blob: 4ddf430ffa27620adbabb0f2bb8ae3a458ce96d9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Tpm - class for performing encryption/decryption in the TPM. For cryptohome,
// the TPM may be used as a way to strengthen the security of the wrapped vault
// keys stored on disk. When the TPM is enabled, there is a system-wide
// cryptohome RSA key that is used during the encryption/decryption of these
// keys.
// TODO(wad) make more functions virtual for use in mock_tpm.h.
#include <base/logging.h>
#include <base/memory/scoped_ptr.h>
#include <base/synchronization/lock.h>
#include <chromeos/secure_blob.h>
#include <openssl/rsa.h>
#include <trousers/tss.h>
#include <trousers/trousers.h> // NOLINT(build/include_alpha) - needs tss.h
#include "tpm_status.pb.h" // NOLINT(build/include)
namespace cryptohome {
class Tpm {
enum TpmRetryAction {
struct TpmStatusInfo {
TSS_RESULT LastTpmError;
bool CanConnect;
bool CanLoadSrk;
bool CanLoadSrkPublicKey;
bool HasCryptohomeKey;
bool CanEncrypt;
bool CanDecrypt;
bool ThisInstanceHasContext;
bool ThisInstanceHasKeyHandle;
static Tpm* GetSingleton();
virtual ~Tpm();
// Encrypts a data blob using the provided RSA key
// Parameters
// context_handle - The TPM context
// key_handle - The loaded TPM key handle
// plaintext - One RSA message to encrypt
// key - AES key to encrypt with
// ciphertext (OUT) - Encrypted blob
// result (OUT) - TPM error code
virtual bool EncryptBlob(TSS_HCONTEXT context_handle,
TSS_HKEY key_handle,
const chromeos::SecureBlob& plaintext,
const chromeos::SecureBlob& key,
chromeos::SecureBlob* ciphertext,
TSS_RESULT* result);
// Decrypts a data blob using the provided RSA key
// Parameters
// context_handle - The TPM context
// key_handle - The loaded TPM key handle
// ciphertext - One RSA message to encrypt
// key - AES key to encrypt with
// plaintext (OUT) - Decrypted blob
// result (OUT) - TPM error code
virtual bool DecryptBlob(TSS_HCONTEXT context_handle,
TSS_HKEY key_handle,
const chromeos::SecureBlob& ciphertext,
const chromeos::SecureBlob& key,
chromeos::SecureBlob* plaintext,
TSS_RESULT* result);
// Retrieves the sha1sum of the public key component of the RSA key
virtual TpmRetryAction GetPublicKeyHash(TSS_HCONTEXT context_handle,
TSS_HKEY key_handle,
chromeos::SecureBlob* hash);
// Returns the owner password if this instance was used to take ownership.
// This will only occur when the TPM is unowned, which will be on OOBE
// Parameters
// owner_password (OUT) - The random owner password used
virtual bool GetOwnerPassword(chromeos::Blob* owner_password);
// Returns whether or not the TPM is enabled. This method call returns a
// cached result because querying the TPM directly will block if ownership is
// currently being taken (such as on a separate thread).
virtual bool IsEnabled() const { return !is_disabled_; }
virtual void SetIsEnabled(bool enabled) { is_disabled_ = !enabled; }
// Returns whether or not the TPM is owned. This method call returns a cached
// result because querying the TPM directly will block if ownership is
// currently being taken (such as on a separate thread).
virtual bool IsOwned() const { return is_owned_; }
virtual void SetIsOwned(bool owned) { is_owned_ = owned; }
// Returns whether or not the TPM is enabled and owned using a call to
// Tspi_TPM_GetCapability.
// Unlike former functions, this function performs the check (which could take
// some time) every time it is invoked. It does not use cached value.
