blob: 74e8643b10cfb00fd8ed58365b157a1e44ddb5b8 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "libwebserv/server.h"
#include <limits>
#include <base/logging.h>
#include <base/message_loop/message_loop_proxy.h>
#include <microhttpd.h>
#include "libwebserv/connection.h"
#include "libwebserv/request.h"
#include "libwebserv/request_handler_callback.h"
#include "libwebserv/request_handler_interface.h"
#include "libwebserv/response.h"
namespace libwebserv {
namespace {
// Simple static request handler that just returns "404 Not Found" error.
class PageNotFoundHandler : public RequestHandlerInterface {
void HandleRequest(const std::shared_ptr<const Request>& request,
const std::shared_ptr<Response>& response) override {
} // anonymous namespace
// Helper class to provide static callback methods to microhttpd library,
// with the ability to access private methods of Server class.
class ServerHelper {
static int ConnectionHandler(void *cls,
MHD_Connection* connection,
const char* url,
const char* method,
const char* version,
const char* upload_data,
size_t* upload_data_size,
void** con_cls) {
Server* server = reinterpret_cast<Server*>(cls);
if (nullptr == *con_cls) {
RequestHandlerInterface* handler = server->FindHandler(url, method);
if (!handler)
return MHD_NO;
auto server_connection =
Connection::Create(server, url, method, connection, handler);
if (!server_connection || !server_connection->BeginRequestData())
return MHD_NO;
*con_cls = new ConnectionHolder(server_connection);
} else {
ConnectionHolder* holder = reinterpret_cast<ConnectionHolder*>(*con_cls);
if (*upload_data_size) {
if (!holder->connection->AddRequestData(upload_data, *upload_data_size))
return MHD_NO;
*upload_data_size = 0;
} else {
return MHD_YES;
static void RequestCompleted(void* cls,
MHD_Connection* connection,
void** con_cls,
MHD_RequestTerminationCode toe) {
delete reinterpret_cast<ConnectionHolder*>(*con_cls);
*con_cls = nullptr;
class ConnectionHolder {
explicit ConnectionHolder(const std::shared_ptr<Connection>& conn)
: connection(conn) {}
std::shared_ptr<Connection> connection;
Server::Server() {}
Server::~Server() {
bool Server::Start(uint16_t port) {
if (server_) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Server already running.";
return false;
task_runner_ = base::MessageLoopProxy::current();
LOG(INFO) << "Starting HTTP Server on port: " << port;
MHD_OptionItem options[] = {
{MHD_OPTION_END, 0, nullptr }
server_ = MHD_start_daemon(MHD_USE_THREAD_PER_CONNECTION,
nullptr, nullptr,
&ServerHelper::ConnectionHandler, this,
if (!server_) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to start the web server on port " << port;
return false;
LOG(INFO) << "Server started";
return true;
bool Server::Stop() {
if (server_) {
LOG(INFO) << "Shutting down the HTTP server...";
server_ = nullptr;
LOG(INFO) << "Server shutdown complete";
return true;
int Server::AddHandler(const base::StringPiece& url,
const base::StringPiece& method,
std::unique_ptr<RequestHandlerInterface> handler) {
return last_handler_id_;
int Server::AddHandlerCallback(
const base::StringPiece& url,
const base::StringPiece& method,
const base::Callback<RequestHandlerInterface::HandlerSignature>&
handler_callback) {
std::unique_ptr<RequestHandlerInterface> handler{
new RequestHandlerCallback{handler_callback}};
return AddHandler(url, method, std::move(handler));
bool Server::RemoveHandler(int handler_id) {
return (request_handlers_.erase(handler_id) > 0);
int Server::GetHandlerId(const base::StringPiece& url,
const base::StringPiece& method) const {
for (const auto& pair : request_handlers_) {
if (pair.second.url == url && pair.second.method == method)
return pair.first;
return 0;
RequestHandlerInterface* Server::FindHandler(
const base::StringPiece& url,
const base::StringPiece& method) const {
static PageNotFoundHandler page_not_found_handler;
size_t score = std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max();
RequestHandlerInterface* handler = nullptr;
for (const auto& pair : request_handlers_) {
std::string handler_url = pair.second.url;
bool url_match = (handler_url == url);
bool method_match = (pair.second.method == method);
// Try exact match first. If everything matches, we have our handler.
if (url_match && method_match)
return pair.second.handler.get();
// Calculate the current handler's similarity score. The lower the score
// the better the match is...
size_t current_score = 0;
if (!url_match && !handler_url.empty() && handler_url.back() == '/') {
if (url.starts_with(handler_url)) {
url_match = true;
// Use the difference in URL length as URL match quality proxy.
// The longer URL, the more specific (better) match is.
// Multiply by 2 to allow for extra score point for matching the method.
current_score = (url.size() - handler_url.size()) * 2;
if (!method_match && pair.second.method.empty()) {
// If the handler didn't specify the method it handles, this means
// it doesn't care. However this isn't the exact match, so bump
// the score up one point.
method_match = true;
if (url_match && method_match && current_score < score) {
score = current_score;
handler = pair.second.handler.get();
return handler ? handler : &page_not_found_handler;
} // namespace libwebserv