blob: f8a2796a8f31fe82c4483096388ec93eb09e98d4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef SHILL_GLIB_H_
#define SHILL_GLIB_H_
#include <string>
#include <gio/gio.h>
#include <glib.h>
#include <base/macros.h>
namespace shill {
// A GLib abstraction allowing GLib mocking in tests.
class GLib {
virtual ~GLib();
// Converts GLib's |error| to a string message and frees the GError object.
virtual std::string ConvertErrorToMessage(GError* error);
// Thin wrappers around Base64Decode/Encode. Return true on success.
virtual bool B64Decode(const std::string& input, std::string* output);
virtual bool B64Encode(const std::string& input, std::string* output);
// g_child_watch_add
virtual guint ChildWatchAdd(GPid pid,
GChildWatchFunc function,
gpointer data);
// g_free
virtual void Free(gpointer mem);
// g_key_file_free
virtual void KeyFileFree(GKeyFile* key_file);
// g_key_file_get_boolean
virtual gboolean KeyFileGetBoolean(GKeyFile* key_file,
const gchar* group_name,
const gchar* key,
GError** error);
// g_key_file_get_groups
virtual gchar** KeyFileGetGroups(GKeyFile* key_file,
gsize* length);
// g_key_file_get_integer
virtual gint KeyFileGetInteger(GKeyFile* key_file,
const gchar* group_name,
const gchar* key,
GError** error);
// g_key_file_get_string
virtual gchar* KeyFileGetString(GKeyFile* key_file,
const gchar* group_name,
const gchar* key,
GError** error);
// g_key_file_get_string_list
virtual gchar** KeyFileGetStringList(GKeyFile* key_file,
const gchar* group_name,
const gchar* key,
gsize* length,
GError** error);
// g_key_file_has_group
virtual gboolean KeyFileHasGroup(GKeyFile* key_file,
const gchar* group_name);
// g_key_file_has_key
virtual gboolean KeyFileHasKey(GKeyFile* key_file,
const gchar* group_name,
const gchar* key,
GError** error);
// g_key_file_load_from_file
virtual gboolean KeyFileLoadFromFile(GKeyFile* key_file,
const gchar* file,
GKeyFileFlags flags,
GError** error);
// g_key_file_new
virtual GKeyFile* KeyFileNew();
// g_key_file_remove_group
virtual void KeyFileRemoveGroup(GKeyFile* key_file,
const gchar* group_name,
GError** error);
// g_key_file_remove_key
virtual void KeyFileRemoveKey(GKeyFile* key_file,
const gchar* group_name,
const gchar* key,
GError** error);
// g_key_file_set_boolean
virtual void KeyFileSetBoolean(GKeyFile* key_file,
const gchar* group_name,
const gchar* key,
gboolean value);
// g_key_file_set_comment
virtual gboolean KeyFileSetComment(GKeyFile* key_file,
const gchar* group_name,
const gchar* key,
const gchar* comment,
GError** error);
// g_key_file_set_integer
virtual void KeyFileSetInteger(GKeyFile* key_file,
const gchar* group_name,
const gchar* key,
gint value);
// g_key_file_set_string
virtual void KeyFileSetString(GKeyFile* key_file,
const gchar* group_name,
const gchar* key,
const gchar* value);
// g_key_file_set_string_list
virtual void KeyFileSetStringList(GKeyFile* key_file,
const gchar* group_name,
const gchar* key,
const gchar* const list[],
gsize length);
// g_key_file_to_data
virtual gchar* KeyFileToData(GKeyFile* key_file,
gsize* length,
GError** error);
// g_source_remove
virtual gboolean SourceRemove(guint tag);
// g_spawn_async
virtual gboolean SpawnAsync(const gchar* working_directory,
gchar** argv,
gchar** envp,
GSpawnFlags flags,
GSpawnChildSetupFunc child_setup,
gpointer user_data,
GPid* child_pid,
GError** error);
// g_spawn_close_pid
virtual void SpawnClosePID(GPid pid);
// g_spawn_sync
virtual gboolean SpawnSync(const gchar* working_directory,
gchar** argv,
gchar** envp,
GSpawnFlags flags,
GSpawnChildSetupFunc child_setup,
gpointer user_data,
gchar** standard_output,
gchar** standard_error,
gint* exit_status,
GError** error);
// g_strfreev
virtual void Strfreev(gchar** str_array);
// g_type_init
virtual void TypeInit();
} // namespace shill
#endif // SHILL_GLIB_H_