blob: d6b04d63ecafeae2d53791cb53448550a0db4e2a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <gtest/gtest_prod.h> // for FRIEND_TEST
#include "shill/dhcp/dhcp_config.h"
namespace shill {
// This class provides a DHCPv6 client instance for the device |device_name|.
// The DHCPv6Config instance asks the DHCPv6 client to request both ia_na
// (Non-temporary Addresss) and ia_pd (Prefix Delegation) options from the
// DHCPv6 server.
class DHCPv6Config : public DHCPConfig {
DHCPv6Config(ControlInterface* control_interface,
EventDispatcher* dispatcher,
DHCPProvider* provider,
const std::string& device_name,
const std::string& lease_file_suffix,
GLib* glib);
~DHCPv6Config() override;
// Inherited from DHCPConfig.
void ProcessEventSignal(const std::string& reason,
const Configuration& configuration) override;
void ProcessStatusChangeSignal(const std::string& status) override;
// Inherited from DHCPConfig.
void CleanupClientState() override;
std::vector<std::string> GetFlags() override;
friend class DHCPv6ConfigTest;
FRIEND_TEST(DHCPv6ConfigCallbackTest, ProcessEventSignalFail);
FRIEND_TEST(DHCPv6ConfigCallbackTest, ProcessEventSignalSuccess);
FRIEND_TEST(DHCPv6ConfigCallbackTest, ProcessEventSignalUnknown);
FRIEND_TEST(DHCPv6ConfigCallbackTest, StoppedDuringFailureCallback);
FRIEND_TEST(DHCPv6ConfigCallbackTest, StoppedDuringSuccessCallback);
FRIEND_TEST(DHCPv6ConfigTest, ParseConfiguration);
static const char kDHCPCDPathFormatPID[];
static const char kConfigurationKeyDelegatedPrefix[];
static const char kConfigurationKeyDelegatedPrefixLength[];
static const char kConfigurationKeyDelegatedPrefixLeaseTime[];
static const char kConfigurationKeyDNS[];
static const char kConfigurationKeyDomainSearch[];
static const char kConfigurationKeyIPAddress[];
static const char kConfigurationKeyIPAddressLeaseTime[];
static const char kConfigurationKeyServerIdentifier[];
static const char kReasonBound[];
static const char kReasonFail[];
static const char kReasonRebind[];
static const char kReasonReboot[];
static const char kReasonRenew[];
static const char kType[];
// Parses |configuration| into |properties|. Returns true on success, and
// false otherwise.
bool ParseConfiguration(const Configuration& configuration);
void UpdateLeaseTime(uint32_t lease_time);
// Non-temporary address and prefix delegation are considered separate
// requests with separate leases, which mean there will be a dedicated
// response/event for each. So maintain a configuration properties here to
// combine the two lease/configuration into one. The lease time of the combine
// configuration will be the shorter of the two leases (most likely the two
// lease time will be identical).
IPConfig::Properties properties_;
} // namespace shill