blob: 7df9fe6acea2c0ca8866277811a6bb5b69297022 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "psyche/psyched/registrar.h"
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include <base/bind.h>
#include <base/logging.h>
#include <base/message_loop/message_loop.h>
#include <germ/constants.h>
#include <protobinder/binder_manager.h>
#include <protobinder/binder_proxy.h>
#include <protobinder/iservice_manager.h>
#include <protobinder/proto_util.h>
#include <soma/constants.h>
#include "psyche/common/constants.h"
#include "psyche/proto_bindings/soma_container_spec.pb.h"
#include "psyche/psyched/cell.h"
#include "psyche/psyched/client.h"
#include "psyche/psyched/factory_interface.h"
#include "psyche/psyched/germ_connection.h"
#include "psyche/psyched/service.h"
#include "psyche/psyched/soma_connection.h"
using protobinder::BinderManager;
using protobinder::BinderProxy;
namespace psyche {
namespace {
// Implementation of FactoryInterface that returns real objects.
class RealFactory : public FactoryInterface {
explicit RealFactory(GermConnection* germ) : germ_connection_(germ) {}
~RealFactory() override = default;
// FactoryInterface:
std::unique_ptr<CellInterface> CreateCell(
const soma::ContainerSpec& spec) override {
return std::unique_ptr<CellInterface>(
new Cell(spec, this, germ_connection_));
std::unique_ptr<ServiceInterface> CreateService(
const std::string& name) override {
return std::unique_ptr<ServiceInterface>(new Service(name));
std::unique_ptr<ClientInterface> CreateClient(
std::unique_ptr<BinderProxy> client_proxy) override {
return std::unique_ptr<ClientInterface>(
new Client(std::move(client_proxy)));
GermConnection* germ_connection_;
} // namespace
: soma_(new SomaConnection),
germ_(new GermConnection),
weak_ptr_factory_(this) {}
Registrar::~Registrar() = default;
void Registrar::SetFactoryForTesting(
std::unique_ptr<FactoryInterface> factory) {
factory_ = std::move(factory);
void Registrar::Init() {
if (!factory_)
factory_.reset(new RealFactory(germ_.get()));
int Registrar::RegisterService(RegisterServiceRequest* in,
RegisterServiceResponse* out) {
const std::string service_name = in->name();
std::unique_ptr<BinderProxy> proxy =
LOG(INFO) << "Got request to register \"" << service_name << "\" with "
<< "handle " << proxy->handle();
if (service_name.empty()) {
LOG(WARNING) << "Ignoring request to register service with invalid name";
return 0;
if (service_name == soma::kSomaServiceName) {
const bool was_registered = soma_->HasProxy();
// Only create persistent cells the first time somad is registered -- assume
// that the specs are the same if it crashes and gets restarted.
if (!was_registered)
return 0;
} else if (service_name == germ::kGermServiceName) {
return 0;
ServiceInterface* service =
GetService(service_name, false /* create_cell */);
if (service) {
// The service is already known, but maybe its proxy wasn't registered or
// has died.
if (service->GetProxy()) {
LOG(WARNING) << "Ignoring request to register already-registered "
<< "service \"" << service_name << "\"";
return 0;
} else {
// This service wasn't already registered or claimed by a cell that we
// launched. Go ahead and create a new object to track it.
// TODO(derat): Don't allow non-cell services after everything is
// running within cells.
const auto& it = non_cell_services_.emplace(
service_name, factory_->CreateService(service_name)).first;
service = it->second.get();
services_.emplace(service_name, service);
return 0;
int Registrar::RequestService(RequestServiceRequest* in) {
const std::string service_name = in->name();
std::unique_ptr<BinderProxy> client_proxy =
int32_t client_handle = client_proxy->handle();
LOG(INFO) << "Got request to provide service \"" << service_name << "\""
<< " to client with handle " << client_handle;
auto client_it = clients_.find(client_handle);
if (client_it == clients_.end()) {
// We didn't already know about the client.
