blob: ca20000d824498c4dba81a1af08b413cebfbbc23 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "ml/graph_executor_impl.h"
#include <set>
#include <utility>
#include "ml/tensor_view.h"
#include "mojom/tensor.mojom.h"
namespace ml {
namespace {
using ::chromeos::machine_learning::mojom::ExecuteResult;
using ::chromeos::machine_learning::mojom::GraphExecutorRequest;
using ::chromeos::machine_learning::mojom::Int64List;
using ::chromeos::machine_learning::mojom::Tensor;
using ::chromeos::machine_learning::mojom::TensorPtr;
using ::chromeos::machine_learning::mojom::ValueList;
// Verifies |tensor| is valid (i.e. is of type |TensorType| and of the correct
// shape for this input) and copies its data into the graph |interpreter| at
// position |index|.
template <typename TensorType, typename MemoryType>
ExecuteResult PopulateInput(const TensorPtr& tensor,
const int index,
tflite::Interpreter* const interpreter) {
const TensorView<TensorType> tensor_view(tensor);
if (!tensor_view.IsValidType())
return ExecuteResult::INPUT_TYPE_ERROR;
if (!tensor_view.IsValidFormat())
return ExecuteResult::INPUT_FORMAT_ERROR;
// Check that given input shape matches that expected by TF lite.
const TfLiteIntArray& expected_dims = *interpreter->tensor(index)->dims;
const mojo::Array<int64_t>& actual_dims = tensor_view.GetShape();
bool shape_matches = expected_dims.size == actual_dims.size();
for (int i = 0; shape_matches && i < expected_dims.size; ++i) {
shape_matches =[i] == actual_dims[i];
if (!shape_matches)
return ExecuteResult::INPUT_SHAPE_ERROR;
MemoryType* const input_memory = interpreter->typed_tensor<MemoryType>(index);
const mojo::Array<TensorType>& tensor_values = tensor_view.GetValues();
for (int i = 0; i < tensor_values.size(); ++i) {
input_memory[i] = tensor_values[i];
return ExecuteResult::OK;
ExecuteResult InvalidInput(const TensorPtr&, int, tflite::Interpreter*) {
return ExecuteResult::EXECUTION_ERROR;
// A table of functions to validate / populate data for model nodes expecting
// input of each TF lite type.
// This table is indexed by TfLiteType, the possible values of which can be
// found at <tensorflow/contrib/lite/context.h>. We make the following
// assumptions about index values:
// 1) They will remain consistent across TF lite releases, and
// 2) They will always start from (close to) 0 and be (mostly) consecutive.
// Since TfLiteType is part of the stable C API for TF lite, these assumptions
// seem fair.
constexpr decltype(&InvalidInput) kPopulateInputFns[] = {
&InvalidInput, // kTfLiteNoType
&PopulateInput<double, float>, // kTfLiteFloat32
&PopulateInput<int64_t, int32_t>, // kTfLiteInt32
&PopulateInput<int64_t, uint8_t>, // kTfLiteUInt8
&PopulateInput<int64_t, int64_t>, // kTfLiteInt64
&InvalidInput, // kTfLiteString
&PopulateInput<int64_t, bool>, // kTfLiteBool
// Copies data from position |index| in the graph |interpreter| into the given
// tensor object.
template <typename TensorType, typename MemoryType>
ExecuteResult PopulateOutput(const int index,
const tflite::Interpreter& interpreter,
const TensorPtr& tensor) {
TensorView<TensorType> tensor_view(tensor);
// Empty output is not valid.
const TfLiteIntArray& dims = *interpreter.tensor(index)->dims;
if (dims.size == 0)
return ExecuteResult::EXECUTION_ERROR;
// Copy across size information and calculate the number of elements being
// output.
int64_t num_entries = 1;
mojo::Array<int64_t>& tensor_dims = tensor_view.GetShape();
for (int i = 0; i < dims.size; ++i) {
const int64_t dim_length =[i];
if (dim_length <= 0)
return ExecuteResult::EXECUTION_ERROR;
tensor_dims[i] = dim_length;
num_entries *= dim_length;
// Populate tensor values.
const MemoryType* const output_memory =
mojo::Array<TensorType>& tensor_values = tensor_view.GetValues();
for (int i = 0; i < num_entries; ++i) {
tensor_values[i] = output_memory[i];
return ExecuteResult::OK;
ExecuteResult InvalidOutput(int, const tflite::Interpreter&, const TensorPtr&) {
return ExecuteResult::EXECUTION_ERROR;
// A table of functions to populate data for tensors from output of each TF lite
// type.
