blob: 18f31b7ca2f510d67cac92820848f66b0ad1befd [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stdint.h>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <base/macros.h>
#include <base/memory/ref_counted.h>
#include <base/memory/scoped_ptr.h>
#include <crypto/scoped_nss_types.h>
#include "login_manager/owner_key_loss_mitigator.h"
#include "login_manager/policy_service.h"
namespace crypto {
class RSAPrivateKey;
namespace enterprise_management {
class PolicyFetchResponse;
class ChromeDeviceSettingsProto;
namespace login_manager {
class KeyGenerator;
class LoginMetrics;
class NssUtil;
class OwnerKeyLossMitigator;
// Forward declaration.
typedef struct PK11SlotInfoStr PK11SlotInfo;
// A policy service specifically for device policy, adding in a few helpers for
// generating a new key for the device owner, handling key loss mitigation,
// storing owner properties etc.
class DevicePolicyService : public PolicyService {
virtual ~DevicePolicyService();
// Instantiates a regular (non-testing) device policy service instance.
static DevicePolicyService* Create(
LoginMetrics* metrics,
PolicyKey* owner_key,
OwnerKeyLossMitigator* mitigator,
NssUtil* nss,
const scoped_refptr<base::MessageLoopProxy>& main_loop);
// Checks whether the given |current_user| is the device owner. The result of
// the check is returned in |is_owner|. If so, it is validated that the device
// policy settings are set up appropriately:
// - If |current_user| has the owner key, put her on the login white list.
// - If policy claims |current_user| is the device owner but she doesn't
// appear to have the owner key, run key mitigation.
// Returns true on success. Fills in |error| upon encountering an error.
virtual bool CheckAndHandleOwnerLogin(const std::string& current_user,
PK11SlotInfo* module,
bool* is_owner,
Error* error);
// Ensures that the public key in |buf| is legitimately paired with a private
// key held by the current user, signs and stores some ownership-related
// metadata, and then stores this key off as the new device owner key. Returns
// true if successful, false otherwise
virtual bool ValidateAndStoreOwnerKey(const std::string& current_user,
const std::string& buf,
PK11SlotInfo* module);
// Checks whether the key is missing.
virtual bool KeyMissing();
// Checks whether key loss is being mitigated.
virtual bool Mitigating();
// Loads policy key and policy blob from disk. Returns true if at least the
// key can be loaded (policy may not be present yet, which is OK).
virtual bool Initialize();
// Given info about whether we were able to load the Owner key and the
// device policy, report the state of these files via |metrics_|.
virtual void ReportPolicyFileMetrics(bool key_success, bool policy_success);
// Gets the value of the StartUpFlags policy as a vector of strings to be
// supplied to Chrome when it is started.
virtual std::vector<std::string> GetStartUpFlags();
// Returns the currently active device settings.
virtual const enterprise_management::ChromeDeviceSettingsProto& GetSettings();
// PolicyService:
bool Store(const uint8_t* policy_blob,
uint32_t len,
Completion* completion,
int flags) override;
static const char kPolicyPath[];
static const char kSerialRecoveryFlagFile[];
// Format of this string is documented in device_management_backend.proto.
static const char kDevicePolicyType[];
// These are defined in Chromium source at
// chrome/browser/chromeos/policy/ Sadly,
// the protobuf contains a trailing zero after kEnterpriseDeviceMode.
static const char kAttrEnterpriseMode[];
static const char kEnterpriseDeviceMode[];
friend class DevicePolicyServiceTest;
friend class MockDevicePolicyService;
// Takes ownership of |policy_store| and |mitigator|.
DevicePolicyService(const base::FilePath& serial_recovery_flag_file,
const base::FilePath& policy_file,
const base::FilePath& install_attributes_file,
scoped_ptr<PolicyStore> policy_store,
PolicyKey* owner_key,
const scoped_refptr<base::MessageLoopProxy>& main_loop,
LoginMetrics* metrics,
OwnerKeyLossMitigator* mitigator,
NssUtil* nss);
// Returns true if |policy| allows arbitrary new users to sign in.
// Only exposed for testing.
static bool PolicyAllowsNewUsers(
const enterprise_management::PolicyFetchResponse& policy);
// Given the private half of the owner keypair, this call whitelists
// |current_user| and sets a property indicating
// |current_user| is the owner in the current policy and schedules a
// PersistPolicy().
// Returns false on failure, with |error| set appropriately. |error| can be
// NULL, should you wish to ignore the particulars.
bool StoreOwnerProperties(const std::string& current_user,
crypto::RSAPrivateKey* signing_key,
Error* error);
// Checks the user's NSS database to see if she has the private key.
// Returns a pointer to it if so.
crypto::RSAPrivateKey* GetOwnerKeyForGivenUser(
const std::vector<uint8_t>& key,
PK11SlotInfo* module,
Error* error);
// Returns true if the |current_user| is listed in |policy_| as the
// device owner. Returns false if not, or if that cannot be determined.
bool GivenUserIsOwner(const std::string& current_user);
// Checks the serial number recovery flag and updates the flag file.
// TODO(mnissler): Remove once bogus enterprise serials are fixed.
void UpdateSerialNumberRecoveryFlagFile();
const base::FilePath serial_recovery_flag_file_;
const base::FilePath policy_file_;
const base::FilePath install_attributes_file_;
LoginMetrics* metrics_;
OwnerKeyLossMitigator* mitigator_;
NssUtil* nss_;
// Cached copy of the decoded device settings. Decoding happens on first
// access, the cache is cleared whenever a new policy gets installed via
// Store().
scoped_ptr<enterprise_management::ChromeDeviceSettingsProto> settings_;
} // namespace login_manager