blob: 768c391e7723af98be82fae79bc975b54017b4cc [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// TpmInit - public interface class for initializing the TPM
#include <base/macros.h>
#include <base/memory/scoped_ptr.h>
#include <brillo/secure_blob.h>
#include "cryptohome/tpm.h"
#include "tpm_status.pb.h" // NOLINT(build/include)
namespace cryptohome {
class TpmInitTask;
class Platform;
class TpmInit {
// Friend class TpmInitTask as it is a glue class to allow ThreadMain to be
// called on a separate thread without inheriting from
// PlatformThread::Delegate
friend class TpmInitTask;
enum TpmOwnerDependency {
class TpmInitCallback {
virtual void InitializeTpmComplete(bool status, bool took_ownership) = 0;
// Default constructor
TpmInit(Tpm* tpm, Platform* platform);
virtual ~TpmInit();
virtual void Init(TpmInitCallback* notify_callback);
// Sets the TPM to the state where we last left it in. This must be called
// before the *InitializeTpm functions below, if we need to.
// Parameters:
// load_key - TRUE to load load Cryptohome key.
// Returns false if the instance has already been setup.
virtual bool SetupTpm(bool load_key);
// Asynchronously initializes the TPM. The TPM is initialized following these
// steps:
// 1. The TPM is owned with default owner password.
// 2. The SRK password is cleared. The SRK is then unrestricted.
// 3. New owner password is established.
// 4. (This new password WILL be wiped later when all owner dependencies
// have been removed.)
// At each step in the process, a status file is updated so that we can
// resume the initialization later (see SetupTpm above).
// The initialization is usually done asynchronously. Attestation and
// InstallAttributes must remove themselves from owner dependency list so that
// the owner password can be cleared.
// Returns true if a thread was spawn to do the actual initialization.
virtual bool AsyncInitializeTpm();
// Synchronously initializes the TPM.
// Returns true if the TPM initialization process (as outlined above) is
// completed at step 3.
virtual bool InitializeTpm(bool* OUT_took_ownership);
// Returns true if the TPM is initialized and ready for use
virtual bool IsTpmReady();
// Returns true if the TPM is enabled
virtual bool IsTpmEnabled();
// Returns true if the TPM is owned
virtual bool IsTpmOwned();
// Marks the TPM as being owned
virtual void SetTpmOwned(bool owned);
// Returns true if the TPM is being owned
virtual bool IsTpmBeingOwned();
// Marks the TPM as being or not being been owned
virtual void SetTpmBeingOwned(bool being_owned);
// Returns true if initialization has been called
virtual bool HasInitializeBeenCalled();
// Gets the TPM password if the TPM initialization took ownership
// Parameters
// password (OUT) - The owner password used for the TPM
virtual bool GetTpmPassword(brillo::Blob* password);
// Clears the TPM password from memory and disk
virtual void ClearStoredTpmPassword();
// Removes the given owner dependency. When all dependencies have been removed
// the owner password can be cleared.
// Parameters
// dependency - The dependency (on TPM ownership) to be removed
virtual void RemoveTpmOwnerDependency(TpmOwnerDependency dependency);
virtual void set_tpm(Tpm* value);
virtual Tpm* get_tpm();
virtual bool HasCryptohomeKey();
virtual TpmKeyHandle GetCryptohomeKey();
virtual bool ReloadCryptohomeKey();
virtual void ThreadMain();
// Loads the TpmStatus object
bool LoadTpmStatus(TpmStatus* serialized);
// Saves the TpmStatus object
bool StoreTpmStatus(const TpmStatus& serialized);
// Creates a random owner password
// Parameters
// password (OUT) - the generated password
void CreateOwnerPassword(brillo::SecureBlob* password);
// Stores the TPM owner password to the TpmStatus object
bool StoreOwnerPassword(const brillo::Blob& owner_password,
TpmStatus* tpm_status);
// Retrieves the TPM owner password
bool LoadOwnerPassword(const TpmStatus& tpm_status,
brillo::Blob* owner_password);
// Migrate any TPM status files from old location to new location.
void MigrateStatusFiles();
// Returns whether or not the TPM is enabled by checking a flag in the TPM's
// entry in either /sys/class/misc or /sys/class/tpm
bool IsEnabledCheckViaSysfs(const char* enabled_file);
// Returns whether or not the TPM is owned by checking a flag in the TPM's
// entry in either /sys/class/misc or /sys/class/tpm
bool IsOwnedCheckViaSysfs(const char* owned_file);
bool SaveCryptohomeKey(const brillo::SecureBlob& wrapped_key);
bool LoadCryptohomeKey(ScopedKeyHandle* key_handle);
bool CreateCryptohomeKey();
bool LoadOrCreateCryptohomeKey(ScopedKeyHandle* key_handle);
// Returns true if the first byte of the file |file_name| is "1"
bool CheckSysfsForOne(const char* file_name) const;
// The background task for initializing the TPM, implemented as a
// PlatformThread::Delegate
scoped_ptr<TpmInitTask> tpm_init_task_;
base::PlatformThreadHandle init_thread_;
TpmInitCallback* notify_callback_;
bool initialize_called_;
bool initialize_took_ownership_;
int64_t initialization_time_;
Platform* platform_;
ScopedKeyHandle cryptohome_key_;
} // namespace cryptohome