blob: a318179e305879b137172b5b21dff2a8ab7c4888 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <dbus-c++/dbus.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <base/json/json_writer.h>
#include <base/strings/string_util.h>
#include <base/values.h>
#include <chromeos/dbus/service_constants.h>
#include <debugd/src/dbus_utils.h>
#include "dbus_proxies/org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties.h"
#include "dbus_proxies/org.freedesktop.ModemManager.h"
#include "dbus_proxies/org.freedesktop.ModemManager.Modem.h"
#include "dbus_proxies/org.freedesktop.ModemManager.Modem.Simple.h"
using base::DictionaryValue;
using base::ListValue;
using base::Value;
// These are lifted from modemmanager's XML files, since dbus-c++ currently
// doesn't emit constants for enums defined in headers.
// TODO(ellyjones): fix that
const uint32_t kModemTypeGsm = 1;
class DBusPropertiesProxy : public org::freedesktop::DBus::Properties_proxy,
public DBus::ObjectProxy {
DBusPropertiesProxy(DBus::Connection* connection,
const char* path,
const char* service)
: DBus::ObjectProxy(*connection, path, service) {}
~DBusPropertiesProxy() override = default;
class ModemManagerProxy : public org::freedesktop::ModemManager_proxy,
public DBus::ObjectProxy {
ModemManagerProxy(DBus::Connection* connection,
const char* path,
const char* service)
: DBus::ObjectProxy(*connection, path, service) {}
~ModemManagerProxy() override = default;
void DeviceAdded(const DBus::Path&) override {}
void DeviceRemoved(const DBus::Path&) override {}
class ModemSimpleProxy
: public org::freedesktop::ModemManager::Modem::Simple_proxy,
public DBus::ObjectProxy {
ModemSimpleProxy(DBus::Connection* connection,
const char* path,
const char* service)
: DBus::ObjectProxy(*connection, path, service) {}
~ModemSimpleProxy() override = default;
class ModemProxy : public org::freedesktop::ModemManager::Modem_proxy,
public DBus::ObjectProxy {
ModemProxy(DBus::Connection* connection,
const char* path,
const char* service)
: DBus::ObjectProxy(*connection, path, service) {}
~ModemProxy() override = default;
void StateChanged(const uint32_t& old_state,
const uint32_t& new_state,
const uint32_t& reason) override {}
struct Modem {
Modem(const char* service, const DBus::Path& path)
: service_(service), path_(path) {}
Value* GetStatus(DBus::Connection* conn);
const char* service_;
DBus::Path path_;
Value* FetchOneInterface(DBusPropertiesProxy* properties,
const char* interface,
DictionaryValue* result) {
std::map<std::string, DBus::Variant> propsmap = properties->GetAll(interface);
Value* propsdict = NULL;
if (!debugd::DBusPropertyMapToValue(propsmap, &propsdict))
return NULL;
std::string keypath = interface;
ReplaceSubstringsAfterOffset(&keypath, 0, ".", "/");
result->Set(keypath, propsdict);
return propsdict;
Value* Modem::GetStatus(DBus::Connection* conn) {
DictionaryValue* result = new DictionaryValue();
result->SetString("service", service_);
result->SetString("path", path_);
ModemSimpleProxy simple(conn, path_.c_str(), service_);
Value* status = NULL;
std::map<std::string, DBus::Variant> statusmap;
try {
statusmap = simple.GetStatus();
// cpplint thinks this is a function call
} catch(DBus::Error e) {}
if (debugd::DBusPropertyMapToValue(statusmap, &status))
result->Set("status", status);
ModemProxy modem(conn, path_.c_str(), service_);
DictionaryValue* infodict = new DictionaryValue();
try {
std::string> infomap = modem.GetInfo();
infodict->SetString("manufacturer", infomap._1);
infodict->SetString("modem", infomap._2);
infodict->SetString("version", infomap._3);
// cpplint thinks this is a function call
} catch(DBus::Error e) {}
result->Set("info", infodict);
DictionaryValue* props = new DictionaryValue();
DBusPropertiesProxy properties(conn, path_.c_str(), service_);
FetchOneInterface(&properties, cromo::kModemInterface, props);
FetchOneInterface(&properties, cromo::kModemSimpleInterface, props);
uint32_t type = modem.Type();
if (type == kModemTypeGsm) {
FetchOneInterface(&properties, cromo::kModemGsmInterface, props);
FetchOneInterface(&properties, cromo::kModemGsmCardInterface, props);
FetchOneInterface(&properties, cromo::kModemGsmNetworkInterface, props);
} else {
FetchOneInterface(&properties, cromo::kModemCdmaInterface, props);
result->Set("properties", props);
return result;
int main() {
DBus::BusDispatcher dispatcher;
DBus::default_dispatcher = &dispatcher;
DBus::Connection conn = DBus::Connection::SystemBus();
ModemManagerProxy cromo(&conn,
std::vector<Modem> modems;
// The try-catch block is to account for cromo not being present.
// We don't want to crash if cromo isn't running, so we swallow the
// DBus exception we get from the failed attempt to enumerate devices.
try {
std::vector<DBus::Path> cromo_modems = cromo.EnumerateDevices();
for (size_t i = 0; i < cromo_modems.size(); ++i)
modems.push_back(Modem(cromo::kCromoServiceName, cromo_modems[i]));
// cpplint thinks this is a function call
} catch(DBus::Error e) {}
ListValue result;
for (size_t i = 0; i < modems.size(); ++i)
std::string json;
result, base::JSONWriter::OPTIONS_PRETTY_PRINT, &json);
printf("%s\n", json.c_str());
return 0;