blob: bd447a284f54db485f75ef85e66febf13ab0de97 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include "attestation/common/interface.pb.h"
namespace attestation {
// A class which provides helpers for TPM-related tasks.
class TpmUtility {
virtual ~TpmUtility() = default;
// Returns true iff the TPM is enabled, owned, and ready for attestation.
virtual bool IsTpmReady() = 0;
// Activates an attestation identity key. Effectively this decrypts a
// certificate or some other type of credential with the endorsement key. The
// |delegate_blob| and |delegate_secret| must be authorized to activate with
// owner privilege. The |identity_key_blob| is the key to which the credential
// is bound. The |asym_ca_contents| and |sym_ca_attestation| parameters are
// encrypted TPM structures, typically created by a CA (TPM_ASYM_CA_CONTENTS
// and TPM_SYM_CA_ATTESTATION respectively). On success returns true and
// populates the decrypted |credential|.
virtual bool ActivateIdentity(const std::string& delegate_blob,
const std::string& delegate_secret,
const std::string& identity_key_blob,
const std::string& asym_ca_contents,
const std::string& sym_ca_attestation,
std::string* credential) = 0;
// Generates a non-migratable key in the TPM corresponding to |key_type| and
// |key_usage|. The parent key will be the storage root key. The new key will
// always be certifiable.
virtual bool GenerateKey(KeyType key_type,
KeyUsage key_usage,
std::string* key_blob,
std::string* public_key) = 0;
// Certifies the key represented by |key_blob| with the attestation identity
// key represented by |identity_key_blob|. The |external_data| will be
// included in the |key_info|. On success, returns true and populates
// |public_key_tpm_format| with the public key of |key_blob| in TPM_PUBKEY
// format, |key_info| with the TPM_CERTIFY_INFO that was signed, and |proof|
// with the signature of |key_info| by the identity key.
virtual bool CertifyKey(const std::string& key_blob,
const std::string& identity_key_blob,
const std::string& external_data,
std::string* public_key_tpm_format,
std::string* key_info,
std::string* proof) = 0;
} // namespace attestation