// Parameters
// enabled (OUT) - Whether the TPM is enabled
// owned (OUT) - Whether the TPM is owned
// Returns true if the check was successfully carried out.
bool PerformEnabledOwnedCheck(bool* enabled, bool* owned);
// Returns whether or not this instance has been setup'd by an external
// entity (such as cryptohome::TpmInit).
virtual bool IsInitialized() const { return initialized_; }
virtual void SetIsInitialized(bool done) { initialized_ = done; }
// Returns whether or not the TPM is being owned
virtual bool IsBeingOwned() const { return is_being_owned_; }
virtual void SetIsBeingOwned(bool value) { is_being_owned_ = value; }
// Runs the TPM initialization sequence. This may take a long time due to the
// call to Tspi_TPM_TakeOwnership.
bool InitializeTpm(bool* OUT_took_ownership);
// Gets random bytes from the TPM
// Parameters
// length - The number of bytes to get
// data (OUT) - The random data from the TPM
virtual bool GetRandomData(size_t length, chromeos::Blob* data);
// Creates a lockable NVRAM space in the TPM
// Parameters
// index - The index of the space
// length - The number of bytes to allocate
// TODO(wad) Add PCR compositing via flags.
// TODO(wad) Should this just be a factory for a TpmNvram class?
// Returns false if the index or length invalid or the required
// authorization is not possible.
virtual bool DefineLockOnceNvram(uint32_t index,
size_t length);
// Destroys a defined NVRAM space
// Parameters
// index - The index of the space to destroy
// Returns false if the index is invalid or the required authorization
// is not possible.
virtual bool DestroyNvram(uint32_t index);
// Writes the given blob to NVRAM
// Parameters
// index - The index of the space to write
// blob - the data to write (size==0 may be used for locking)
// Returns false if the index is invalid or the request lacks the required
// authorization.
virtual bool WriteNvram(uint32_t index, const chromeos::SecureBlob& blob);
// Reads from the NVRAM index to the given blob
// Parameters
// index - The index of the space to write
// blob - the data to read
// Returns false if the index is invalid or the request lacks the required
// authorization.
virtual bool ReadNvram(uint32_t index, chromeos::SecureBlob* blob);
// Determines if the given index is defined in the TPM
// Parameters
// index - The index of the space
// Returns true if it exists and false if it doesn't or there is a failure to
// communicate with the TPM.
virtual bool IsNvramDefined(uint32_t index);
// Determines if the NVRAM space at the given index is bWriteDefine locked
// Parameters
// index - The index of the space
// Returns true if locked and false if it is unlocked, the space does not
// exist, or there is a TPM-related error.
virtual bool IsNvramLocked(uint32_t index);
// Returns the reported size of the NVRAM space indicated by its index
// Parameters
// index - The index of the space
// Returns the size of the space. If undefined or an error occurs, 0 is
// returned.
virtual unsigned int GetNvramSize(uint32_t index);
void set_srk_auth(const chromeos::SecureBlob& value) {
memcpy(, value.const_data(), srk_auth_.size());
// Get the endorsement public key. This method requires TPM owner privilege.
// Parameters
// ek_public_key - The EK public key in DER encoded form.
// Returns true on success.
virtual bool GetEndorsementPublicKey(chromeos::SecureBlob* ek_public_key);
// Get the endorsement credential. This method requires TPM owner privilege.
// Parameters
// credential - The EK credential as it is stored in NVRAM.
// Returns true on success.
virtual bool GetEndorsementCredential(chromeos::SecureBlob* credential);
// Creates an Attestation Identity Key (AIK). This method requires TPM owner
// privilege.
// Parameters
// identity_public_key_der - The AIK public key in DER encoded form.
// identity_public_key - The AIK public key in serialized TPM_PUBKEY form.
// identity_key_blob - The AIK key in blob form.
// identity_binding - The EK-AIK binding (i.e. public key signature).
// identity_label - The label used to create the identity binding.
// pca_public_key - The public key of the temporary PCA used to create the
// identity binding in serialized TPM_PUBKEY form.
// endorsement_credential - The endorsement credential.
// platform_credential - The platform credential.
// conformance_credential - The conformance credential.
// Returns true on success.
virtual bool MakeIdentity(chromeos::SecureBlob* identity_public_key_der,
chromeos::SecureBlob* identity_public_key,
chromeos::SecureBlob* identity_key_blob,
chromeos::SecureBlob* identity_binding,
chromeos::SecureBlob* identity_label,
chromeos::SecureBlob* pca_public_key,
chromeos::SecureBlob* endorsement_credential,
chromeos::SecureBlob* platform_credential,
chromeos::SecureBlob* conformance_credential);
// Generates a quote of a given PCR with the given identity key.
// - PCR0 is used to differentiate normal mode from developer mode.
// - PCR1 is used on some systems to measure the HWID.
// Parameters
// pcr_index - The index of the PCR to be quoted.
