blob: bf49526822a15d0fff05ad7cd426298eb3917621 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <errno.h> // for errno
#include <string.h> // for strerror
#include <iostream> // NOLINT(readability/streams)
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include "base/macros.h"
// Emulate Chrome-like logging.
// LogLevel is an enumeration that holds the log levels like libbase does.
enum LogLevel {
namespace logging {
// Sets the log level. Anything at or above this level will be written to the
// log file/displayed to the user (if applicable). Anything below this level
// will be silently ignored. The log level defaults to 0 (everything is logged
// up to level INFO) if this function is not called.
// Note that log messages for VLOG(x) are logged at level -x, so setting
// the min log level to negative values enables verbose logging.
void SetMinLogLevel(int level);
// Gets the current log level.
int GetMinLogLevel();
// Gets the VLOG verbosity level.
int GetVlogVerbosity();
// Generic logging class that emulates logging from libbase. Do not use this
// class directly.
class LogBase {
virtual ~LogBase() {}
template <class T> LogBase& operator <<(const T& x) {
ss_ << x;
return *this;
LogBase(const std::string label, const char* file, int line) {
ss_ << "[" << label << ":"<< file << ":" << line << "] ";
// Accumulates the contents to be printed.
std::ostringstream ss_;
// For general logging.
class Log : public LogBase {
Log(LogLevel level, const char* level_str, const char* file, int line)
: LogBase(level_str, file, line) {
level_ = level;
~Log() {
if (level_ >= GetMinLogLevel())
std::cerr << ss_.str() << std::endl;
if (level_ >= FATAL)
LogLevel level_;
// Like LOG but appends errno's string description to the logging.
class PLog : public Log {
PLog(LogLevel level, const char* level_str, const char* file, int line)
: Log(level, level_str, file, line) {}
~PLog() {
if (level_ >= GetMinLogLevel())
std::cerr << ss_.str() << ": " << strerror(errnum_) << std::endl;
// Cached error value, in case errno changes during this object's lifetime.
int errnum_;
// Like LOG but conditional upon the logging verbosity level.
class VLog : public LogBase {
VLog(int vlog_level, const char* file, int line)
: LogBase(std::string("VLOG(") + std::to_string(vlog_level) + ")",
file, line),
vlog_level_(vlog_level) {}
~VLog() {
if (vlog_level_ <= GetVlogVerbosity())
std::cerr << ss_.str() << std::endl;
// Logging verbosity level. The logging will be printed if this value is less
// than or equal to GetVlogVerbosity().
int vlog_level_;
} // namespace logging
// These macros are for LOG() and related logging commands.
#define LOG(level) logging::Log(level, #level, __FILE__, __LINE__)
#define PLOG(level) logging::PLog(level, #level, __FILE__, __LINE__)
#define VLOG(level) logging::VLog(level, __FILE__, __LINE__)
// Some macros from libbase that we use.
#define CHECK(x) if (!(x)) LOG(FATAL) << #x
#define CHECK_GT(x, y) if (!(x > y)) LOG(FATAL) << #x << " > " << #y << "failed"
#define CHECK_GE(x, y) if (!(x >= y)) LOG(FATAL) << #x << " >= " << #y \
<< "failed"
#define CHECK_LE(x, y) if (!(x <= y)) LOG(FATAL) << #x << " <= " << #y \
<< "failed"
#define CHECK_NE(x, y) if (!(x != y)) LOG(FATAL) << #x << " != " << #y \
<< "failed"
#define CHECK_EQ(x, y) if (!(x == y)) LOG(FATAL) << #x << " == " << #y \
<< "failed"
#define DLOG(x) LOG(x)
#define DVLOG(x) VLOG(x)
#define DCHECK(x) CHECK(x)