weak_ptr_factory_.GetWeakPtr(), client_handle));
client_it = clients_.emplace(
client_handle, factory_->CreateClient(std::move(client_proxy))).first;
ClientInterface* client = client_it->second.get();
ServiceInterface* service =
GetService(service_name, true /* create_cell */);
if (!service) {
LOG(WARNING) << "Service \"" << service_name << "\" is unknown";
// TODO(derat): Drop the client immediately if it doesn't have any other
// services? This would require updating some tests which currently inspect
// the client after calling this method to check if failure was reported.
return 0;
// Check that the client didn't previously request this service.
if (!service->HasClient(client)) {
return 0;
bool Registrar::AddCell(std::unique_ptr<CellInterface> cell) {
const std::string cell_name = cell->GetName();
if (cells_.count(cell_name)) {
// This means that somad for some reason returned this ContainerSpec
// earlier, but it didn't previously list the service that we're looking for
// now.
LOG(WARNING) << "Cell \"" << cell_name << "\" already exists";
return false;
for (const auto& service_it : cell->GetServices()) {
if (services_.count(service_it.first)) {
// This means that somad didn't validate that a ContainerSpec doesn't list
// any services outside of its service namespace, or that this service was
// already registered in |non_cell_services_|.
LOG(WARNING) << "Cell \"" << cell_name << "\" provides already-known "
<< "service \"" << service_it.first << "\"";
return false;
if (!cell->Launch()) {
LOG(WARNING) << "Cell \"" << cell_name << "\" failed to launch";
return false;
for (const auto& service_it : cell->GetServices())
services_[service_it.first] = service_it.second.get();
cells_.emplace(cell_name, std::move(cell));
return true;
ServiceInterface* Registrar::GetService(const std::string& service_name,
bool create_cell) {
auto it = services_.find(service_name);
if (it != services_.end())
return it->second;
if (!create_cell)
return nullptr;
soma::ContainerSpec spec;
const SomaConnection::Result result =
soma_->GetContainerSpecForService(service_name, &spec);
if (result != SomaConnection::Result::SUCCESS) {
// TODO(derat): Pass back an error code so the client can be notified if the
// service is unknown vs. this being a possibly-transient error.
LOG(WARNING) << "Failed to get ContainerSpec for service \""
<< service_name << "\" from soma: "
<< SomaConnection::ResultToString(result);
return nullptr;
std::unique_ptr<CellInterface> cell = factory_->CreateCell(spec);
LOG(INFO) << "Created ephemeral cell \"" << cell->GetName() << "\"";
if (!cell->GetServices().count(service_name)) {
// This happens if we get a request for a service that doesn't exist that's
// in a service namespace that _does_ exist.
LOG(WARNING) << "Cell \"" << cell->GetName() << "\" doesn't "
<< "provide service \"" << service_name << "\"";
return nullptr;
if (!AddCell(std::move(cell)))
return nullptr;
it = services_.find(service_name);
CHECK(it != services_.end());
return it->second;
void Registrar::CreatePersistentCells() {
std::vector<soma::ContainerSpec> specs;
SomaConnection::Result result = soma_->GetPersistentContainerSpecs(&specs);
if (result != SomaConnection::Result::SUCCESS) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to get persistent container specs: "
<< SomaConnection::ResultToString(result);
for (const auto& spec : specs) {
std::unique_ptr<CellInterface> cell = factory_->CreateCell(spec);
LOG(INFO) << "Created persistent cell \"" << cell->GetName() << "\"";
void Registrar::HandleClientBinderDeath(int32_t handle) {
LOG(INFO) << "Got binder death notification for client with handle "
<< handle;
auto it = clients_.find(handle);
if (it == clients_.end()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Ignoring death notification for unknown client with handle "
<< handle;
ClientInterface* client = it->second.get();
for (auto service : client->GetServices())
// TODO(derat): Stop unused services?
} // namespace psyche