blob: eb66cb7831e42e2cb5f189d5531dada23d1a51b2 [file] [log] [blame]
syntax = "proto2";
option optimize_for = LITE_RUNTIME;
package authpolicy.protos;
// Active directory information entered during domain join.
message ActiveDirectoryConfig {
optional string machine_name = 1;
optional string realm = 3;
// Information about a GPO parsed from net ads gpo list. |name| is the 16-byte
// guid (e.g. {12345678-90AB-...}). |basepath| and |directory| are created from
// the first and the last part of the GPO's 'filesyspath' value in the net
// output, e.g. if filesyspath is
// \\\SysVol\\Policies\{12345678-90AB-CDEF-1234-567890ABCDEF},
// then |basepath| is '' and |directory| is
message GpoEntry {
optional string name = 1;
optional string basepath = 2;
optional string directory = 3;
// List of GPOs on server. Agnostic of policy scope (user/machine); GPOs can
// contain both user and machine policy.
message GpoList {
repeated GpoEntry entries = 1;
// Local file paths of downloaded GPO files.
message FilePathList {
repeated string entries = 1;
// Selected data from net ads info. |dc_name| is the name of the domain
// controller and |kdc_ip| is the IPv4 or IPv6 address of the key distribution
// center.
message RealmInfo {
optional string dc_name = 1;
optional string kdc_ip = 2;
// Validity and renewal lifetimes of a Kerberos ticket-granting-ticket.
message TgtLifetime {
// Number of seconds the TGT is still valid and can be used to query service
// tickets.
optional int64 validity_seconds = 1;
// Number of seconds until the TGT cannot be renewed again. Zero in case the
// TGT cannot be renewed. Otherwise, not smaller than |validity_seconds|.
// Note that this is just an upper bound on total validity time. Renewal must
// still happen within the validity lifetime.
optional int64 renewal_seconds = 2;
// Debug flags.
message DebugFlags {
// Disable seccomp filters.
optional bool disable_seccomp = 1;
// Log seccomp filter failures.
optional bool log_seccomp = 2;
// Enable kinit trace logs. Only shown if log_command_output is set as well.
optional bool trace_kinit = 3;
// Log policy values read from GPO.
optional bool log_policy_values = 4;
// Log command line and exit code in ProcessExecutor.
optional bool log_commands = 5;
// Log stdout and stderr in ProcessExecutor no matter whether the command
// succeeded or not.
optional bool log_command_output = 6;
// Log stdout and stderr in ProcessExecutor if the command failed.
optional bool log_command_output_on_error = 7;
// Log list of filtered, broken and valid GPOs.
optional bool log_gpo = 8;
// Log configuration data (netbios name, kdc ip etc.).
optional bool log_config = 9;
// Log level for Samba net commands. Only shown if log_command_output is set
// as well.
optional string net_log_level = 10 [default = "0"];