blob: 2d84d562607d3e46ec9660cc318634a0ef97d87c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <base/macros.h>
#include "psyche/proto_bindings/soma_container_spec.pb.h"
#include "psyche/psyched/service_observer.h"
namespace psyche {
class FactoryInterface;
class GermConnection;
class ServiceInterface;
// Corresponds to a ContainerSpec returned by soma and launched one or more
// times by germ. This class persists across multiple launches of the cell.
class CellInterface {
// Keyed by service name.
using ServiceMap = std::map<std::string, std::unique_ptr<ServiceInterface>>;
virtual ~CellInterface() = default;
// Returns this cell's name.
virtual std::string GetName() const = 0;
// Returns the services provided by this cell. Binder proxies for these
// services have not necessarily been registered yet.
virtual const ServiceMap& GetServices() const = 0;
// Launches the cell. Returns whether the cell was launched successfully.
virtual bool Launch() = 0;
// Terminates the cell. Returns whether the cell was terminated successfully.
virtual bool Terminate() = 0;
// The real implementation of CellInterface.
class Cell : public CellInterface, public ServiceObserver {
// |factory| is used to construct ServiceInterface objects, permitting tests
// to create stub services instead. Note: Ownership of |germ| remains with
// the caller.
Cell(const soma::ContainerSpec& spec,
FactoryInterface* factory,
GermConnection* germ);
~Cell() override;
// CellInterface:
std::string GetName() const override;
const ServiceMap& GetServices() const override;
bool Launch() override;
bool Terminate() override;
// ServiceObserver:
void OnServiceProxyChange(ServiceInterface* service) override;
// The specification describing this cell.
soma::ContainerSpec spec_;
// Services that are provided by this cell. These are created when the service
// is created; the binder proxies that are given to clients are set later when
// the services are registered.
ServiceMap services_;
// Connection to germd to launch the cell. Note: This class doesn't own the
// GermConnection object.
GermConnection* germ_connection_;
// PID of the germ-provided init process inside the cell, which can be used to
// terminate all the processes in the cell.
int init_pid_;
} // namespace psyche