blob: d80bdb5f32f9bcee2091c40cf3ab65051362e2aa [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "debugd/src/perf_tool.h"
#include <base/strings/string_number_conversions.h>
#include <base/strings/string_split.h>
#include <base/strings/string_util.h>
#include <sys/utsname.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <map>
#include "debugd/src/cpu_info_parser.h"
#include "debugd/src/process_with_output.h"
#include "debugd/src/random_selector.h"
using base::StringPrintf;
namespace debugd {
namespace {
const char kUnsupportedPerfToolErrorName[] =
// Location of quipper on ChromeOS.
const char kQuipperLocation[] = "/usr/bin/quipper";
// This is registered trademark symbol that appears in model name strings.
const char kRegisteredTrademarkSymbol[] = "(R)";
// Processor model name substrings for which we have perf commands.
// For 64-bit x86 processors.
const char* kx86_64CPUOddsFiles[] = {
// For 32-bit x86 processors.
const char* kx86_32CPUOddsFiles[] = {
// 32-bit x86 doesn't have any special cases, so all processors use the
// default commands. Add future special cases here.
// For ARMv7 processors.
const char* kARMv7CPUOddsFiles[] = {
// ARMv7 doesn't have any special cases, so all processors use the default
// commands. Add future special cases here.
// For miscellaneous processors models of a known architecture.
const char kMiscCPUModelOddsFile[] = "default";
// Odds file name for miscellaneous processor architectures.
const char kMiscCPUArchOddsFile[] = "unknown";
// Prefix path to attach to the CPU odds file.
const char kCPUOddsFilePrefix[] = "/etc/perf_commands/";
// Suffix to attach to the CPU odds file.
const char kCPUOddsFileSuffix[] = ".txt";
const std::map<std::string, std::string> kIntelUarchFileTable {
// These were found on various sources on the Internet. Main ones are:
// for CPUID to model name and
// for model name to microarchitecture
// {"06_1C", "Bonnell"}, // Atom
// {"06_26", "Bonnell"}, // Atom
// {"06_36", "Saltwell"}, // Atom
// {"06_4C", "Airmont"}, // Braswell
// {"06_4E", "Skylake"},
// {"06_37", "Silvermont"},
{"06_56", "Broadwell"}, // Broadwell-DE
{"06_47", "Broadwell"}, // Broadwell-H
{"06_3D", "Broadwell"},
{"06_3C", "Haswell"},
{"06_3F", "Haswell"},
{"06_45", "Haswell"},
{"06_46", "Haswell"},
{"06_3A", "IvyBridge"},
{"06_3E", "IvyBridge"},
{"06_2A", "SandyBridge"},
{"06_2D", "SandyBridge"},
// {"06_0F", "Merom"},
// {"06_16", "Merom"},
// {"06_17", "Nehalem"},
// {"06_1A", "Nehalem"},
// {"06_1D", "Nehalem"},
// {"06_1E", "Nehalem"},
// {"06_1F", "Nehalem"},
// {"06_2E", "Nehalem"},
// {"06_0D", "Dothan"},
// {"06_09", "Banias"},
// {"0F_03", "Prescott"},
// {"0F_04", "Prescott"},
// {"0F_06", "Presler"},
// {"06_25", "Westmere"},
// {"06_2C", "Westmere"},
// {"06_2F", "Westmere"},
// Struct containing the parsed CPU identity
struct CPUIdentity {
// The system architecture from uname().
// (Technically, not a property of the CPU.)
std::string arch;
// CPU model name. e.g. "Intel(R) Celeron(R) 2955U @ 1.40GHz"
std::string model_name;
// For Intel CPUs, the family_model numeric identifiers from CPUID, in
// underscore-separated uppercase hex. e.g. "06_2A"
std::string intel_family_model;
// Fills in |model_name| and maybe |intel_family_model| fields of |cpuid|.
void ParseCPUModel(const CPUInfoParser& cpu_info_parser, CPUIdentity* cpuid) {
// Get CPU model name, e.g. "Intel(R) Celeron(R) 2955U @ 1.40GHz".
cpu_info_parser.GetKey("model name", &cpuid->model_name);
std::string vendor;
cpu_info_parser.GetKey("vendor_id", &vendor);
if (vendor == "GenuineIntel") {
std::string cpu_family;
cpu_info_parser.GetKey("cpu family", &cpu_family);
unsigned int cpu_family_int;
base::StringToUint(cpu_family, &cpu_family_int);
std::string model;
cpu_info_parser.GetKey("model", &model);
unsigned int model_int;
base::StringToUint(model, &model_int);
cpuid->intel_family_model =
StringPrintf("%02X_%02X", cpu_family_int, model_int);
// Converts an CPU model name string into a format that can be used as a file
// name. The rules are:
// - Replace spaces with hyphens.
// - Strip all "(R)" symbols.