// identity_key_blob - The AIK blob, as provided by MakeIdentity.
// external_data - Data to be added to the quote, this must be at least 160
// bits in length and only the first 160 bits will be used.
// pcr_value - The value of PCR0 at the time of quote. This is more reliable
// than separately reading the PCR value because it is not
// susceptible to race conditions.
// quoted_data - The exact data that was quoted (i.e. the TPM_QUOTE_INFO
// structure), this can make verifying the quote easier.
// quote - The generated quote.
// Returns true on success.
virtual bool QuotePCR(int pcr_index,
const chromeos::SecureBlob& identity_key_blob,
const chromeos::SecureBlob& external_data,
chromeos::SecureBlob* pcr_value,
chromeos::SecureBlob* quoted_data,
chromeos::SecureBlob* quote);
// Seals a secret to PCR0 with the SRK.
// Parameters
// value - The value to be sealed.
// sealed_value - The sealed value.
// Returns true on success.
virtual bool SealToPCR0(const chromeos::Blob& value,
chromeos::Blob* sealed_value);
// Unseals a secret previously sealed with the SRK.
// Parameters
// sealed_value - The sealed value.
// value - The original value.
// Returns true on success.
virtual bool Unseal(const chromeos::Blob& sealed_value,
chromeos::Blob* value);
// Creates a certified non-migratable signing key.
// Parameters
// identity_key_blob - The AIK key blob, as provided by MakeIdentity.
// certified_public_key - The certified public key in TPM_PUBKEY form.
// certified_public_key_der - The certified public key in DER encoded form.
// certified_key_blob - The certified key in blob form.
// certified_key_info - The key info that was signed (TPM_CERTIFY_INFO).
// certified_key_proof - The signature of the certified key info by the AIK.
virtual bool CreateCertifiedKey(
const chromeos::SecureBlob& identity_key_blob,
const chromeos::SecureBlob& external_data,
chromeos::SecureBlob* certified_public_key,
chromeos::SecureBlob* certified_public_key_der,
chromeos::SecureBlob* certified_key_blob,
chromeos::SecureBlob* certified_key_info,
chromeos::SecureBlob* certified_key_proof);
// Creates a TPM owner delegate for future use.
// Parameters
// identity_key_blob - The AIK key blob, as provided by MakeIdentity.
// delegate_blob - The blob for the owner delegation.
// delegate_secret - The delegate secret that will be required to perform
// privileged operations in the future.
virtual bool CreateDelegate(const chromeos::SecureBlob& identity_key_blob,
chromeos::SecureBlob* delegate_blob,
chromeos::SecureBlob* delegate_secret);
// Activates an AIK by using the EK to decrypt the AIK credential.
// Parameters
// delegate_blob - The delegate blob, as provided by CreateDelegate.
// delegate_secret - The secret to be used for delegate authorization.
// identity_key_blob - The AIK key blob, as provided by MakeIdentity.
// encrypted_asym_ca - Encrypted TPM_ASYM_CA_CONTENTS from the CA.
// encrypted_sym_ca - Encrypted TPM_SYM_CA_CONTENTS from the CA.
// identity_credential - The AIK credential created by the CA.
virtual bool ActivateIdentity(const chromeos::SecureBlob& delegate_blob,
const chromeos::SecureBlob& delegate_secret,
const chromeos::SecureBlob& identity_key_blob,
const chromeos::SecureBlob& encrypted_asym_ca,
const chromeos::SecureBlob& encrypted_sym_ca,
chromeos::SecureBlob* identity_credential);
// Encrypts data in a TSS compatible way using AES-256-CBC.
// Parameters
// key - The AES key.
// input - The data to be encrypted.
// output - The encrypted data.
virtual bool TssCompatibleEncrypt(const chromeos::SecureBlob& key,
const chromeos::SecureBlob& input,
chromeos::SecureBlob* output);
// Encrypts data using the TPM_ES_RSAESOAEP_SHA1_MGF1 scheme.
// Parameters
// key - The RSA public key.
// input - The data to be encrypted.
// output - The encrypted data.
virtual bool TpmCompatibleOAEPEncrypt(RSA* key,
const chromeos::SecureBlob& input,
chromeos::SecureBlob* output);
// Signs data using the TPM_SS_RSASSAPKCS1v15_DER scheme. This method will
// work with any signing key that has been assigned this scheme. This
// includes all keys created using CreateCertifiedKey.
