blob: 1af7bd68e986bd0534d92250e012a07e4a864440 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2011 The ChromiumOS Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "cros-disks/metrics.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <base/containers/fixed_flat_map.h>
#include <base/logging.h>
#include <base/strings/strcat.h>
#include <base/strings/string_util.h>
namespace cros_disks {
Metrics::ArchiveType Metrics::GetArchiveType(std::string_view path) {
struct Entry {
std::string_view ext;
ArchiveType type;
static const Entry entries[] = {
{"", kArchiveTarBzip2}, //
{".tar.bz2", kArchiveTarBzip2}, //
{".tar.gz", kArchiveTarGzip}, //
{".tar.lz", kArchiveTarLz}, //
{".tar.lzma", kArchiveTarLzma}, //
{".tar.xz", kArchiveTarXz}, //
{".tar.z", kArchiveTarZ}, //
{".tar.zst", kArchiveTarZst}, //
{".7z", kArchive7z}, //
{".bz", kArchiveBzip2}, //
{".bz2", kArchiveBzip2}, //
{".crx", kArchiveCrx}, //
{".gz", kArchiveGzip}, //
{".iso", kArchiveIso}, //
{".lz", kArchiveLz}, //
{".lzma", kArchiveLzma}, //
{".rar", kArchiveRar}, //
{".tar", kArchiveTar}, //
{".taz", kArchiveTarZ}, //
{".tb2", kArchiveTarBzip2}, //
{".tbz", kArchiveTarBzip2}, //
{".tbz2", kArchiveTarBzip2}, //
{".tgz", kArchiveTarGzip}, //
{".tlz", kArchiveTarLzma}, //
{".tlzma", kArchiveTarLzma}, //
{".txz", kArchiveTarXz}, //
{".tz", kArchiveTarZ}, //
{".tz2", kArchiveTarBzip2}, //
{".tzst", kArchiveTarZst}, //
{".xz", kArchiveXz}, //
{".z", kArchiveZ}, //
{".zip", kArchiveZip}, //
{".zst", kArchiveZst}, //
for (const auto [ext, type] : entries) {
if (base::EndsWith(path, ext, base::CompareCase::INSENSITIVE_ASCII))
return type;
return kArchiveUnknown;
// Strips the prefix "fuse." or "fuseblk." from a filesystem type.
static std::string_view StripPrefix(std::string_view fs_type) {
for (const std::string_view prefix : {"fuse.", "fuseblk."}) {
if (base::StartsWith(fs_type, prefix)) {
return fs_type;
Metrics::FilesystemType Metrics::GetFilesystemType(
const std::string_view fs_type) {
static const auto map =
base::MakeFixedFlatMap<std::string_view, FilesystemType>({
{"", kFilesystemUnknown}, //
{"exfat", kFilesystemExFAT}, //
{"ext2", kFilesystemExt2}, //
{"ext3", kFilesystemExt3}, //
{"ext4", kFilesystemExt4}, //
{"hfsplus", kFilesystemHFSPlus}, //
{"iso9660", kFilesystemISO9660}, //
{"ntfs", kFilesystemNTFS}, //
{"udf", kFilesystemUDF}, //
{"vfat", kFilesystemVFAT}, //
const auto it = map.find(StripPrefix(fs_type));
return it != map.end() ? it->second : kFilesystemOther;
void Metrics::RecordArchiveType(const base::FilePath& path) {
if (!metrics_library_.SendEnumToUMA("CrosDisks.ArchiveType",
LOG(ERROR) << "Cannot send archive type to UMA";
void Metrics::RecordFilesystemType(const std::string_view fs_type) {
if (!metrics_library_.SendEnumToUMA("CrosDisks.FilesystemType",
LOG(ERROR) << "Cannot send filesystem type to UMA";
void Metrics::RecordMountError(std::string_view fs_type, const error_t error) {
// Group all the FUSE-related filesystems under the name "fuse".
const std::string_view prefix = "fuse";
if (base::StartsWith(fs_type, prefix))
fs_type = prefix;
if (!metrics_library_.SendSparseToUMA(
base::StrCat({"CrosDisks.MountError.", fs_type}), error))
LOG(ERROR) << "Cannot send mount error to UMA";
void Metrics::RecordUnmountError(const std::string_view fs_type,
const error_t error) {
if (!metrics_library_.SendSparseToUMA(
base::StrCat({"CrosDisks.UnmountError.", StripPrefix(fs_type)}),
LOG(ERROR) << "Cannot send unmount error to UMA";
void Metrics::RecordDaemonError(const std::string_view program_name,
const int error) {
std::string name(program_name);
std::replace(name.begin(), name.end(), '.', '-');
if (!metrics_library_.SendSparseToUMA(
base::StrCat({"CrosDisks.PrematureTermination.", name}), error))
LOG(ERROR) << "Cannot send FUSE daemon error to UMA";
void Metrics::RecordReadOnlyFileSystem(const std::string_view fs_type) {
if (!metrics_library_.SendEnumToUMA("CrosDisks.ReadOnlyFileSystemAfterError",
LOG(ERROR) << "Cannot send filesystem type to UMA";
void Metrics::RecordDeviceMediaType(DeviceType device_media_type) {
if (!metrics_library_.SendEnumToUMA("CrosDisks.DeviceMediaType",
LOG(ERROR) << "Cannot send device media type to UMA";
void Metrics::RecordFuseMounterErrorCode(const std::string_view mounter_name,
const int error_code) {
if (!metrics_library_.SendSparseToUMA(
base::StrCat({"CrosDisks.Fuse.", mounter_name}), error_code))
LOG(ERROR) << "Cannot send FUSE mounter error code to UMA";
} // namespace cros_disks