// - Convert to lower case.
std::string ModelNameToFileName(const std::string& model_name) {
std::string result = model_name;
std::replace(result.begin(), result.end(), ' ', '-');
ReplaceSubstringsAfterOffset(&result, 0, kRegisteredTrademarkSymbol, "");
return base::StringToLowerASCII(result);
// For the given |cpuid|, look for the CPU odds file that corresponds to this
// CPU. If no matches are found for |cpuid.arch|, return the odds file for
// unknown CPU types. If the arch is valid, but no matches are found for
// |cpuid.model_name|, look for an odds file for the microarchitecture (only
// Intel uarchs currently supported). Otherwise, return the odds file for
// unknown models of the CPU architecture.
std::string GetOddsFilenameForCPU(const CPUIdentity& cpuid) {
const std::string& arch = cpuid.arch;
const std::string& model_name = cpuid.model_name;
const char** cpu_odds_file_list = NULL;
if (arch == "i386" || arch == "i486" || arch == "i586" || arch == "i686") {
cpu_odds_file_list = kx86_32CPUOddsFiles;
} else if (arch == "amd64" || arch == "x86_64") {
cpu_odds_file_list = kx86_64CPUOddsFiles;
} else if (arch == "armv7l") {
cpu_odds_file_list = kARMv7CPUOddsFiles;
} else {
// If the CPU arch doesn't match any of the recognized arch families, just
// use the CPU odds file for unknown CPU types.
return kMiscCPUArchOddsFile;
std::string adjusted_model_name = ModelNameToFileName(model_name);
for (size_t i = 0; cpu_odds_file_list[i]; ++i) {
if (adjusted_model_name.find(cpu_odds_file_list[i]) != std::string::npos) {
return arch + "/" + cpu_odds_file_list[i];
if (!cpuid.intel_family_model.empty()) {
// See if we have a microarchitecture-specific file.
const auto& it = kIntelUarchFileTable.find(cpuid.intel_family_model);
if (it != kIntelUarchFileTable.end()) {
const std::string& uarch = it->second;
return arch + "/" + uarch;
// If there isn't an odds file for the particular model, use the generic odds
// for the CPU arch.
return arch + "/" + kMiscCPUModelOddsFile;
} // namespace
PerfTool::PerfTool() : PerfTool(CPUInfoParser(), new RandomSelector, uname) {}
PerfTool::PerfTool(const CPUInfoParser& cpuinfo,
RandomSelector* random_selector,
UnameFunc uname_func)
: random_selector_(random_selector) {
struct CPUIdentity cpuid = {};
ParseCPUModel(cpuinfo, &cpuid);
// Get CPU machine hardware class, e.g. "i686", "x86_64", "armv7l".
struct utsname uname_info;
if (!uname_func(&uname_info))
cpuid.arch = uname_info.machine;
std::string odds_filename = GetOddsFilenameForCPU(cpuid);
kCPUOddsFilePrefix + odds_filename + kCPUOddsFileSuffix);
int PerfTool::GetPerfOutput(const uint32_t& duration_secs,
const std::vector<std::string>& perf_args,
std::vector<uint8_t>* perf_data,
std::vector<uint8_t>* perf_stat,
DBus::Error* error) {
const bool is_supported_perf_subcommand =
perf_args[0] == "perf" &&
(perf_args[1] == "record" || perf_args[1] == "stat");
if (!is_supported_perf_subcommand) {
"perf_args must begin with {\"perf\", \"record\"} "
"or {\"perf\", \"stat\"}");
return -1;
std::string output_string;
int result =
GetPerfOutputHelper(duration_secs, perf_args, error, &output_string);
if (perf_args[1] == "record")
perf_data->assign(output_string.begin(), output_string.end());
else if (perf_args[1] == "stat")
perf_stat->assign(output_string.begin(), output_string.end());
return result;
int PerfTool::GetRandomPerfOutput(const uint32_t& duration_secs,
std::vector<uint8_t>* perf_data,
std::vector<uint8_t>* perf_stat,
DBus::Error* error) {
const std::vector<std::string>& perf_args = random_selector_->GetNext();
return GetPerfOutput(
duration_secs, perf_args, perf_data, perf_stat, error);
std::vector<uint8_t> PerfTool::GetRichPerfData(const uint32_t& duration_secs,
DBus::Error* error) {
const std::vector<std::string>& perf_args = random_selector_->GetNext();
if (perf_args[1] != "record")
return std::vector<uint8_t>();
std::string output_string;
int result =
GetPerfOutputHelper(duration_secs, perf_args, error, &output_string);
if (result > 0)
return std::vector<uint8_t>();
return std::vector<uint8_t>(output_string.begin(), output_string.end());
int PerfTool::GetPerfOutputHelper(const uint32_t& duration_secs,
const std::vector<std::string>& perf_args,
DBus::Error* error,
std::string* data_string) {
// This whole method is synchronous, so we create a subprocess, let it run to
// completion, then gather up its output to return it.
ProcessWithOutput process;
process.SandboxAs("root", "root");
if (!process.Init())
*data_string = "<process init failed>";
// If you're going to add switches to a command, have a look at the Process
// interface; there's support for adding options specifically.
process.AddArg(StringPrintf("%u", duration_secs));
for (const auto& arg : perf_args) {
// Run the process to completion. If the process might take a while, you may
// have to make this asynchronous using .Start().
int status = process.Run();
if (status != 0)
*data_string = StringPrintf("<process exited with status: %d", status);
return status;
} // namespace debugd