blob: 029c1d167c7fa38b1952df0e303f38f7e6f2e39a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <base/files/file_enumerator.h>
#include <base/files/file_path.h>
#include <base/files/file_util.h>
#include <base/strings/string_split.h>
#include <base/strings/string_util.h>
#include <brillo/flag_helper.h>
#include <brillo/process.h>
using base::FilePath;
using std::string;
using std::vector;
namespace {
constexpr char kOobeConfigDir[] = "unencrypted/oobe_auto_config/";
constexpr char kConfigFile[] = "config.json";
constexpr char kDomainFile[] = "enrollment_domain";
constexpr char kKeyFile[] = "";
constexpr char kDevDiskById[] = "/dev/disk/by-id/";
constexpr char kUsbDevicePathSigFile[] = "usb_device_path.sig";
// TODO(tbrindus): move this into a util file.
int RunCommand(const vector<string>& command) {
LOG(INFO) << "Command: " << base::JoinString(command, " ");
brillo::ProcessImpl proc;
for (const auto& arg : command) {
return proc.Run();
// Enumerates /dev/disk/by-id/ to find which persistent disk identifier
// |mount_dev| corresponds to.
FilePath FindPersistentMountDevice(const FilePath& mount_dev) {
base::FileEnumerator by_id(FilePath(kDevDiskById), false,
for (auto link = by_id.Next(); !link.empty(); link = by_id.Next()) {
// |link| points to something like:
// usb-_Some_Memory_<serial>-0:0-part1 -> ../../sdb1
FilePath target;
CHECK(base::NormalizeFilePath(link, &target));
if (target == mount_dev) {
LOG(INFO) << link.value() << " points to " << target.value();
return link;
LOG(ERROR) << "Couldn't find persistent device mapping for "
<< mount_dev.value();
return FilePath();
// Using |priv_key|, signs |src|, and writes the digest into |dst|.
void SignFile(const FilePath& priv_key, const FilePath& src,
const FilePath& dst) {
LOG(INFO) << "Signing " << src.value() << " into " << dst.value();
CHECK_EQ(RunCommand(vector<string> {
"/usr/bin/openssl", "dgst",
"-sign", priv_key.value(),
"-out", dst.value(),
}), 0);
// Finds the persistent block device that |src_dir| is mounted on, and signs
// the path using |priv_key|, and writes it to |dst_dir|/.../block_device.sig.
void SignSourcePartitionFile(const FilePath& priv_key, const FilePath& src_dev,
const FilePath& dst_dir) {
auto mount_dev = FindPersistentMountDevice(src_dev);
auto disk = mount_dev.value();
FilePath temp_disk;
CHECK(base::WriteFile(temp_disk, disk.c_str(), disk.length()) ==
SignFile(priv_key, temp_disk, dst_dir.Append(kOobeConfigDir)
void SignOobeFiles(const FilePath& priv_key, const FilePath& pub_key,
const FilePath& src_stateful, const FilePath& dst_stateful) {
auto src_config_dir = src_stateful.Append(kOobeConfigDir);
auto dst_config_dir = dst_stateful.Append(kOobeConfigDir);
// /stateful/unencrypted/oobe_auto_config might not exist on the target
// device, so create it here.
SignFile(priv_key, src_config_dir.Append(kConfigFile),
// If the media was provisioned for auto-enrollment, sign the domain name
// as well.
if (base::PathExists(src_config_dir.Append(kDomainFile))) {
SignFile(priv_key, src_config_dir.Append(kDomainFile),
} // namespace
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
DEFINE_string(priv_key, "",
"Path to private key to sign OOBE auto-configuration with.");
DEFINE_string(pub_key, "",
"Path to public key to validate OOBE auto-configuration with.");
DEFINE_string(src_device, "", "Path to recovery media block device.");
DEFINE_string(src_stateful, "", "Path to recovery media stateful mount.");
DEFINE_string(dst_stateful, "", "Path to target device stateful mount.");
argc, argv,
"This utility performs OOBE auto-configuration setup in\n"
"* creates $dst_stateful/unencrypted/oobe_auto_config/\n"
"* signs $src_stateful/config.json\n"
"* if it exists, signs $src_stateful/enrollment_domain\n"
"* writes public key to target device stateful\n"
"* determines a persistent block device for $src_device and writes a\n"
" digest of it to target device stateful\n");
FilePath priv_key(FLAGS_priv_key);
FilePath pub_key(FLAGS_pub_key);
FilePath src_device(FLAGS_src_device);
FilePath src_stateful(FLAGS_src_stateful);
FilePath dst_stateful(FLAGS_dst_stateful);
// Generate digests for the configuration and domain files.
SignOobeFiles(priv_key, pub_key, src_stateful, dst_stateful);
// Generate digest for the source stateful device name.
SignSourcePartitionFile(priv_key, src_device, dst_stateful);
// Copy the public key into the target stateful for use in validation.
return 0;