// This table is indexed by TfLiteType, the possible values of which can be
// found at <tensorflow/contrib/lite/context.h>. See the caveats discussed in
// the comment above |kPopulateInputFns|.
constexpr decltype(&InvalidOutput) kPopulateOutputFns[] = {
&InvalidOutput, // kTfLiteNoType
&PopulateOutput<double, float>, // kTfLiteFloat32
&PopulateOutput<int64_t, int32_t>, // kTfLiteInt32
&PopulateOutput<int64_t, uint8_t>, // kTfLiteUInt8
&PopulateOutput<int64_t, int64_t>, // kTfLiteInt64
&InvalidOutput, // kTfLiteString
&PopulateOutput<int64_t, bool>, // kTfLiteBool
// For making callback invocations nicer.
mojo::Array<TensorPtr> NullArray() {
return mojo::Array<TensorPtr>(nullptr);
} // namespace
const std::map<std::string, int>& required_inputs,
const std::map<std::string, int>& required_outputs,
std::unique_ptr<tflite::Interpreter> interpreter,
GraphExecutorRequest request)
: required_inputs_(required_inputs),
binding_(this, std::move(request)) {}
void GraphExecutorImpl::set_connection_error_handler(
base::Closure connection_error_handler) {
void GraphExecutorImpl::Execute(
const mojo::Map<mojo::String, TensorPtr> tensors,
const mojo::Array<mojo::String> outputs,
const ExecuteCallback& callback) {
// Validate input and output names (before executing graph, for efficiency).
for (const auto& kv : tensors) {
const std::string& cur_input_name = kv.first.get();
const auto name_lookup = required_inputs_.find(cur_input_name);
if (name_lookup == required_inputs_.end() ||
name_lookup->second >= interpreter_->tensors_size()) {
callback.Run(ExecuteResult::UNKNOWN_INPUT_ERROR, NullArray());
if (tensors.size() != required_inputs_.size()) {
callback.Run(ExecuteResult::INPUT_MISSING_ERROR, NullArray());
std::set<std::string> seen_outputs;
for (const mojo::String& cur_output_name : outputs) {
const auto name_lookup = required_outputs_.find(cur_output_name.get());
if (name_lookup == required_outputs_.end() ||
name_lookup->second >= interpreter_->tensors_size()) {
callback.Run(ExecuteResult::UNKNOWN_OUTPUT_ERROR, NullArray());
// Specifying the same output twice is an error.
const auto insert_result = seen_outputs.insert(cur_output_name.get());
if (!insert_result.second) {
callback.Run(ExecuteResult::DUPLICATE_OUTPUT_ERROR, NullArray());
if (outputs.size() != required_outputs_.size()) {
callback.Run(ExecuteResult::OUTPUT_MISSING_ERROR, NullArray());
// Copy input data into the interpreter.
for (const auto& kv : tensors) {
const std::string& cur_input_name = kv.first.get();
const TensorPtr& cur_input = kv.second;
// Always valid, by the input name check at the start of this function.
const int cur_input_id = required_inputs_.find(cur_input_name)->second;
// Check that the current input node is a supported type.
const uint32_t cur_input_type = interpreter_->tensor(cur_input_id)->type;
if (cur_input_type >= arraysize(kPopulateInputFns)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "TF lite graph contains invalid input node " << cur_input_id
<< " of type " << cur_input_type << ".";
callback.Run(ExecuteResult::EXECUTION_ERROR, NullArray());
// Attempt to copy input data into the current input node.
const ExecuteResult populate_input_result =
(*kPopulateInputFns[cur_input_type])(cur_input, cur_input_id,
if (populate_input_result != ExecuteResult::OK) {
callback.Run(populate_input_result, NullArray());
// Execute graph.
if (interpreter_->Invoke() != kTfLiteOk) {
LOG(ERROR) << "TF lite graph execution failed unexpectedly.";
callback.Run(ExecuteResult::EXECUTION_ERROR, NullArray());
// Extract output.
mojo::Array<chromeos::machine_learning::mojom::TensorPtr> output_tensors;
for (const mojo::String& cur_output_name : outputs) {
// Always valid, by the output name check at the start of this function.
const int cur_output_id =
// Check that the current output node is a supported type.
const uint32_t cur_output_type = interpreter_->tensor(cur_output_id)->type;
if (cur_output_type >= arraysize(kPopulateOutputFns)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "TF lite graph contains invalid output node "
<< cur_output_id << " of type " << cur_output_type << ".";
callback.Run(ExecuteResult::EXECUTION_ERROR, NullArray());
// Attempt to extract data from the current output node.
const ExecuteResult populate_output_result =
(*kPopulateOutputFns[cur_output_type])(cur_output_id, *interpreter_,
if (populate_output_result != ExecuteResult::OK) {
callback.Run(populate_output_result, NullArray());
callback.Run(ExecuteResult::OK, std::move(output_tensors));
} // namespace ml