blob: 678390d9fd5957bd614039200f8a32706fa5108b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include <base/guid.h>
#include <base/logging.h>
#include <base/macros.h>
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
#include "vm_tools/cicerone/virtual_machine.h"
namespace vm_tools {
namespace cicerone {
namespace {
// Fake IP addresses to use for testing.
constexpr char kFakeIp1[] = "";
constexpr char kFakeIp2[] = "";
// Fake garcon vsock ports to use for testing.
constexpr uint32_t kFakeGarconPort1 = 1234;
constexpr uint32_t kFakeGarconPort2 = 2345;
// Fake container names to use for testing.
constexpr char kFakeContainerName1[] = "box";
constexpr char kFakeContainerName2[] = "cube";
} // namespace
// Test fixture for actually testing the VirtualMachine functionality.
class VirtualMachineTest : public ::testing::Test {
VirtualMachineTest() : vm_(0, 0, 0, 0) {}
~VirtualMachineTest() override = default;
// Actual virtual machine being tested.
VirtualMachine vm_;
TEST_F(VirtualMachineTest, NoContainerToken) {
// If the token was never generated, then [un]registration should fail.
vm_.RegisterContainer(base::GenerateGUID(), kFakeGarconPort1, kFakeIp1));
TEST_F(VirtualMachineTest, InvalidContainerToken) {
// If the wrong token is used, then registration should fail.
std::string token = vm_.GenerateContainerToken(kFakeContainerName1);
vm_.RegisterContainer(base::GenerateGUID(), kFakeGarconPort1, kFakeIp1));
// Invalid token should fail unregister operation.
TEST_F(VirtualMachineTest, ValidContainerToken) {
// Valid process for generating a token and then registering it and
// unregistering it.
std::string token = vm_.GenerateContainerToken(kFakeContainerName1);
EXPECT_TRUE(vm_.RegisterContainer(token, kFakeGarconPort1, kFakeIp1));
EXPECT_EQ(kFakeContainerName1, vm_.GetContainerNameForToken(token));
EXPECT_EQ("", vm_.GetContainerNameForToken(token));
TEST_F(VirtualMachineTest, ReuseContainerToken) {
// Re-registering the same token is valid and unregistering it should work.
std::string token = vm_.GenerateContainerToken(kFakeContainerName1);
EXPECT_TRUE(vm_.RegisterContainer(token, kFakeGarconPort1, kFakeIp1));
EXPECT_TRUE(vm_.RegisterContainer(token, kFakeGarconPort2, kFakeIp2));
EXPECT_EQ(kFakeContainerName1, vm_.GetContainerNameForToken(token));
EXPECT_EQ("", vm_.GetContainerNameForToken(token));
TEST_F(VirtualMachineTest, MultipleContainerTokens) {
// Valid process for generating a token and then registering it from multiple
// containers and also unregistering them.
std::string token1 = vm_.GenerateContainerToken(kFakeContainerName1);
EXPECT_TRUE(vm_.RegisterContainer(token1, kFakeGarconPort1, kFakeIp1));
std::string token2 = vm_.GenerateContainerToken(kFakeContainerName2);
EXPECT_TRUE(vm_.RegisterContainer(token2, kFakeGarconPort2, kFakeIp2));
EXPECT_EQ(kFakeContainerName1, vm_.GetContainerNameForToken(token1));
EXPECT_EQ(kFakeContainerName2, vm_.GetContainerNameForToken(token2));
// Now unregister the first one.
EXPECT_EQ("", vm_.GetContainerNameForToken(token1));
// Second one should still be there.
EXPECT_EQ(kFakeContainerName2, vm_.GetContainerNameForToken(token2));
// No unregister the second one.
EXPECT_EQ("", vm_.GetContainerNameForToken(token2));
} // namespace cicerone
} // namespace vm_tools