blob: cb11fafc5a82d248d2cb35249f39cf3127ea0330 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stdint.h>
#include <map>
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "chromiumos-wide-profiling/compat/proto.h"
#include "chromiumos-wide-profiling/compat/string.h"
#include "chromiumos-wide-profiling/perf_reader.h"
#include "chromiumos-wide-profiling/utils.h"
namespace quipper {
class AddressMapper;
class PerfDataProto_BranchStackEntry;
class PerfDataProto_CommEvent;
class PerfDataProto_ForkEvent;
class PerfDataProto_MMapEvent;
class PerfDataProto_PerfEvent;
// A struct containing all relevant info for a mapped DSO, independent of any
// samples.
struct DSOInfo {
string name;
string build_id;
// Comparator that allows this to be stored in a STL set.
bool operator<(const DSOInfo& other) const {
return name <;
struct ParsedEvent {
// TODO(sque): Turn this struct into a class to privatize member variables.
ParsedEvent() : command_(NULL) {}
// Stores address of the original PerfDataProto_PerfEvent owned by a
// PerfReader object.
PerfDataProto_PerfEvent* event_ptr;
// For mmap events, use this to count the number of samples that are in this
// region.
uint32_t num_samples_in_mmap_region;
// Command associated with this sample.
const string* command_;
// Accessor for command string.
const string command() const {
if (command_)
return *command_;
return string();
void set_command(const string* command) {
command_ = command;
// A struct that contains a DSO + offset pair.
struct DSOAndOffset {
const DSOInfo* dso_info_;
uint64_t offset_;
// Accessor methods.
const string dso_name() const {
if (dso_info_)
return dso_info_->name;
return string();
const string build_id() const {
if (dso_info_)
return dso_info_->build_id;
return string();
uint64_t offset() const {
return offset_;
DSOAndOffset() : dso_info_(NULL),
offset_(0) {}
bool operator == (const DSOAndOffset& other) const {
return offset_ == other.offset_ &&
!dso_name().compare(other.dso_name()) &&
} dso_and_offset;
// DSO + offset info for callchain.
std::vector<DSOAndOffset> callchain;
// DSO + offset info for branch stack entries.
struct BranchEntry {
bool predicted;
DSOAndOffset from;
DSOAndOffset to;
bool operator == (const BranchEntry& other) const {
return predicted == other.predicted &&
from == other.from &&
to ==;
std::vector<BranchEntry> branch_stack;
// For comparing ParsedEvents.
bool operator == (const ParsedEvent& other) const {
return dso_and_offset == other.dso_and_offset &&
std::equal(callchain.begin(), callchain.end(),
other.callchain.begin()) &&
std::equal(branch_stack.begin(), branch_stack.end(),
struct PerfEventStats {
// Number of each type of event.
uint32_t num_sample_events;
uint32_t num_mmap_events;
uint32_t num_comm_events;
uint32_t num_fork_events;
uint32_t num_exit_events;
// Number of sample events that were successfully mapped using the address
// mapper. The mapping is recorded regardless of whether the address in the
// perf sample event itself was assigned the remapped address. The latter is
// indicated by |did_remap|.
uint32_t num_sample_events_mapped;
// Whether address remapping was enabled during event parsing.
bool did_remap;
struct PerfParserOptions {
// For synthetic address mapping.
bool do_remap = false;
// Set this flag to discard non-sample events that don't have any associated
// sample events. e.g. MMAP regions with no samples in them.
bool discard_unused_events = false;
// When mapping perf sample events, at least this percentage of them must be
// successfully mapped in order for ProcessEvents() to return true.
// By default, most samples must be properly mapped in order for sample
// mapping to be considered successful.
float sample_mapping_percentage_threshold = 95.0f;
// Set this to sort perf events by time, assuming they have timestamps.
