blob: 957e72435dc662f760cb8e864abef840a5784830 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2014 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
description "Supplemental session_manager initialization after boot"
author ""
# This job forwards machine information to session_manager over DBus.
# The data is used by session_manager eventually, but is not critical to
# starting the UI.
# Machine information needs to be pushed to session_manager every time
# it starts. However, the data may not be available yet. In that case
# this job runs again after ui-collect-machine-info has collected the
# data.
start on login-prompt-visible or stopped ui-collect-machine-info
env UI_MACHINE_INFO_FILE=/var/run/session_manager/machine-info
# Bail out if data collection is still pending.
[ -e "${UI_MACHINE_INFO_FILE}" ] || exit 0
# Note the tr command below that fixes up the input data to only
# contain ASCII characters. Well-formed input should only contain
# ASCII characters anyways. However, there are devices in the wild
# that have random invalid binary data in their VPD.
# Sanitization is necessary here because dbus-send asserts the input
# string to be valid UTF-8. Without sanitization, these asserts
# generate crash reports for dbus-send and fail to forward potentially
# intact VPD contents. See also
dbus-send --system --dest=org.chromium.SessionManager \
--type=method_call /org/chromium/SessionManager \
org.chromium.SessionManagerInterface.InitMachineInfo \
string:"$(tr -cd '\1-\177' < "${UI_MACHINE_INFO_FILE}")" ||
logger -t "${UPSTART_JOB}" \
"Failed to pass machine info to session_manager!"
end script