blob: 9d2ef37bd74daf3d99db35be147b378a7d4ef45a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The ChromiumOS Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "cros-disks/sshfs_helper.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <utility>
#include <base/base64.h>
#include <base/check.h>
#include <base/files/file_path.h>
#include <base/files/file_util.h>
#include <base/files/scoped_temp_dir.h>
#include <base/logging.h>
#include <base/strings/string_number_conversions.h>
#include <base/strings/string_util.h>
#include "cros-disks/fuse_mounter.h"
#include "cros-disks/mount_options.h"
#include "cros-disks/platform.h"
#include "cros-disks/quote.h"
#include "cros-disks/sandboxed_process.h"
#include "cros-disks/uri.h"
namespace cros_disks {
namespace {
constexpr char kUserName[] = "fuse-sshfs";
constexpr char kHelperTool[] = "/usr/bin/sshfs";
constexpr char kType[] = "sshfs";
constexpr char kOptionIdentityFile[] = "IdentityFile";
constexpr char kOptionIdentityBase64[] = "IdentityBase64";
constexpr char kOptionUserKnownHostsFile[] = "UserKnownHostsFile";
constexpr char kOptionUserKnownHostsBase64[] = "UserKnownHostsBase64";
constexpr char kOptionHostName[] = "HostName";
constexpr char kOptionPort[] = "Port";
constexpr char kIdentityFile[] = "id";
constexpr char kUserKnownHostsFile[] = "known_hosts";
// 64KiB is the maximum packet size allowed by sshfs
// and vsock vhost driver (VIRTIO_VSOCK_MAX_PKT_BUF_SIZE)
constexpr char kSshfsVsockPacketSize[] = "65536";
OwnerUser ResolveSshfsUser(const Platform* platform) {
OwnerUser user;
PCHECK(platform->GetUserAndGroupId(kUserName, &user.uid, &user.gid));
return user;
MountError WriteConfigurationFile(const Platform* platform,
const OwnerUser& owner,
const base::FilePath& path,
const std::string& b64_data) {
std::string data;
if (!base::Base64Decode(b64_data, &data)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Invalid base64 value for " << quote(path);
return MountError::kInvalidMountOptions;
if (platform->WriteFile(path.value(), data.c_str(), data.size()) !=
static_cast<int>(data.size())) {
PLOG(ERROR) << "Cannot write file " << quote(path);
return MountError::kInsufficientPermissions;
if (!platform->SetPermissions(path.value(), 0600) ||
!platform->SetOwnership(path.value(), owner.uid, owner.gid)) {
PLOG(ERROR) << "Cannot change owner of file " << quote(path);
return MountError::kInsufficientPermissions;
return MountError::kSuccess;
bool IsSupportedScheme(const std::string& scheme) {
return scheme == "sftp" || scheme == "sshfs";
} // namespace
SshfsHelper::SshfsHelper(const Platform* platform,
brillo::ProcessReaper* process_reaper,
base::FilePath working_dir)
: FUSEMounterHelper(platform,
/* nosymfollow= */ true,
/* has_network_access= */ true),
working_dir_(std::move(working_dir)) {}
SshfsHelper::~SshfsHelper() = default;
bool SshfsHelper::CanMount(const std::string& source,
const std::vector<std::string>& params,
base::FilePath* suggested_name) const {
const Uri uri = Uri::Parse(source);
if (!uri.valid() || !IsSupportedScheme(uri.scheme()))
return false;
if (uri.path().empty()) {
*suggested_name = base::FilePath(uri.scheme());
} else {
std::string path = uri.path();
std::replace(path.begin(), path.end(), '/', '$');
std::replace(path.begin(), path.end(), '.', '_');
*suggested_name = base::FilePath(path);
return true;
MountError SshfsHelper::ConfigureSandbox(const std::string& source,
const base::FilePath& target_path,
std::vector<std::string> params,
SandboxedProcess* sandbox) const {
const Uri uri = Uri::Parse(source);
if (!uri.valid() || uri.path().empty()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Invalid source " << quote(source);
return MountError::kInvalidDevicePath;
if (uri.scheme() == "sshfs") {
return ConfigureSandboxSshfs(uri, params, sandbox);
} else if (uri.scheme() == "sftp") {
return ConfigureSandboxSftpVsock(uri, sandbox);
} else {
LOG(ERROR) << "Invalid source " << quote(source);
return MountError::kInvalidDevicePath;
MountError SshfsHelper::ConfigureSandboxSshfs(const Uri& uri,
std::vector<std::string> params,
SandboxedProcess* sandbox) const {
std::string b64_identity;
if (!GetParamValue(params, kOptionIdentityBase64, &b64_identity) ||
b64_identity.empty()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Missing required parameter " << kOptionIdentityBase64;
return MountError::kInvalidMountOptions;
std::string b64_known_hosts;
if (!GetParamValue(params, kOptionUserKnownHostsBase64, &b64_known_hosts) ||
b64_known_hosts.empty()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Missing required parameter " << kOptionUserKnownHostsBase64;
return MountError::kInvalidMountOptions;
std::string path;
// TODO(dats): Consider plumbing hooks that would allow removing this
// directory after unmount.
