blob: eb65d202b06059d28763cde1c30aa2b973a33075 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef FIDES_KEY_H_
#define FIDES_KEY_H_
#include <initializer_list>
#include <string>
namespace fides {
class Key {
// Check whether the provided string is a valid key.
static bool IsValidKey(const std::string& key_string);
// Default constructor which initializes Key as the root key.
Key() = default;
// Construct a Key from the string representation |key|.
explicit Key(const std::string& key);
// Construct a Key from the provided components.
explicit Key(std::initializer_list<std::string> components);
// These operators forward the respective operations to their std::string
// equivalents for |key_|.
bool operator<(const Key& rhs) const;
bool operator<=(const Key& rhs) const;
bool operator==(const Key& rhs) const;
bool operator!=(const Key& rhs) const;
// Returns a string representation of the key.
const std::string& ToString() const;
// Returns the parent key for |key|. If |key| the root key, returns the root
// key.
Key GetParent() const;
// Appends another key as a suffix.
Key Append(const Key& other) const;
// Extends a key by appending the specified components.
Key Extend(std::initializer_list<std::string> components) const;
// Splits off the first key component and returns its value, as well as the
// suffix. Returns an empty prefix and suffix for the root key. |suffix| may
// be nullptr, in which case the suffix doesn't get returned.
Key Split(Key *suffix) const;
// Computes the key that is the common prefix of |this| and |other|.
Key CommonPrefix(const Key& other) const;
// Returns true and fills in |suffix| if |prefix| is a prefix of this. Returns
// false and doesn't change |suffix| otherwise.
bool Suffix(const Key& prefix, Key* suffix) const;
// Computes the key that forms the upper bound of the subtree rooted at |this|
// in lexicographic sort order. In other words, the return value is the first
// key in order that is after every key for which IsPrefixOf() returns true.
Key PrefixUpperBound() const;
// Returns true, if this key is the root key, i.e. has the empty string as its
// string representation.
bool IsRootKey() const;
// Checks whether this key is a prefix of |other|. Returns true also if the
// keys are identical.
bool IsPrefixOf(const Key& other) const;
std::string key_;
} // namespace fides
#endif // FIDES_KEY_H_