blob: 9b9c35a8e75c7c3230718b1db91613cd1f4f2b6f [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<node name="/" xmlns:tp="">
<interface name="org.chromium.ModemManager.Modem.Gobi">
Gobi-specific features for use in test and debugging.
<method name="PowerCycle">
Tells the modem to power cycle itself.
<method name="SetCarrier">
Prepares the modem to use the given carrier. Modem will
reset after this is called.
<arg name="image" type="s" direction="in">
Name of carrier.
<method name="SoftReset">
Tells the module to do a soft reset and waits for the reset to complete.
<method name="RequestEvents">
Requests notification (or not) of a particular event occuring. Multiple
notifications may be enabled at the same time.
<arg name="events" type="s" direction="in">
A string describing which events are to be enabled or disabled. This
string contains zero or more directives of the form '[+-]event', like
Allowable events are currently:
*, meaning all events
<method name="SetAutomaticTracking">
Turn automatic tracking on and off
<arg name="service_enable" type="b" direction="in">
Value for service automatic tracking.
<arg name="port_enable" type="b" direction="in">
Value for port automatic tracking.
<method name="InjectFault">
Tells the modem to power cycle itself.
<arg name="type" type="s" direction="in">
Type of fault to introduce, currently only QmiRequestError.
<arg name="value" type="i" direction="in">
Argument to that fault
<method name="SetNetworkPreference">
Sets the network registration preference.
<arg name="protocol" type="i" direction="in">
Indicate which protocol to register with:
0: Automatic
3: GSM
<method name="ForceModemActivatedStatus">
Forces the modem to indicate that it has been activated.
<signal name="DormancyStatus">
Indicates that the dormancy status of the modem changed.
<arg name="dormant" type="b">
True if the modem is dormant; false otherwise.