if (!platform()->CreateTemporaryDirInDir(working_dir_.value(), "sshfs-",
&path)) {
PLOG(ERROR) << "Cannot create temporary directory inside "
<< quote(working_dir_);
return MountError::kInsufficientPermissions;
base::FilePath working_dir(path);
base::FilePath identity_file = working_dir.Append(kIdentityFile);
base::FilePath known_hosts_file = working_dir.Append(kUserKnownHostsFile);
MountError error = WriteConfigurationFile(
platform(), sandbox_factory_.run_as(), identity_file, b64_identity);
if (error != MountError::kSuccess) {
return error;
error = WriteConfigurationFile(platform(), sandbox_factory_.run_as(),
known_hosts_file, b64_known_hosts);
if (error != MountError::kSuccess) {
return error;
// We retain group ownership on the directory to allow potential cleanup
// of its contents.
if (!platform()->SetPermissions(working_dir.value(), 0770) ||
sandbox_factory_.run_as().uid, getgid())) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Cannot set proper ownership of working directory "
<< quote(working_dir);
return MountError::kInsufficientPermissions;
if (!sandbox->BindMount(working_dir.value(), working_dir.value(), false,
false)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Cannot bind working directory " << quote(working_dir);
return MountError::kInternalError;
std::vector<std::string> options = {
SetParamValue(&options, "uid", base::NumberToString(kChronosUID));
SetParamValue(&options, "gid", base::NumberToString(kChronosAccessGID));
SetParamValue(&options, kOptionIdentityFile, identity_file.value());
SetParamValue(&options, kOptionUserKnownHostsFile, known_hosts_file.value());
std::string value;
if (GetParamValue(params, kOptionHostName, &value)) {
SetParamValue(&options, kOptionHostName, value);
if (GetParamValue(params, kOptionPort, &value)) {
SetParamValue(&options, kOptionPort, value);
std::string option_string;
if (!JoinParamsIntoOptions(options, &option_string)) {
return MountError::kInvalidMountOptions;
return MountError::kSuccess;
MountError SshfsHelper::ConfigureSandboxSftpVsock(
const Uri& uri, SandboxedProcess* sandbox) const {
// sftp doesn't use the hostname but there has to be one otherwise sshfs
// complains. And the path is always empty because we run sftp-server where
// we want to serve files from.
std::vector<std::string> options = {"BatchMode=yes", "follow_symlinks",
"cache=no", "vsock=" + uri.path()};
SetParamValue(&options, "uid", base::NumberToString(kChronosUID));
SetParamValue(&options, "gid", base::NumberToString(kChronosAccessGID));
// Use the maximum packet size to improve file transfer performance
SetParamValue(&options, "max_read", kSshfsVsockPacketSize);
SetParamValue(&options, "max_write", kSshfsVsockPacketSize);
std::string option_string;
if (!JoinParamsIntoOptions(options, &option_string)) {
return MountError::kInvalidMountOptions;
return MountError::kSuccess;
} // namespace cros_disks