blob: a237d4eebdb9108c6855cc17f4633d1e00f30e28 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2016 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
description "Remove stale ARC directories."
author ""
start on remove-old-arc-data or arc-booted
# Stop the job on 'stopping ui' because once ui is stopped, ARC data files
# in the user's home directory will not be accessible anyway.
stop on stopping ui
# The following environment variable is passed from session_manager
# and is imported from the event that starts the job.
echo "Start arc-stale-directory-remover"
set -x
# Do nothing unless the variable is set. Currently this script only handles
# that directory.
[ -z "$ANDROID_DATA_OLD_DIR" ] && \
(echo "\$ANDROID_DATA_OLD_DIR is not set, do nothing." && exit 1)
if [ -d "$ANDROID_DATA_OLD_DIR" ]; then
# Remove contents of the directory, /home/root/<hash>/android-data-old/.
# Note that this script does not remove the directory itself to ensure
# that RemoveArcData() in session_manager always works regardless of
# whether this script is running. Also note that the directory does not
# have any dot files and hence "/*" always matches all entries in the
# directory.
nice rm -rf "$ANDROID_DATA_OLD_DIR"/*
echo "Done."
} 2>&1 | logger -t "${UPSTART_JOB}"
end script