blob: c71bd60b8c02302fa6714ef265333f5737c65ca5 [file] [log] [blame]
syntax = "proto2";
package psyche;
option optimize_for = LITE_RUNTIME;
import "binder.proto";
message RegisterServiceRequest {
required string name = 1;
required protobinder.StrongBinder binder = 2;
message RegisterServiceResponse {
required bool success = 1;
message RequestServiceRequest {
required string name = 1;
required protobinder.StrongBinder client_binder = 2;
message RequestServiceResponse {
// TODO(derat): Notify the client about immediate errors via ReceiveService.
required bool success = 1;
// Interface implemented by the psyched daemon.
service Psyched {
// Called to register an already-running service with psyched.
rpc RegisterService (RegisterServiceRequest)
returns (RegisterServiceResponse);
// Called to asynchronously request a handle to an already-registered service.
// TODO(derat): This needs to be a one-way call so the client won't block on
// the service being started.
rpc RequestService (RequestServiceRequest) returns (RequestServiceResponse);
message ReceiveServiceRequest {
required string name = 1;
optional protobinder.StrongBinder binder = 2;
message ReceiveServiceResponse {}
// Interface implemented by clients that communicate with psyched.
service PsycheClient {
// Invoked with the response to an earlier Psyched.RequestService call or when
// a service has been restarted and clients must begin using a new binder to
// communicate with it.
// TODO(derat): This needs to be a one-way call so psyched won't block on the
// client.
rpc ReceiveService (ReceiveServiceRequest) returns (ReceiveServiceResponse);