blob: 18e06e6f62fc2a727b0ae14fb835ca20fc3ef986 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include <chromeos/errors/error.h>
#include "peerd/service.h"
namespace peerd {
class ServicePublisherInterface {
// Should be called with each service we want to advertise over this
// publisher. Returns true if adding the service to the publisher
// succeeded and false on error. Note that while publishers
// should make best efforts to inform peers of service changes in
// a timely fashion, this is not guaranteed.
virtual bool OnServiceUpdated(chromeos::ErrorPtr* error,
const Service& service) = 0;
// Signals to a service publisher that we have remove a previously
// added service (added via OnServiceUpdated()). Returns true if
// service was successfully removed. Note that while publishers
// should make best efforts to inform peers of service removal in
// a timely fashion, this is not guaranteed.
virtual bool OnServiceRemoved(chromeos::ErrorPtr* error,
const std::string& service_id) = 0;
// Signals to a service publisher that we have changed the friendly
// name of the local device. Returns true if this change has been
// accurately reflected in the technology specify service advertisement.
// Note that while publishers should make best efforts to inform peers
// of name changes in a timely fashion, this is not guaranteed.
virtual bool OnFriendlyNameChanged(chromeos::ErrorPtr* error,
const std::string& name) = 0;
// Signals to a service publisher that we have changed the descriptive
// note of the local device. Returns true if this change has been
// accurately reflected in the technology specify service advertisement.
// Note that while publishers should make best efforts to inform peers
// of note changes in a timely fashion, this is not guaranteed.
virtual bool OnNoteChanged(chromeos::ErrorPtr* error,
const std::string& note) = 0;
} // namespace peerd