blob: 44a866dd8857dc1808a1ae902c03bb7bd7cd880f [file] [log] [blame]
/* Copyright 2017 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <vector>
#include <camera/camera_metadata.h>
#include "cros-camera/camera_face_detection.h"
#include "cros-camera/camera_metrics.h"
#include "cros-camera/common_types.h"
#include "cros-camera/jpeg_compressor.h"
#include "cros-camera/jpeg_decode_accelerator.h"
#include "hal/usb/image_processor.h"
namespace cros {
// CachedFrame contains a source FrameBuffer and a cached, converted
// FrameBuffer. The incoming frames would be converted to YU12, the default
// format of libyuv, to allow convenient processing.
class CachedFrame {
// Convert |in_frame| into |out_frames| with |rotate_degree|, cropping,
// scaling, and format conversion. |rotate_degree| should be 0, 90, or 270.
// When it returns 0, the |out_frames_status| will have the same size as
// |out_frames| and record each output frame's conversion status.
// The |out_frames| don't need to be mapped before calling this function. They
// will be mapped at a proper time for hardware and software access.
int Convert(const android::CameraMetadata& static_metadata,
const android::CameraMetadata& request_metadata,
int rotate_degree,
const FrameBuffer& in_frame,
const std::vector<std::unique_ptr<FrameBuffer>>& out_frames,
std::vector<int>* out_frame_status,
std::vector<human_sensing::CrosFace>* faces);
int ConvertFromNV12(const android::CameraMetadata& static_metadata,
const android::CameraMetadata& request_metadata,
const FrameBuffer& in_frame,
FrameBuffer* out_frame);
int DecodeToNV12(const FrameBuffer& in_frame, FrameBuffer* out_frame);
int DecodeByJDA(const FrameBuffer& in_frame, FrameBuffer* out_frame);
int CompressNV12(const android::CameraMetadata& static_metadata,
const android::CameraMetadata& request_metadata,
const FrameBuffer& in_frame,
FrameBuffer* out_frame);
// |faces| stores the detected results. It will be empty if error.
void DetectFaces(const FrameBuffer& input_nv12_frame,
std::vector<human_sensing::CrosFace>* faces);
// When we have a landscape mounted camera and the current camera activity is
// portrait, the frames shown in the activity would be stretched. Therefore,
// we want to simulate a native portrait camera. That's why we want to crop,
// rotate |rotate_degree| clockwise and scale the frame. HAL would not change
// CameraInfo.orientation. Instead, framework would fake the
// CameraInfo.orientation. Framework would then tell HAL how much the frame
// needs to rotate clockwise by |rotate_degree|.
int CropRotateScale(int rotate_degree, FrameBuffer* frame);
// Cached temporary buffers for the capture pipeline. We use SHM buffer for
// I420 format since it can be resized, and Gralloc buffer for NV12 format
// since it will be fed to HW JDA/JEA.
std::unique_ptr<SharedFrameBuffer> temp_i420_frame_;
std::unique_ptr<SharedFrameBuffer> temp_i420_frame2_;
std::unique_ptr<GrallocFrameBuffer> temp_nv12_frame_;
std::unique_ptr<GrallocFrameBuffer> temp_nv12_frame2_;
// ImageProcessor instance.
std::unique_ptr<ImageProcessor> image_processor_;
// JPEG decoder accelerator (JDA) instance
std::unique_ptr<JpegDecodeAccelerator> jda_;
// JPEG compressor instance
std::unique_ptr<JpegCompressor> jpeg_compressor_;
// Metrics that used to record things like decoding latency.
std::unique_ptr<CameraMetrics> camera_metrics_;
// Indicate if JDA started successfully
bool jda_available_;
// max resolution used for JDA
Size jda_resolution_cap_;
// Flag to disable SW decode fallback when HW decode failed
bool force_jpeg_hw_decode_;
// Face detection handler.
std::unique_ptr<FaceDetector> face_detector_;
std::vector<human_sensing::CrosFace> faces_;
int frame_count_;
} // namespace cros