// Parameters
// key_blob - An SRK-wrapped private key blob.
// der_encoded_input - The value to be signed, encoded as required by the
// TPM_SS_RSASSAPKCS1v15_DER scheme.
// signature - On success, will be populated with the signature.
virtual bool Sign(const chromeos::SecureBlob& key_blob,
const chromeos::SecureBlob& der_encoded_input,
chromeos::SecureBlob* signature);
// Creates an SRK-wrapped signing key that has both create attributes and
// usage policy bound to the given |pcr_index| and |pcr_value|. On success
// returns true and populates |key_blob| with the TPM private key blob and
// |public_key_der| with the DER-encoded public key.
virtual bool CreatePCRBoundKey(int pcr_index,
const chromeos::SecureBlob& pcr_value,
chromeos::SecureBlob* key_blob,
chromeos::SecureBlob* public_key_der);
// Returns true iff the given |key_blob| represents a SRK-wrapped key which
// has both create attributes and usage policy bound to |pcr_value| for
// |pcr_index|.
virtual bool VerifyPCRBoundKey(int pcr_index,
const chromeos::SecureBlob& pcr_value,
const chromeos::SecureBlob& key_blob);
// Extends the PCR given by |pcr_index| with |extension|. The |extension| must
// be exactly 20 bytes in length.
virtual bool ExtendPCR(int pcr_index, const chromeos::SecureBlob& extension);
// Reads the current |pcr_value| of the PCR given by |pcr_index|.
virtual bool ReadPCR(int pcr_index, chromeos::SecureBlob* pcr_value);
bool OpenAndConnectTpm(TSS_HCONTEXT* context_handle, TSS_RESULT* result);
// Tries to connect to the TPM
virtual TSS_HCONTEXT ConnectContext();
// Frees up the context. This is different from Disconnect() method. This
// version does not touch on resources owned by this TPM instance.
virtual void CloseContext(TSS_HCONTEXT context_handle) const;
// Checks to see if the endorsement key is available by attempting to get its
// public key
// Parameters
// context_handle - The context handle for the TPM session
bool IsEndorsementKeyAvailable(TSS_HCONTEXT context_handle);
// Attempts to create the endorsement key in the TPM
// Parameters
// context_handle - The context handle for the TPM session
bool CreateEndorsementKey(TSS_HCONTEXT context_handle);
// Attempts to take ownership of the TPM
// Parameters
// context_handle - The context handle for the TPM session
// max_timeout_tries - The maximum number of attempts to make if the call
// times out, which it may occasionally do
bool TakeOwnership(TSS_HCONTEXT context_handle, int max_timeout_tries,
const chromeos::SecureBlob& owner_password);
// Zeros the SRK password (sets it to an empty string)
// Parameters
// context_handle - The context handle for the TPM session
// owner_password - The owner password for the TPM
bool ZeroSrkPassword(TSS_HCONTEXT context_handle,
const chromeos::SecureBlob& owner_password);
// Removes usage restrictions on the SRK
// Parameters
// context_handle - The context handle for the TPM session
// owner_password - The owner password for the TPM
bool UnrestrictSrk(TSS_HCONTEXT context_handle,
const chromeos::SecureBlob& owner_password);
// Changes the owner password
// Parameters
// context_handle - The context handle for the TPM session
// previous_owner_password - The previous owner password for the TPM
// owner_password - The owner password for the TPM
bool ChangeOwnerPassword(TSS_HCONTEXT context_handle,
const chromeos::SecureBlob& previous_owner_password,
const chromeos::SecureBlob& owner_password);
// Gets a handle to the TPM from the specified context with the given owner
// password
// Parameters
// context_handle - The context handle for the TPM session
// owner_password - The owner password to use when getting the handle
// tpm_handle (OUT) - The handle for the TPM on success
bool GetTpmWithAuth(TSS_HCONTEXT context_handle,
const chromeos::SecureBlob& owner_password,
TSS_HTPM* tpm_handle);
// Test the TPM auth by calling Tspi_TPM_GetStatus
// Parameters
// tpm_handle = The TPM handle
bool TestTpmAuth(TSS_HTPM tpm_handle);
// Sets the TPM owner password to be used in subsequent commands
// Parameters
// owner_password - The owner password for the TPM
void SetOwnerPassword(const chromeos::SecureBlob& owner_password);
// Gets a handle to the SRK
bool LoadSrk(TSS_HCONTEXT context_handle, TSS_HKEY* srk_handle,
TSS_RESULT* result) const;
bool IsTransient(TSS_RESULT result);
bool GetPublicKeyBlob(TSS_HCONTEXT context_handle,
TSS_HKEY key_handle,
chromeos::SecureBlob* data_out,
TSS_RESULT* result) const;
bool GetKeyBlob(TSS_HCONTEXT context_handle, TSS_HKEY key_handle,
chromeos::SecureBlob* data_out, TSS_RESULT* result) const;
// Creates an RSA key wrapped by the TPM's Storage Root Key. The key is
// created by OpenSSL, and not by the TPM.
