blob: b6f8c157ccd36bdb35f25adbef41e09311a20479 [file] [log] [blame]
Soma is the Brillo daemon that manages the on-disk presence of Brillo service
Currently, this mostly entails determining the appropriate containment
policy for a given service at runtime. By convention, an appropriately
packaged service bundle installs a config file in its own filesystem
overlay at /etc/services/<service-name>.conf. Soma handles locating
this file within the appropriate service bundle, interpreting it and
exporting the info as a handy data structure upon request.
The Soma API consists of one function that takes the fully-qualified
name of a service and returns a specification describing how it should
be contained.
ContainerSpec GetContainerSpec(String service-id)
Given a fully-qualified service identifier (e.g. org.chromium.Bluez), return
a ContainerSpec that describes how the service should be contained.
ContainerSpec - Structured data containing all the info needed to contain a
service at runtime
struct ContainerSpec {
String ServiceBundlePath;
Int DesiredUserID;
Int DesiredGroupID;
List<Int> ListeningPorts;
List<DeviceNodeFilter> DeviceNodeFilters;
List<DevicePathFilter> DevicePathFilters;
List<SysfsPathFilter> SysfsPathFilters;
List<UsbDeviceFilter> UsbDeviceFilters;
Required fields:
ServiceBundlePath: The abs path to the service's service bundle FS overlay.
DesiredUser: UID as which to run the service.
DesiredGroup: GID as which to run the service.
Optional fields:
ListeningPorts: List of network ports on which the service can listen.
DeviceNodeFilters: Filters indicating which device nodes should be visible.
DevicePathFilters: Filters indicating which device paths should be visible.
SysfsPathFilters: Filters indicating which sysfs paths should be visible.
UsbDeviceFilters; Filters indicating which USB devices should be visible.
Filter types - Several kinds of filters used to control access to pieces of
hardware at runtime.
struct DeviceNodeFilter {
Int major; May be a wildcard
Int minor; May be a wildcard
struct DevicePathFilter {
String filter; May contain globs (language TBD)
struct SysfsPathFilter {
String filter; May contain globs (language TBD)
struct UsbDeviceFilter {
Int vid; May be a wildcard
Int pid; May be a wildcard
All fields are required. We haven't decided what language to use to provide
path-based filtering for /dev and /sys that allows globs.