blob: 59f6f7978f517919dc7827ff7dcfd993a6edbf2b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "authpolicy/policy/policy_encoder_helper.h"
#include <string>
#include <base/files/file_path.h>
#include <base/files/file_util.h>
#include <base/strings/string16.h>
#include <base/strings/utf_string_conversions.h>
#include <base/sys_info.h>
#include <components/policy/core/common/policy_load_status.h>
#include <components/policy/core/common/preg_parser.h>
#include <components/policy/core/common/registry_dict.h>
namespace policy {
namespace {
// Registry key for Chrome branded builds.
const char kRegistryKeyChromeOS[] = "Software\\Policies\\Google\\ChromeOS";
// Registry key for Chromium branded builds.
const char kRegistryKeyChromiumOS[] = "Software\\Policies\\ChromiumOS";
// Keys for checking the branding (Chromium/Chrome) in lsb-release flags.
const char kChromeOSReleaseNameKey[] = "CHROMEOS_RELEASE_NAME";
const char kChromeOSReleaseNameValue[] = "Chrome OS";
// TODO(ljusten): Copied from latest Chromium base::Value::GetTypeName, remove
// once the latest code is merged.
const char* const kTypeNames[] = {"null",
static_assert(arraysize(kTypeNames) == base::Value::TYPE_LIST + 1,
"kTypeNames Has Wrong Size");
const char* GetValueTypeName(const base::Value* value) {
DCHECK_GE(value->GetType(), 0);
DCHECK_LT(static_cast<size_t>(value->GetType()), arraysize(kTypeNames));
return kTypeNames[value->GetType()];
} // namespace
std::string GetRegistryKey() {
// Note: GetLsbReleaseValue might fail when running unit tests. Default to
// Chromium OS branding in this case.
std::string value;
const bool is_chrome_branded =
(base::SysInfo::GetLsbReleaseValue(kChromeOSReleaseNameKey, &value) &&
value == kChromeOSReleaseNameValue);
return is_chrome_branded ? kRegistryKeyChromeOS : kRegistryKeyChromiumOS;
bool LoadPRegFile(const base::FilePath& preg_file, RegistryDict* dict) {
if (!base::PathExists(preg_file)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "PReg file '" << preg_file.value() << "' does not exist";
return false;
// Note: Don't use PolicyLoadStatusUmaReporter here, it leaks, see
// Simply eat the status and report a less fine-grained
// ERROR_PARSE_PREG_FAILED error in authpolicy. It would be possible to get
// the load status into authpolicy, but that would require a lot of plumbing
// since this code usually runs in a sandboxed process.
PolicyLoadStatusSampler status;
const base::string16 registry_key = base::ASCIIToUTF16(GetRegistryKey());
if (!preg_parser::ReadFile(preg_file, registry_key, dict, &status)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to parse preg file '" << preg_file.value() << "'";
return false;
return true;
bool GetAsBoolean(const base::Value* value, bool* bool_value) {
if (value->GetAsBoolean(bool_value))
return true;
// Boolean policies are represented as integer 0/1 in the registry.
int int_value = 0;
if (value->GetAsInteger(&int_value) && (int_value == 0 || int_value == 1)) {
*bool_value = int_value != 0;
return true;
return false;
bool GetAsInteger(const base::Value* value, int* int_value) {
return value->GetAsInteger(int_value);
bool GetAsString(const base::Value* value, std::string* string_value) {
return value->GetAsString(string_value);
// Prints an error log. Used if value cannot be converted to a target type.
void PrintConversionError(const base::Value* value,
const char* target_type,
const char* policy_name,
const std::string* index_str) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to convert value '" << *value << " of type '"
<< GetValueTypeName(value) << "'"
<< " to " << target_type << " for policy '" << policy_name << "'"
<< (index_str ? " at index " + *index_str : "");
} // namespace policy