blob: a1939ebb5e5da7981e3ec423b25df3cbe171c7a2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stdint.h>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <base/macros.h>
#include "settingsd/blob_ref.h"
namespace settingsd {
// A class that loads and stores Blobs.
class BlobStore {
class Handle {
bool IsValid() const;
Handle(unsigned int blob_id, const std::string& source_id);
// 0 is considered to be an invalid blob id.
unsigned int blob_id_;
std::string source_id_;
friend class BlobStore;
friend class SettingsDocumentManagerTest;
// |storage_path| needs to point to a directory that the system user running
// settingsd has write access to. If the directory does not already exist, it
// will be created on the first invocation of the Store() method.
explicit BlobStore(const std::string& storage_path);
// Stores the |blob| originating from the source identifid by |source_id| on
// the disk.
Handle Store(const std::string& source_id, const BlobRef blob) const;
// Loads the blob identified by |handle| from disk.
const std::vector<uint8_t> Load(Handle handle) const;
// Returns the list of handles to all documents provided by the source
// identified by |source_id| in increasing order of blob id.
std::vector<Handle> List(const std::string& source_id) const;
// Deletes the blob identified by |handle| from disk. Returns true on success.
// Otherwise, returns false. Note that passing an invalid handle is considered
// an error.
bool Purge(Handle handle) const;
// Path to the root of the directory hierarchy to store blobs in.
const std::string storage_path_;
// Constructs the path for blob with id |blob_id| for |source_id|. If either
// |blob_id| or |source_id| are invalid (see implementation for comments),
// this method fails and returns the empty string.
std::string GetBlobPath(unsigned int blob_id,
const std::string& source_id) const;
// Constructs the path containing the blobs for |source_id|. If |source_id| is
// invalid (see implementation for comments), this method fails and returns
// the empty string.
std::string GetSourcePath(const std::string& source_id) const;
// Attempts to extract the blob id from the filename. If |filename| does not
// follow the naming scheme (see implementation for comments), this method
// fails and returns 0.
unsigned int FilenameToBlobId(const std::string& filename) const;
// Returns the next unused blob id for |source_id|. Note that this function is
// not safe against race conditions in cases where another process is trying
// to find the next unused identifier as well.
unsigned int GetNextUnusedBlobId(const std::string& source_id) const;
} // namespace settingsd