blob: 64ba834b89c0f00e115ca559830e6a877d61ec0e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "debugd/src/swap_tool.h"
#include <string>
#include <base/strings/stringprintf.h>
#include "debugd/src/process_with_output.h"
namespace debugd {
namespace {
// This script holds the bulk of the real logic.
const char kSwapHelperScript[] = "/usr/share/cros/init/";
std::string RunSwapHelper(const ProcessWithOutput::ArgList& arguments,
int* result) {
std::string stdout, stderr;
*result = ProcessWithOutput::RunProcessFromHelper(
kSwapHelperScript, arguments, nullptr, &stdout, &stderr);
return *result ? stderr : stdout;
} // namespace
std::string SwapTool::SwapEnable(uint32_t size, bool change_now,
DBus::Error* error) const {
int result;
std::string output, buf;
buf = base::StringPrintf("%u", size);
output = RunSwapHelper({"enable", buf}, &result);
if (result != EXIT_SUCCESS)
return output;
if (change_now)
output = SwapStartStop(true, error);
return output;
std::string SwapTool::SwapDisable(bool change_now, DBus::Error* error) const {
int result;
std::string output;
output = RunSwapHelper({"disable", }, &result);
if (result != EXIT_SUCCESS)
return output;
if (change_now)
output = SwapStartStop(false, error);
return output;
std::string SwapTool::SwapStartStop(bool on, DBus::Error* error) const {
int result;
std::string output;
// We always turn off swap because the config might have changed.
// Also because the code doesn't like to turn on twice.
output = RunSwapHelper({"stop", }, &result);
if (result != EXIT_SUCCESS)
return output;
if (on)
output = RunSwapHelper({"start", }, &result);
return output;
std::string SwapTool::SwapStatus(DBus::Error* error) const {
int result;
return RunSwapHelper({"status", }, &result);
} // namespace debugd