// TODO(sque): This is to maintain the legacy feature of
// PerfSerializer::serialize_sorted_events_, which is used by
// PerfSerializerTest. However, we should look at restructuring PerfParser not
// to need it, while still providing some PerfParserStats.
bool sort_events_by_time = true;
class PerfParser {
explicit PerfParser(PerfReader* reader);
// Constructor that takes in options at PerfParser creation time.
explicit PerfParser(PerfReader* reader, const PerfParserOptions& options);
// Pass in a struct containing various options.
void set_options(const PerfParserOptions& options) {
options_ = options;
// Gets parsed event/sample info from raw event data. Stores pointers to the
// raw events in an array of ParsedEvents. Does not own the raw events. It is
// up to the user of this class to keep track of when these event pointers are
// invalidated.
bool ParseRawEvents();
const std::vector<ParsedEvent>& parsed_events() const {
return parsed_events_;
const PerfEventStats& stats() const {
return stats_;
// Use with caution. Deserialization uses this to restore stats from proto.
PerfEventStats* mutable_stats() {
return &stats_;
// Defines a type for a pid:tid pair.
typedef std::pair<uint32_t, uint32_t> PidTid;
// Used for processing events. e.g. remapping with synthetic addresses.
bool ProcessEvents();
// Sort |parsed_events_| by time, and updates the events in |reader_| in
// sorted order.
// Events can not be sorted by time if PERF_SAMPLE_TIME is not set in
// attr.sample_type for all attrs.
void MaybeSortParsedEvents();
// Updates |reader_->events| based on the contents of |parsed_events_|. For
// example, if |parsed_events_| had some events removed or reordered,
// |reader_| would be updated to contain the new sequence of events.
void UpdatePerfEventsFromParsedEvents();
// Does a sample event remap and then returns DSO name and offset of sample.
bool MapSampleEvent(ParsedEvent* parsed_event);
// Calls MapIPAndPidAndGetNameAndOffset() on the callchain of a sample event.
bool MapCallchain(const uint64_t ip,
const uint32_t pid,
uint64_t original_event_addr,
RepeatedField<uint64>* callchain,
ParsedEvent* parsed_event);
// Trims the branch stack for null entries and calls
// MapIPAndPidAndGetNameAndOffset() on each entry.
bool MapBranchStack(
const uint32_t pid,
RepeatedPtrField<PerfDataProto_BranchStackEntry>* branch_stack,
ParsedEvent* parsed_event);
// This maps a sample event and returns the mapped address, DSO name, and
// offset within the DSO. This is a private function because the API might
// change in the future, and we don't want derived classes to be stuck with an
// obsolete API.
bool MapIPAndPidAndGetNameAndOffset(
uint64_t ip,
uint32_t pid,
uint64_t* new_ip,
ParsedEvent::DSOAndOffset* dso_and_offset);
// Parses a MMAP event. Adds the mapping to the AddressMapper of the event's
// process. If |options_.do_remap| is set, will update |event| with the
// remapped address.
bool MapMmapEvent(PerfDataProto_MMapEvent* event, uint64_t id);
// Processes a COMM event. Creates a new AddressMapper for the new command's
// process.
bool MapCommEvent(const PerfDataProto_CommEvent& event);
// Processes a FORK event. Creates a new AddressMapper for the PID of the new
// process, if none already exists.
bool MapForkEvent(const PerfDataProto_ForkEvent& event);
// Create a process mapper for a process. Optionally pass in a parent pid
// |ppid| from which to copy mappings.
// Returns (mapper, true) if a new AddressMapper was created, and
// (mapper, false) if there is an existing mapper.
std::pair<AddressMapper*, bool> GetOrCreateProcessMapper(uint32_t pid,
uint32_t ppid = -1);
// Points to a PerfReader that contains the input perf data to parse.
PerfReader* const reader_;
// Stores the output of ParseRawEvents(). Contains DSO + offset info for each
// event.
std::vector<ParsedEvent> parsed_events_;
// Store all option flags as one struct.
PerfParserOptions options_;
// Maps pid/tid to commands.
std::map<PidTid, const string*> pidtid_to_comm_map_;
// A set to store the actual command strings.
std::set<string> commands_;
// ParseRawEvents() records some statistics here.
PerfEventStats stats_;
// A set of unique DSOs that may be referenced by multiple events.
std::set<DSOInfo> dso_set_;
// Maps process ID to an address mapper for that process.
std::map<uint32_t, std::unique_ptr<AddressMapper>> process_mappers_;
} // namespace quipper