// Parameters
// context_handle - The context handle for the TPM session
// wrapped_key (OUT) - A blob representing the wrapped key
bool CreateWrappedRsaKey(TSS_HCONTEXT context_handle,
chromeos::SecureBlob* wrapped_key);
// Loads an SRK-wrapped key into the TPM.
// Parameters
// context_handle - The context handle for the TPM session.
// wrapped_key - The blob (as produced by CreateWrappedRsaKey).
// key_handle (OUT) - A handle to the key loaded into the TPM.
bool LoadWrappedKey(TSS_HCONTEXT context_handle,
const chromeos::SecureBlob& wrapped_key,
TSS_HKEY* key_handle,
TSS_RESULT* result) const;
// Loads a key by well-known UUID.
// Parameters
// context_handle - The context handle for the TPM session.
// key_uuid - The well-known UUID identifying the TPM key.
// key_handle (OUT) - A handle to the key loaded into the TPM.
// key_blob (OUT) - If non-null, the blob representing this loaded key.
bool LoadKeyByUuid(TSS_HCONTEXT context_handle,
TSS_UUID key_uuid,
TSS_HKEY* key_handle,
chromeos::SecureBlob* key_blob,
TSS_RESULT* result) const;
TpmRetryAction HandleError(TSS_RESULT result);
// Gets the TPM status information. If there |context| and |key| are supplied,
// they will be used in encryption/decryption test. They can be 0 to bypass
// the test.
// Parameters
// context - The TPM context to check for encryption/decryption
// key - The key to check for encryption/decryption
// status (OUT) - The TpmStatusInfo structure containing the results
void GetStatus(TSS_HCONTEXT context,
Tpm::TpmStatusInfo* status);
// Gets the current state of the dictionary attack logic. Returns false on
// failure.
bool GetDictionaryAttackInfo(int* counter,
int* threshold,
bool* lockout,
int* seconds_remaining);
// Requires owner permissions.
bool ResetDictionaryAttackMitigation();
// Default constructor
// Populates |context_handle| with a valid TSS_HCONTEXT and |tpm_handle| with
// its matching TPM object iff the owner password is available and
// authorization is successfully acquired.
bool ConnectContextAsOwner(TSS_HCONTEXT* context_handle,
TSS_HTPM* tpm_handle);
// Populates |context_handle| with a valid TSS_HCONTEXT and |tpm_handle| with
// its matching TPM object authorized by the given delegation.
bool ConnectContextAsDelegate(const chromeos::SecureBlob& delegate_blob,
const chromeos::SecureBlob& delegate_secret,
TSS_HCONTEXT* context, TSS_HTPM* tpm);
// Populates |context_handle| with a valid TSS_HCONTEXT and |tpm_handle| with
// its matching TPM object iff the context can be created and a TPM object
// exists in the TSS.
bool ConnectContextAsUser(TSS_HCONTEXT* context_handle,
TSS_HTPM* tpm_handle);
// Returns the size of the specified NVRAM space.
// Parameters
// context_handle - The context handle for the TPM session
// index - NVRAM Space index
// Returns -1 if the index, handle, or space is invalid.
unsigned int GetNvramSizeForContext(TSS_HCONTEXT context_handle,
TSS_HTPM tpm_handle,
uint32_t index);
// Returns if an Nvram space exists using the given context.
bool IsNvramDefinedForContext(TSS_HCONTEXT context_handle,
TSS_HTPM tpm_handle,
uint32_t index);
// Returns if bWriteDefine is true for a given NVRAM space using the given
// context.
bool IsNvramLockedForContext(TSS_HCONTEXT context_handle,
TSS_HTPM tpm_handle,
uint32_t index);
// Reads an NVRAM space using the given context.
bool ReadNvramForContext(TSS_HCONTEXT context_handle,
TSS_HTPM tpm_handle,
TSS_HPOLICY policy_handle,
uint32_t index,
chromeos::SecureBlob* blob);
// Gets a handle to the TPM from the specified context
// Parameters
// context_handle - The context handle for the TPM session
// tpm_handle (OUT) - The handle for the TPM on success
bool GetTpm(TSS_HCONTEXT context_handle, TSS_HTPM* tpm_handle);
// Gets a handle to the TPM from the specified context with the given
// delegation.
