blob: fad532074d648928aadedec75b71cd37bc083d24 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <string>
#include <base/callback.h>
#include <base/files/file_path.h>
#include <base/macros.h>
namespace chromeos {
namespace ui {
// XServerRunner can be used to start the X server asynchronously and later
// block until the server is ready to accept connections from clients.
// In more detail:
// - StartServer() performs necessary setup and forks |child_pid_|.
// - |child_pid_| setuids to |user| and forks another process |x_pid|.
// - |x_pid| execs the X server.
// - The X server sends SIGUSR1 to |child_pid_| after initialization.
// - |child_pid_| exits, resulting in the original process receiving SIGCHLD.
// - WaitForServer() blocks until SIGCHLD has been received.
class XServerRunner {
// Default constructor values for Chrome OS.
static const char kDefaultUser[];
static const int kDefaultVt;
// Various hard-coded paths exposed here for tests.
static const char kSocketDir[];
static const char kIceDir[];
static const char kLogFile[];
static const char kXkbDir[];
void set_base_path_for_testing(const base::FilePath& path) {
base_path_for_testing_ = path;
void set_callback_for_testing(const base::Closure& callback) {
callback_for_testing_ = callback;
// Creates necessary directories and starts the X server in the background
// running as |user| on |vt|. |xauth_file| will be created to permit
// connections to the server. Returns true if the setup was successful and the
// child process that starts the server was forked sucessfully.
bool StartServer(const std::string& user,
int vt,
bool allow_vt_switching,
const base::FilePath& xauth_file);
// Blocks until the previously-started X server is ready to accept
// connections. Handles announcing the server's readiness to Upstart and
// recording a bootstat event.
bool WaitForServer();
// Converts absolute path |path| into a base::FilePath, rooting it under
// |base_path_for_testing_| if it's non-empty.
base::FilePath GetPath(const std::string& path) const;
// Path under which files are created when running in a test.
base::FilePath base_path_for_testing_;
// If non-null, run instead of actually starting the X server.
base::Closure callback_for_testing_;
// PID of the child process that will exit once the X server is ready to
// accept connections.
pid_t child_pid_;
} // namespace ui
} // namespace chromeos