blob: ad25f5318c329c82194ffdc745e9990b99c26239 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "debugd/src/wifi_debug_tool.h"
#include <base/files/file_util.h>
#include <string.h>
namespace debugd {
namespace {
const char kErrorWifiDebug[] = "org.chromium.debugd.error.WifiDebug";
// Marvell wifi
const char kMwifiexDebugMask[] = "/sys/kernel/debug/mwifiex/mlan0/debug_mask";
// Enable extra debugging: MSG | FATAL | ERROR | CMD | EVENT.
const char kMwifiexEnable[] = "0x37";
// Default debugging level: MSG | FATAL | ERROR.
const char kMwifiexDisable[] = "0x7";
// Intel wifi
const char kIwlwifiDebugFlag[] = "/sys/module/iwlwifi/parameters/debug";
// Full debugging: see below file for details on each bit:
// drivers/net/wireless-$(WIFIVERSION)/iwl7000/iwlwifi/iwl-debug.h
const char kIwlwifiEnable[] = "0xFFFFFFFF";
// Default debugging: none
const char kIwlwifiDisable[] = "0x0";
} // namespace
bool WifiDebugTool::WriteSysfsFlags(const char* str, base::FilePath path,
DBus::Error* error) {
int len = strlen(str);
if (base::WriteFile(path, str, len) != len) {
error->set(kErrorWifiDebug, "write");
return false;
return true;
bool WifiDebugTool::SetEnabled(WifiDebugFlag flags, DBus::Error* error) {
if (flags & ~WIFI_DEBUG_ENABLED) {
error->set(kErrorWifiDebug, "unsupported flags");
return false;
base::FilePath iwlwifi_path(kIwlwifiDebugFlag);
base::FilePath mwifiex_path(kMwifiexDebugMask);
const char* str = nullptr;
if (base::PathExists(iwlwifi_path)) {
str = (flags == WIFI_DEBUG_ENABLED) ? kIwlwifiEnable : kIwlwifiDisable;
return WriteSysfsFlags(str, iwlwifi_path, error);
if (base::PathExists(mwifiex_path)) {
str = (flags == WIFI_DEBUG_ENABLED) ? kMwifiexEnable : kMwifiexDisable;
return WriteSysfsFlags(str, mwifiex_path, error);
error->set(kErrorWifiDebug, "unsupported driver");
return false;
} // namespace debugd