blob: 348c2898d498acb74b3c10654dddccf91fe72c08 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2024 The ChromiumOS Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <optional>
#include <span>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include <linux/hidraw.h>
#include <base/task/sequenced_task_runner.h>
#include <brillo/udev/udev_device.h>
#include <gtest/gtest_prod.h>
#include "libtouchraw/consumer_interface.h"
#include "libtouchraw/touchraw.h"
#include "libtouchraw/touchraw_export.h"
namespace touchraw {
// Please refer to
// for HID
// report item format.
struct Item {
std::span<const uint8_t> data;
uint8_t data_size; // Specify size of data. Based on the device class
// definition doc section, long items may contain
// up to 256 bytes of data. So 8 bits is enough here.
uint16_t size; // Specify total size of an item.
uint8_t prefix; // All items have a one-byte prefix that contains the item
// tag, item type, and item size.
// Describe a main item of report descriptor.
struct MainItem {
uint16_t usage_page;
uint16_t usage;
uint8_t report_id;
uint32_t data_size; // Size of the data field in bytes.
// Necessary information to create a main item.
struct MainItemInfo {
uint16_t usage_page;
uint16_t usage;
uint8_t report_id;
uint32_t report_size;
uint32_t report_count;
class ReportDescriptor {
explicit ReportDescriptor(const hidraw_report_descriptor* rpt_desc);
ReportDescriptor(const ReportDescriptor&) = delete;
ReportDescriptor& operator=(const ReportDescriptor&) = delete;
// True if the internal index has not reached the end of the report
// descriptor; False otherwise.
bool HasNextItem();
// Return the next item.
Item GetNextItem();
// Reset the internal index.
void Reset();
const hidraw_report_descriptor* rpt_desc_;
uint16_t next_item_idx_; // Starting index of the next item to be processed.
class LIBTOUCHRAW_EXPORT Parser : public HIDDataConsumerInterface {
* Factory method: creates and returns a Parser.
* May return null on failure cases that it fails to get a report descriptor
* or the report descriptor does not support heat map.
* @param fd File descriptor.
* @param q HeatmapChunk consumer queue for tasks to be posted.
* @return Unique pointer of Parser if create succeeds, null pointer
* otherwise.
static std::unique_ptr<Parser> Create(
const int fd, std::unique_ptr<HeatmapChunkConsumerInterface> q);
static std::unique_ptr<Parser> CreateForTesting(
std::unique_ptr<HeatmapChunkConsumerInterface> q);
Parser(const Parser&) = delete;
Parser& operator=(const Parser&) = delete;
void Push(std::unique_ptr<const HIDData> data) override {
FROM_HERE, base::BindOnce(&Parser::ParseHIDData, base::Unretained(this),
* Parse HID data read from the file descriptor.
* @param hid_data
void ParseHIDData(std::unique_ptr<const HIDData> hid_data);
FRIEND_TEST(ParserTest, ValidReportDescriptorWithHeatmap);
FRIEND_TEST(ParserTest, ValidReportDescriptorWithoutHeatmap);
FRIEND_TEST(ParserTest, UnknownHidType);
* Parser constructor.
* This class retrieves the input device report descriptor and parses HID data
* into heatmap chunks.
* @param q HeatmapChunk consumer queue for tasks to be posted.
explicit Parser(std::unique_ptr<HeatmapChunkConsumerInterface> q);
* Get report descriptor from ioctl.
* @return Usually, on success zero is returned. On error, -1 is returned, and
* errno is set to indicate the error.
int GetReportDescriptorIoctl(const int fd,
hidraw_report_descriptor* rpt_desc);
* Helper function to create a udev device.
* @return Unique pointer of UdevDevice if create succeeds, null pointer
* otherwise.
std::unique_ptr<brillo::UdevDevice> CreateUdevDevice(const int fd);
* Get report descriptor from sysfs.
* @return Usually, on success zero is returned. On error, -1 is returned, and
* errno is set to indicate the error.
int GetReportDescriptorSysfs(const int fd,
hidraw_report_descriptor* rpt_desc);
// TODO: b/317990775 - Extract descriptor parsing into a sub-library of
// libtouchraw.
bool ParseHeatmapReportsFromDescriptor(
const hidraw_report_descriptor* rpt_desc);
* Helper function to get data field value.
* @param index Data field index.
* @param size Data field size.
* @return Data field value.
uint32_t GetDataField(int index, int size, std::span<const uint8_t> payload);
// Helper function to process items and save report data fields into the
// usages table.
void ProcessItem(Item& item);
// Helper function to get the value of the data field of a report.
uint32_t GetPropValue(std::span<const uint8_t> data, int data_size);
// Usages table that contains each usage item from the report descriptor.
std::vector<MainItem> usages_;
// Stores the information of each usage item.
MainItemInfo info_;
// Offset index of usages table for the first chunk of heat map input report
// type.
std::optional<uint16_t> sync_report_offset_;
// Offset index of usages table for the subsequent chunks of heat map input
// report type.
std::optional<uint16_t> sub_report_offset_;
// Task queue.
const std::unique_ptr<HeatmapChunkConsumerInterface> q_;
} // namespace touchraw