blob: 1425baee927f721c1c916213ddccfcc3330969df [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <dbus-c++/dbus.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <base/json/json_writer.h>
#include <base/strings/string_util.h>
#include <base/values.h>
#include <chromeos/dbus/service_constants.h>
#include <debugd/src/dbus_utils.h>
#include "shill/dbus_proxies/org.chromium.flimflam.Device.h"
#include "shill/dbus_proxies/org.chromium.flimflam.IPConfig.h"
#include "shill/dbus_proxies/org.chromium.flimflam.Manager.h"
#include "shill/dbus_proxies/org.chromium.flimflam.Service.h"
using base::DictionaryValue;
using base::Value;
class DeviceProxy : public org::chromium::flimflam::Device_proxy,
public DBus::ObjectProxy {
DeviceProxy(DBus::Connection* connection,
const char* path,
const char* service)
: DBus::ObjectProxy(*connection, path, service) {}
~DeviceProxy() override = default;
void PropertyChanged(const std::string&, const DBus::Variant&) override {}
class IPConfigProxy : public org::chromium::flimflam::IPConfig_proxy,
public DBus::ObjectProxy {
IPConfigProxy(DBus::Connection* connection,
const char* path,
const char* service)
: DBus::ObjectProxy(*connection, path, service) {}
~IPConfigProxy() override = default;
void PropertyChanged(const std::string&, const DBus::Variant&) override {}
class ManagerProxy : public org::chromium::flimflam::Manager_proxy,
public DBus::ObjectProxy {
ManagerProxy(DBus::Connection* connection,
const char* path,
const char* service)
: DBus::ObjectProxy(*connection, path, service) {}
~ManagerProxy() override = default;
void PropertyChanged(const std::string&, const DBus::Variant&) override {}
void StateChanged(const std::string&) override {}
class ServiceProxy : public org::chromium::flimflam::Service_proxy,
public DBus::ObjectProxy {
ServiceProxy(DBus::Connection* connection,
const char* path,
const char* service)
: DBus::ObjectProxy(*connection, path, service) {}
~ServiceProxy() override = default;
void PropertyChanged(const std::string&, const DBus::Variant&) override {}
Value* GetService(DBus::Connection* connection, const DBus::Path& path) {
ServiceProxy service(connection, path.c_str(), shill::kFlimflamServiceName);
std::map<std::string, DBus::Variant> props = service.GetProperties();
Value* v = NULL;
debugd::DBusPropertyMapToValue(props, &v);
return v;
Value* GetServices(DBus::Connection* connection, ManagerProxy* flimflam) {
std::map<std::string, DBus::Variant> props = flimflam->GetProperties();
DictionaryValue* dv = new DictionaryValue();
const DBus::Variant& services = props["Services"];
std::vector<DBus::Path> paths = services;
for (std::vector<DBus::Path>::iterator it = paths.begin();
it != paths.end();
++it) {
Value* v = GetService(connection, *it);
if (v)
dv->Set(*it, v);
return dv;
Value* GetIPConfig(DBus::Connection* connection, const DBus::Path& path) {
IPConfigProxy ipconfig(connection, path.c_str(), shill::kFlimflamServiceName);
std::map<std::string, DBus::Variant> props = ipconfig.GetProperties();
Value* v = NULL;
debugd::DBusPropertyMapToValue(props, &v);
return v;
Value* GetDevice(DBus::Connection* connection, const DBus::Path& path) {
DeviceProxy device(connection, path.c_str(), shill::kFlimflamServiceName);
std::map<std::string, DBus::Variant> props = device.GetProperties();
DictionaryValue* ipconfigs = NULL;
if (props.count("IPConfigs") == 1) {
ipconfigs = new DictionaryValue();
// Turn IPConfigs into real objects.
DBus::Variant& ipconfig_paths = props["IPConfigs"];
std::vector<DBus::Path> paths = ipconfig_paths;
for (std::vector<DBus::Path>::iterator it = paths.begin();
it != paths.end();
++it) {
Value* v = GetIPConfig(connection, *it);
if (v)
ipconfigs->Set(*it, v);
Value* v = NULL;
CHECK(debugd::DBusPropertyMapToValue(props, &v));
DictionaryValue* dv = reinterpret_cast<DictionaryValue*>(v);
if (ipconfigs)
dv->Set("ipconfigs", ipconfigs);
return v;
Value* GetDevices(DBus::Connection* connection, ManagerProxy* flimflam) {
std::map<std::string, DBus::Variant> props = flimflam->GetProperties();
DictionaryValue* dv = new DictionaryValue();
const DBus::Variant& devices = props["Devices"];
std::vector<DBus::Path> paths = devices;
for (std::vector<DBus::Path>::iterator it = paths.begin();
it != paths.end();
++it) {
Value* v = GetDevice(connection, *it);
if (v)
dv->Set(*it, v);
return dv;
int main() {
DBus::BusDispatcher dispatcher;
DBus::default_dispatcher = &dispatcher;
DBus::Connection connection = DBus::Connection::SystemBus();
ManagerProxy manager(&connection,
DictionaryValue result;
Value* devices = GetDevices(&connection, &manager);
result.Set("devices", devices);
Value* services = GetServices(&connection, &manager);
result.Set("services", services);
std::string json;
printf("%s\n", json.c_str());
return 0;