indicates whether the insertion succeeded or ran into an
// error. For return values other than kInsertionStatusSuccess no settings
// will be changed.
InsertionStatus InsertDocument(
std::unique_ptr<const SettingsDocument> document,
const std::string& source_id);
// Finds the DocumentEntry, deletes the Blob associated with the entry's
// handle in BlobStore and deletes the DocumentEntry from the source map.
// Returns true on success. Otherwise, returns false.
bool PurgeBlobAndDocumentEntry(const SettingsDocument* document);
// Attempts to parse and validate a settings blob. On success, returns success
// status and populates |container| with the parsed and validated
// LockedSettingsContainer. On error, returns a status code indicating the
// failure mode.
SettingsDocumentManager::InsertionStatus ParseAndValidateBlob(
const Source* source,
BlobRef blob,
std::unique_ptr<LockedSettingsContainer>* container) const;
// Revalidates a document, including trust configuration and signature checks.
// Returns true if the document is still valid against current trust
// configuration.
bool RevalidateDocument(const Source* source,
const SettingsDocument* doc) const;
// Re-validate all documents belonging to a source. Documents that fail
// validation are removed from the SettingsMap, the SettingsDocument is
// deleted and the corresponding blob purged from the BlobStore. The keys that
// have changed due to the removal are added to |changed_keys| and the
// |sources_to_revalidate| queue is updated accordingly.
void RevalidateSourceDocuments(
const SourceMapEntry& entry,
std::set<Key>* changed_keys,
std::priority_queue<std::string>* sources_to_revalidate);
// Updates trust configuration after |changed_keys| adjust their value. This
// re-parses all the source configurations affected by the change and
// re-verifies the settings documents belong to these sources.
// If any documents become invalid, they'll be removed. This may cascade to
// trigger further source changes. The process is guaranteed to terminate
// though as a source may only update trust configuration for lower-priority
// sources.
// The |changed_keys| set is updated to include any additional changes caused
// by cascading removals.
void UpdateTrustConfiguration(std::set<Key>* changed_keys);
// Look up the source with the provided |source_id|. Returns |nullptr| if
// there's no such source.
const Source* FindSource(const std::string& source_id) const;
// The parser used to decode binary settings blobs.
const SettingsBlobParserFunction settings_blob_parser_function_;
// The source delegate factory.
const SourceDelegateFactoryFunction source_delegate_factory_function_;
// The trusted document that bootstraps trust configuration.
std::unique_ptr<const SettingsDocument> trusted_document_;
// The BlobStore responsible for storing, loading and enumerating settings
// blobs.
BlobStore blob_store_;
// A map of all sources currently present, along with their documents.
std::map<std::string, SourceMapEntry> sources_;
// The underlying settings map that tracks effective configuration.
std::unique_ptr<SettingsMap> settings_map_;
base::ObserverList<SettingsObserver> observers_;
} // namespace settingsd