blob: 68edf978e14cc161f2e944730fee76f5bbc8588d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstring>
#include <sstream>
#include <vector>
#include "chromiumos-wide-profiling/perf_recorder.h"
#include "chromiumos-wide-profiling/perf_serializer.h"
#include "chromiumos-wide-profiling/quipper_string.h"
#include "chromiumos-wide-profiling/scoped_temp_path.h"
#include "chromiumos-wide-profiling/utils.h"
namespace quipper {
string PerfRecorder::GetSleepCommand(const int time) {
stringstream ss;
ss << "sleep " << time;
return ss.str();
bool PerfRecorder::RecordAndConvertToProtobuf(
const string& perf_command,
const int time,
quipper::PerfDataProto* perf_data) {
ScopedTempFile output_file;
string full_perf_command = perf_command + " -o " + output_file.path() +
" -- " + GetSleepCommand(time);
// The perf command writes the output to a file. |stdout_data| is just a dummy
// container so we have something to pass to RunCommandAndGetStdout().
std::vector<char> stdout_data;
RunCommandAndGetStdout(full_perf_command, &stdout_data);
// Now convert it into a protobuf.
PerfSerializer perf_serializer;
PerfSerializer::Options options;
// Make sure to remap address for security reasons.
options.do_remap = true;
// Discard unused perf events to reduce the protobuf size.
options.discard_unused_events = true;
return perf_serializer.SerializeFromFile(output_file.path(), perf_data);
} // namespace quipper