// Parameters
// context_handle - The context handle for the TPM session
// delegate_blob - The delegate blob to use when getting the handle
// delegate_secret - The delegate secret to use when getting the handle
// tpm_handle (OUT) - The handle for the TPM on success
bool GetTpmWithDelegation(TSS_HCONTEXT context_handle,
const chromeos::SecureBlob& delegate_blob,
const chromeos::SecureBlob& delegate_secret,
TSS_HTPM* tpm_handle);
// Decrypts and parses an identity request.
// Parameters
// pca_key - The private key of the Privacy CA.
// request - The identity request data.
// identityBinding - The EK-AIK binding (i.e. public key signature).
// endorsementCredential - The endorsement credential.
// platformCredential - The platform credential.
// conformanceCredential - The conformance credential.
bool DecryptIdentityRequest(RSA* pca_key, const chromeos::SecureBlob& request,
chromeos::SecureBlob* identity_binding,
chromeos::SecureBlob* endorsement_credential,
chromeos::SecureBlob* platform_credential,
chromeos::SecureBlob* conformance_credential);
// Creates a DER encoded RSA public key given a serialized TPM_PUBKEY.
// Parameters
// public_key - A serialized TPM_PUBKEY as returned by Tspi_Key_GetPubKey.
// public_key_der - The same public key in DER encoded form.
bool ConvertPublicKeyToDER(const chromeos::SecureBlob& public_key,
chromeos::SecureBlob* public_key_der);
// Obscure an RSA message by encrypting part of it.
// The TPM could _in theory_ produce an RSA message (as a response from Bind)
// that contains a header of a known format. If it did, and we encrypted the
// whole message with a passphrase-derived AES key, then one could test
// passphrase correctness by trial-decrypting the header. Instead, encrypt
// only part of the message, and hope the part we encrypt is part of the RSA
// message.
// In practice, this never makes any difference, because no TPM does that; the
// result is always a bare PKCS1.5-padded RSA-encrypted message, which is
// (as far as the author knows, although no proof is known) indistinguishable
// from random data, and hence the attack this would protect against is
// infeasible.
// Have a look at for the gory details.
bool ObscureRSAMessage(const chromeos::SecureBlob& plaintext,
const chromeos::SecureBlob& key,
chromeos::SecureBlob* ciphertext);
bool UnobscureRSAMessage(const chromeos::SecureBlob& ciphertext,
const chromeos::SecureBlob& key,
chromeos::SecureBlob* plaintext);
// Wrapper for Tspi_GetAttribData.
bool GetDataAttribute(TSS_HCONTEXT context,
TSS_FLAG flag,
TSS_FLAG sub_flag,
chromeos::SecureBlob* data) const;
// Wrapper for Tspi_TPM_GetCapability. If |data| is not NULL, the raw
// capability data will be assigned. If |value| is not NULL, the capability
// data must be exactly 4 bytes and it will be decoded into |value|.
bool GetCapability(TSS_HCONTEXT context_handle,
TSS_HTPM tpm_handle,
UINT32 capability,
UINT32 sub_capability,
chromeos::Blob* data,
UINT32* value) const;
// Member variables
bool initialized_;
chromeos::SecureBlob srk_auth_;
// If TPM ownership is taken, owner_password_ contains the password used
chromeos::SecureBlob owner_password_;
// Used to provide thread-safe access to owner_password_, as it is set in the
// initialization background thread.
base::Lock password_sync_lock_;
// Indicates if the TPM is disabled
bool is_disabled_;
// Indicates if the TPM is owned
bool is_owned_;
// Indicates if the TPM is being owned
bool is_being_owned_;
static Tpm* singleton_;
static base::Lock singleton_lock_;
} // namespace cryptohome