blob: f7e1e96165654b3a7c7c5d38bce4f46d73d2f827 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
syntax = "proto2";
option optimize_for = LITE_RUNTIME;
package soma;
message ContainerSpec {
// ------------- Submessage types ----------------------------------------- //
// NB: When adding a value here, add it to namespace.h as well.
enum Namespace {
NEWNS = 2;
message PortSpec {
optional bool allow_all = 1 [default = false];
repeated uint32 ports = 2;
message DevicePathFilter {
optional string filter = 1;
message DeviceNodeFilter {
optional int32 major = 1; // May be set to -1 to indicate wildcard.
optional int32 minor = 2; // May be set to -1 to indicate wildcard.
// ------------- (Mostly) Required fields --------------------------------- //
// Absolute path to the service's service bundle filesystem overlay.
optional string service_bundle_path = 1;
// UID as which to run the service.
optional uint32 uid = 2;
// GID as which to run the service.
optional uint32 gid = 3;
// Command line to run: /path/to/executable [ARGS...]
repeated string command_line = 4;
// List of fully-qualified names of services that should be registered
// from inside this container.
repeated string service_names = 11;
// ------------- Optional fields ------------------------------------------ //
optional string working_directory = 5;
// Namespaces to unshare for the service.
repeated Namespace namespaces = 6;
// TCP ports allowed for listening.
optional PortSpec tcp_listen_ports = 7;
// UDP ports allowed for listening.
optional PortSpec udp_listen_ports = 8;
// Path-based filters indicating which device nodes should be visible.
repeated DevicePathFilter device_path_filters = 9;
// mknod-number-based filters indicating which device nodes should be visible.
repeated DeviceNodeFilter device_node_filters = 10;